𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 π“π–π„ππ“π˜-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍

chapter twenty-seven: wolfsbane
2.8, raving

Spencer sat on the counter in the back room, "What's he doing here?" She hears Scott asks as he unlocks the door for the alpha and his beta. "I need him." Derek states vaguely as he walks in. By the smell Spencer could tell it was Issac.

"I don't trust him." Scott tells him, "Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either." Issac glares at him. "And, you know Derek really doesn't care." He tells the two, being done with them already

"Wow. Why are you all so annoying." Spencer states as she leans on the door frame by Deaton. "And where's the vet. Is he going to help us or not?" Derek asks, looking at Scott, ignoring Spencer's presence.

"That depends. Your friend, Jackson, are we planning to kill him or save him." Deaton asks, looking between Derek and Scott. "Kill him." "Save him" four voices say, Spencer gets hit on the back of the head, "Ahhh! Bitch." She says, turning around and seeing Cole standing behind her.

"Whore." He says back casually, Issac looks between them, very confused by their relationship. Scott looks over at Derek, "Save him." Scott tells him pointedly.

Derek looks at Scott before slowly turning to Deaton, telling him he agrees with Scott. "Save him." Deaton nods, walking into the back room, Spencer pushing the vampire out of her way as she walks back to her counter, Cole moving over to lean against.

Spencer lets out a huff of air, annoyed that he was leaning on her, but doesn't say anything. The three other werewolves were leaning on the other side of the table as Deaton brings out a wooden tray that had glass jars.

Deaton had his back to Cole and Spencer, so they could still see, since the three werewolves were lined up in the other side, making a barricade. Issac goes to touch something but Derek is quick to grab his hand, "Watch what you touch." He tells him, moving his hand down.

Deaton picks up one of the jars, but puts it down as Issac leans down onto the table, "So, what are you some kinda, witch?" Issac asks, looking at the man. Deaton looks down at the boy, "No, I'm a veterinarian." He tells him, Issac nods as Deaton puts down another one of his jars.

"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against the paralytic toxin." Deaton tells them, looking between them. "We're open to suggestions." Derek tells him.

"What about an effective offense?" Spencer asks, pushing Cole away as she does so, so she can hop off the counter and walk up to the table beside Deaton. "I nearly took its head off, and argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up." Derek states, looking at Spencer.

"Has it shown any weaknesses?" Deaton asks, "Well, one β€” it can't swim." Spencer tells him, Deaton looks over at Spencer, "Does that go for Jackson as well?" He asks her, she shakes her head, "No, he's the captain of the swim team." She answers.

"Essentially you're trying to catch two people." He tells the five of them, looking between all of them as he turns around and goes to one of his drawers. Turning back, he holds up a coin, "A puppet.. and a puppeteer." He tells them, moving the coin down laying it on the table.

"One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife. Do we know why?" Deaton asks, "I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too." Scott tells them, looking right as Deaton, "And she was maybe murdered, they never actually found out what exactly happened." She tells them, all attention on her.

"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Issac asks, Cole agreeing with him. "The kanima kills murders, if Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too." Issac states.

"Does that mean your father was a murderer?" Scott asks, "Wouldn't surprise me if he was." Issac shrugs, "Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right? What if the fear of water isn't from Jackson, but from the person controlling him?" Deaton asks, looking between the two alphas and Scott.

Deaton holds up his finger, "What if.." he trails off, looking through his jars, picking up a jar and opening it and showing the group the picture on the front, "Soemthing that affects the kanima also affects its master?" He asks, pouring a small barrier around the coin.

"Meaning what?" Issac asks, looking up at the man, "Meaning we can catch them." Scott answers, "Both of them." Spencer adds, the two sharing a look as they do so.


Spencer stood by Stiles and Scott, they had finally gotten out of school, and were free to do what they wanted. The boys were having a hard time finding tickets while Winter had gotten them tickets last Monday because she was going to drag them there no matter what β€” well, at least try to.

"Ketamine?" Scott asks seeing the vile that Deaton holds, "It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage." Deaton informs them. Placing them on the metal table in from or them as well with a bag of the something.

"If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him down enough to buy you some time." Deaton says, leaning off the table and grabbing the jar from last night, "This is some of what you'll use to create the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles." Deaton says, pointing at Stiles.

He places the jar down, "Only you." He tells him, the three are quiet until Stiles speaks up, "Uh.. that sounds like a lot of pressure." Grabbing the jar, he begins to examine it, "Can we maybe find a slightly less pressure-filled task for me?" He asks, pointing to himself.

Spencer and Scott both turn to Stiles, he just kinda shrugs, "It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural. This office is lined with ash wood, making it difficult for someone like Scott to cause me any trouble." Deaton tells the three.

"Okay, so then what?" Stiles asks, "I just spread this around the whole building and then either Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?" He asks with a shrug.

Deaton nods, "They'll be trapped." Stiles nods, "Doesn't sound to hard." Scott states as Stiles puts his hands on his hips. "Not all there is. Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it. You need to be that spark, Stiles." Deaton tells him.

"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that." He states sarcastically, earning an eye roll from Spencer and a look from Scott. Deaton chuckles a little, "Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf, I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go." He tells them.

"They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish." Deaton tells him, Stiles nods slightly, "Force of Will." He says, looking down.

"If this is going to work Stiles, you have to believe it." Deaton tells him, getting his attention again. Stiles nods, doing a big inhale and doing the same thing Deaton had just done. "Mhm-Mm." He hums.


Spencer makes her way through the building, Ryder and Winter following behind her as they walk into the main room. Winter had gotten Spencer to dress up, she wore a maroon skin tight skirt with a white crop top.

"Come on, let's go dance." Winter says, grabbing Spencer and Ryders hand sand dragging them into the dancing bodies.

Having heard gunshots, Spencer leaves her pack to have fun and keep an eye out for Jackson while she goes to investigate.

Walking out of the building, as the hunters reload, Spencer sees Boyd run out from behind a trash can, taking out one of the guys, while Derek rolls off of the dumpster and kicks the another one in the face.

Spencer takes the other three with her powers and throws them against the wall, knocking them out cold. Boyd takes down another one while one of the okay ones electrocute Derek.

Throwing a powerful force of energy his way, he hits the wall a little harder than expected, blood was dripping out of his skull. "Fuck." Spencer mutters, Ryder was in the building.

Spencer hid behind the dumpster with Boyd and Derek, "I think I stopped healing." Boyd says weakly. "Bullets β€” they're laced with wolfsbane." Derek tells him, "You gotta go, take the car." Derek tells him, nodding towards the car.

"What about you?" Boyd asks, "I've got him, he'll be fine." Spencer assures the beta. Derek looks up at her, like he hadn't expected her to say that. "Go." Spencer tells him, watching as he slowly looks to get paler and paler, "Go." She demands.

As a lot of people begin to file out of the building, Spencer and Derek jog to the entrance, "I'm really regretting my decision to wear this." She sighs, coming to a stop beside her brother, "Hey, at least it wasn't heels." He tells her, only hearing the end part of whatever she had been saying.

Spencer only rolls her eyes, but she was glad she was wearing her Nike blazers, they were comfortable. "Umm, so, we kinda lost Jackson inside, but it's β€”" he cuts himself off as Issac, Erica, Veronica, Winter, and Ryder all walk out. The five of them all look at the barrier.

"Oh my hod! It's working! Oh, this isβ€” I did something." He celebrates, happy that he could help. Hearing a howl, "Scott?" Both Derek and Spencer chorus.

"What?" Stiles asks, looking over at the two. "Break it." Derek demands, "What? No way." Stiles denies. "Scott's dying!" Derek yells, "Okay, what, how do you know that?" Stiles asks.

"Stiles, just break the damn thing!" Spencer yells at him, Stiles drops to his knees, breaking the barrier, and as soon as he does, Spencer and Derek are over the barrier and running into the building.

They run to this room, opening the door, they're hit with wolfsbane in the air. Someone comes up from behind and stabs both Spencer and Derek in the back, turning around Derek tries to fight her, but with that much wolfsbane, it was hard to even think for the three werewolves.

Derek growls as he gets thrown across the room, Spencer was next landing in front of Derek, and as he gets up, they make eye contact. Helping Spencer up, they both go over to Scott to help him out, he had been in the room longest, and yet he was still holding on.


Spencer sat beside Derek as Deaton worked to patch Scott up as he was still out from the wolfsbane. Scott slowly came to, opening his eyes for a second, only to shut them. "Thank you." Derek tells Deaton as Spencer slowly leans onto him. Slowly falling onto his lap.

With how much power she had had in the last 3 hours, and then getting poisoned was really starting to catch up with her. Derek doesn't seem to mind as he slowly moves his hand to caress her neck β€” which puts Spencer to sleep in an instant.


That's the end of chapter twenty-seven, and now there's only 4 chapters left of this act! Can you believe it? I can't. I gotta be honest, I can't wait for season 3, because some new characters are going to be showing up, again, and some people are going to be getting together.

Anyways, bye my lovelies! I hope you all have a wonderful day!
