Search: üzgün
3,291 stories
London Calling - Kuzgun/KuzDil

It's been nearly a year since Kuzgun and Dila married again and they have successful jobs and a happy normal life they always dreamed of. When an invitation to Dila's 10 year reunion is the topic of conversation, Kuzgun convinces her she will regret if they don't go and he desperately wants to know about her past in London. This 8 part fanfiction told from both POV's has teasing, flirting, angst, intensity, laughter, friends, jealously, possessiveness, protectiveness and more. This is written for my close friend @EgyptDiva who is achieving a great goal in life and this was my gift to express how proud I am of her. Of course as it's her gift so she has already read it, and because it's hers she is now sharing with all of you haha. DISCLAIMER; So you don't get excited, there is no pregnancy or kids in this story. I wrote this on my own and the only way I could ever write KuzDil babies and kids is if I had @EgyptDiva help.

6.6K 8 180 Full
Sweet and sad poems (tatlı ve üzgün şiirler)

İngilizce şiirler ve türkçe şiirler olucak

3.2K 17 79 Full
Kuzgun Season 2 Fanfic

This is about how I think season 2 of the Turkish show Kuzgun starts. I hope you will enjoy it. Waiting for your feedback with love.Please don't forget to vote if you like the story and leave your comments. I love reading them!Ratings:#1 Kuzgun #1 KuzDil#174 ask#9 dizi#27 turkishA big thank you to everyone ❤

15K 12 228
Siyah Kuzgun

En son cinayetini 10.03.2019 tarihinde işleyip ortadan kaybolan Siyah Kuzgun bir yıl boyunca arandı ve bulunamadığı icin yasal olarak ölü ilan edildi, peki yıllardır en profesyonel polislerin bile elinden kaçabilen bir seri katilin basit bir şekilde öldüğüne inanabilir misiniz?

69 6 0
Etnik Köken

Sizce gerçekten; Dünya' ya milliyetçi olmak için mi geldiniz? Yoksa insan olmak için mi geldiniz? Ben Türk, Kürt, İtalyan, İspanyol veya Fransız veya Afrikalı herhangi bir toplumun üyesi olmak için, altı üstü isim olan saçma bir kavram için mi Dünya' ya geldim? Yoksa BEN olmak için mi?

7 1 0 Full
İT İS HERE : İblisin Dönüşü

Bir ruh küçük bir rahibe çocuğuna en fazla ne yapabilir ki??ahh düşünmek bile istemezsin!...

43 2 7

Eğer yüz milyon getirmezsen Selen ölür

169 6 0
KuzDil : Filling in the blanks

From the moment we left Kuzgun and Dila in his car after leaving Ferman and the dark past behind them to their wedding, ever wonder what could have happened? Myself and @EgyptDiva from twitter came up with a few ideas from what we felt was missing and would have liked to have seen. Coming back to the neighborhood and the captain of our ship Cihan finally seeing the two back together, talking over their thoughts and feelings from that year without one another, finally talking to Kuzgun's family as a couple, tattoo talk and much more that I don't want to give away. I was hoping these scenes could fit in with what we already have...maybe our own little head canons?This is a 8 chapter FanFiction ☺️DISCLAIMER; I do not own these characters#1 Kuzgun#1 KuzDil

12.3K 8 284 Full
Ölü Zaman Gezginleri

Kaldı ki, kendi kendime bir açıklama yapsam bile, hangi kendime yapacaktım? Masanın birinde genç, birindeyse yaşlı ve yorgundum. Ben bana, ben bana bakıyordum. Daha sonra, bu bakışım sırasında, ayrı zamanların çakışmasından apayrı bir zaman mı doğdu pek bilemiyorum ama, birdenbire kendimle göz göze geldim.

207 7 3
Second Time's the Charm

Three years after Dila's fateful encounter with Kuzgun, she's finally ready to move on. But fate has other plans in store for the couple as Kuzgun returns, once again, to wreak havoc in her life. Spoilers for Season 1

9.7K 7 181
SeyFer'in Aşk Hikayesi

36 bolumden devam...

4.6K 13 132
Özür dilerim


1.7K 5 27
her geceye bir masal I aslaz texting

aynı üniversitede okuyup yeni mezun olmuş ve aslında yeni tanışan bir aslaz texting hikayesi.

61.4K 50 4.2K

Evet arkadaşlar psikopat kız psikopat oğlan serimizin 2. bölümüyle karşınızdayım umarım beğenirsiniz iyi okumalar...

5.4K 8 65