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chapter twenty-two: empty
2.3, ice pick

Spencer sat in class, rolling her own in between her fingers as she groans, not wanting to be in the man's class. Having an off feeling, Spencer gets up, walking up to the teachers desk, "Can I go to the bathroom?" She asks, he nods, watching her go.

Spencer sighs, walking to the room where she felt it coming from, it wasn't a good feeling, she felt sick, almost.

Her eyes widen in realization, she knew this feeling, it had been explained to her multiple times by her old best friend, watching as he hands begin to shake, she takes off running to the gym, catching the blonde right on time.

Laying her on the ground and quickly getting her on her side as she begins to seize. Erica quickly grabs for Spencer's hand, as she shakes. "How'd you know?" Scott asks, "I felt it." She answers, holding the girl she used to love dearly in her arms.


Spencer sighs, she had texted Erica's phone multiple times, not wanting to resort to calling her mother in case she hadn't told her.

Pacing around her room, Spencer was just waiting for a text back. The two might not've been the best of friends currently, but they used to be. They used to be best friends, that is until freshman year. When Erica dropped Spencer.

So when Cole started hanging around Spencer she was confused, especially because Cole and Erica were siblings, well, are siblings. So when Cole, Jackson, Winter, and Spencer became a group along with a couple other seniors, it confused a lot of people.

But either way, Spencer has always cared for Erica, whether they were just being friendly or being best friends, Spencer is always going to care about Erica.

Knowing there's a big possibility that she's not going to get a response, she throws her phone at her bed and sighs frustratedly.


Spencer walked up to her brother who was sitting with Boyd, "Hey Boyd!" She smiles, glaring at her brother who was trying chest him out of his money, "Here you go." She says, taking out a $20 bill and laying it beside the $40 Stiles had already laid down.

"Thank you, Spencer." Boyd smiles up at her, handing her the keys. "No problem." She says, shaking Stiles on the back of the head making him whine. "Oh shut up." Spencer rolls her eyes, going to join Scott.

"Got 'em." Spencer says, placing them on the table, smiling at Scott, and leaving the lunch room to find Winter as they were going to go meet up with Akari for lunch.

Spencer finds Winter, "Winnie, hey! You ready to go?" Spencer asks, leaning up against the lockers beside hers. "Yep." She nods, "We're eating at the cafe right?" Spencer asks as the two walk out of the school building.

Winter nods, "Yep." She then smirks, "And then apparently your aunt and her boyfriend are coming to town soon." She teases. Spencer groans, "Ugh, don't remind me." She states

"What'd Aunt Akari say? There's a 7 year age gap." Winter states, Spencer smirks, "What can I say? I like mine older too." She states, giving her a look. "Oh trust me, I remember." Winter tells her pointedly.

"Spencer and Cole, sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g." Winter sings teasingly, "It wasn't just kissing." Spencer winks, giggling at her own joke as Winter joins in.

The two make it to Spencer car, watching as a blonde walks out and get into Derek Hales car. "That's Erica." Spencer states, "Veronica must've had fun with that." Winter speaks up, her tone laced with jealousy.

"Ehh, you could do better. And I'll make sure of it." Spencer smiles, getting into the drivers seat as Winter gets into the passenger seat. Winter gives Spencer a look, "We'll talk about it later." Spencer tells her.

Spencer pulls out, getting in front of Derek, Spencer looks over at Winter, reaching to turn up the song as they get onto the highway, Spencer obviously speed, because when doesn't she.

The two began whispering under the music, making sure no werewolf could hear them. "I thought he told you he wouldn't turn any for a while?" Winter asks, "He did." Spencer nods, "But two can play at that game." Spencer smiles, looking over at her.

"Yes!" She exclaims, "I won't be the only one anymore." She says happily. "And I have the perfect place for our meeting place. Somewhere no one would ever figure out." Winter looks over at her, the two coming up with ideas of who they could ask if they wanted it.


Β  Β Β  Spencer held a flashlight in her hand as she shined the light onto the abandoned building. "Wait! Spence." She hears the raven haired girl call after her. "I'll be fine, Winnie." She says, walking into the building farther.

Pointing the light around the large building Spencer finds vines spreading up the walls on the inside. It wasn't an actual building, it was a parking garage that had just suddenly been stopped building on.

There was no reason to stopping building that garage, but this was where Spencer had started hanging out in her freshman year. With Cole.

Brushing past a couple of vines Spencer steps out to her favorite place she used to love to be at, the ledge. Not only was it her comfort place, but it had a beautiful view.

"Spencer!" Winter yells for her, stopping in her tracks as she sees the breathtaking view. "Now I know why you and Cole came up here every night." Winter states, doing a spin as she continues to look at the beautiful flowers that had began to grow on the vines.

"Yeah." Spencer whispers, sitting down on the ledge and turning as her legs dangle over, leaning over on the beam beside her. "I'm glad this is where we'll be staying in our free time." Winter smiles, walking over to the ledge and leaning forward beside Spencer.

"Me too." Spencer smiles, looking over at the one person that she had come to love again, platonically of course. The one person who knew everything about her, whether she's actually said it or not.


Β  Β Β  Spencer was sitting with Winter in the art room before Stiles comes and grabs both the girls by their backpacks and drags them out.

Quickly speed walking over to Scott in the cafeteria, Stiles finally drops his hold on the two girls who had been hitting his hand repeatedly.

"Scott." He says, falling slightly forward, catching himself with Scott's shoulder. Pointing the table in front of them, "Do you see that?" Stiles asks.

Scott looks over, Winter and Spencer doing the same, "What. It's an empty table." Scott tells him, shrugging his shoulders. "It's Boyd's empty table." Spencer says, knowing exactly where the boy sits by heart as she would occasionally sit with him.

Scott's head snaps to Spencer, the two sharing the same thought. Boyd's next.


Β  Β Β  Spencer and Winter walk out the doors, going to go ask his cousin, Ryder, about where he could be. Walking down the stairs from the locker room to the flag football field, Spencer leading as Winter follows.

"Ryder!" Spencer yells, calling out for the boy. The boy turns around at the sound of his name, having just thrown the ball to one of their teammates. "Oh, hey Spencer!" He smiles, walking over to the two, telling their teammate he'd be back in a second.

The three meet each other, "What do you two need?" He asks, a smile on his face, "Oh, I was just wondering if you'd know where Boyd is. Do you?" Spencer asks, a smile on her face.

"Umm, not exactly, but he might be at the ice rink... there's nowhere else he really hangs around." Ryder tells them.

"Great. Thank you." Winter smiles at him, "Not a problem." Ryder smiles, walking back to the field, Spencer and Winter turn on their heels, pulling out her phone Spencer calls Scott only to not get an answer.

"He's at the ice rink." Spencer tells Winter, looking back at her. "Come on. Let's go." Winter hurries the two sprinting to Spencer's car as well as they can, Winter wearing heals and Spencer wearing heeled boots.


Β  Β Β  Spencer quietly sneaks in the back of the ice skating rink, sneakily walking out to the glass she finds Derek standing on top of Scott, on foot on his neck as Scott struggles to breathe.

Opening the back door, she slips through, throwing her hand towards Derek makes him fly off of Scott, hitting against the glass as he lands. "Wow. That's new." Spencer says, looking down at her hands.

Looking up at the loud roar, she sees Derek on his feet again, stalking towards her as she quickly goes and stands in a protective stance in front of Scott, her eyes turning a red as she growls at Derek.

"Oh really?" She asks, watching as he begins to walk faster, obviously frustrated that Spence had thrown him. Throwing the first punch, Spencer had it easy enough to knee him in the crotch, taking his arm and flipping him over her.

Derek groans at the impact, watching as Spencer's hair flips over her body as she looks back at him. "Pick on someone your own size." She growls, not even having turned, she walks over to Scott as he groans and whines in pain.

"Don't. You don't want to be like them." Scott tells Boyd, walking over to him as he goes to leave with Derek and the other two betas. "You're right." Boyd nods, "I want to be like you." He states, lifting up his shirt, showing the new bite wound.

Spencer sighs, "You tried, and that's all that counts." She tells him, reaching for his hand to help him up. "Winters in the car by the way, so if you hear screaming it's her." Spencer tells him, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, her other arm going underneath him to help him walk.

Spencer smirks, hearing her pace of a heartbeat picking up as she said the raven haired girls name. "I love doing that." She mutters to herself, rolling her eyes at the girl who was getting easily irritated.


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it! And I also just wanted to say that I'm doing this new thing where I put all of one episode into a chapter, that's why these recent chapters have been so long, but I hope you guys enjoy them.

But that's going to be the end of episode 3, as well as chapter twenty-two.

And I don't know when the next time I'll update this story again, because I want to work on some other books that I have, but another chapter will hopefully be published before the end of this year.

Anyways, that's all, I hope you all have an incredibly awesome day, bye my lovelies!
