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chapter twenty-five: ruined moment
2.6, frenemy

Spencer jogged beside Stiles as they caught up with Scott, who was just chasing Jackson β€” the kanima β€” Spencer hadn't joined Scott and Derek chasing after him, she didn't want to leave her brother defenseless.

Scott jumps as Stiles almost runs into him, Spencer having slowed down a couple feet away. "Sorry, I'm sorry." Stile apologizes, leaning away in case Scott felt like swinging.

"Did you see where he went?" Spencer asks, coming to a stop beside her brother as Scott leans his head back, "I lost him." Scott mutters to the two. "What? You couldn't catch his scent?" Stiles asks, Scott shakes his head, "I don't think he has one."

Stiles sighs, "All right, any clue where he's going?" He asks, Spencer turns to him, an incredulous look on her face, "To kill someone." Scott states the obvious as Spencer shoves her hands into the pockets of her leather jacket.

"Ah! That explains the claws and the fangs and all that." Stiles tells him sarcastically, "Good. Makes perfect sense now." Scott looks back at Stiles, giving him a 'really?' look.

"What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bone, okay? Sarcasm is my only defense." Stiles tells him, Spencer sighs, backing away from the two, trying to find where Jackson had gone. "Just help me find it." Scott tells him.

Stiles shakes his head, "Not it, Jackson." He reminds the werewolf. Scott sighs, looking down at his feet, "Yeah. I know. I know." He states, looking back at the entrance.

"All right, but does he know that?" Stiles asks, not getting a response from either Spencer or Scott, "Did anybody see him back at your house?" He asks, this time actually getting an answer.

"I mean, I don't think so, but he's already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott states, looking back at the siblings. "Yeah, but that's just the thing. How did he pass the test?" Spencer asks.

"I don't know." He tells her, shaking his head, "Maybe it's like an either-or thing." Stiles says, looking around. Seeing Scott turn to him he turns to their best friend. "I mean, Derek said that a snake can't be poisoned by its own venom, right?" Stiles tells him, "When's the kanima not the kanima?"

Scott turns, think about the answer, "When it's Jackson." Spencer answers the question, finally actually taking a second to look around with the new quietness.

Turning to Stiles who seems to be looking up and pointing β€” somewhat β€” "Uh.. dude." Stiles says, getting Scott's attention as Spencer looks up, seeing a tail swaying through an open window.

Scott leans off the wall, walking over to where Spencer and Stiles had backed up to. "See that?" He asks, the tail disappearing as Jackson enters the building. "He's inside." Scott states the obvious.

"What's he gonna do in there?" Stiles asks, looking between his werewolf companions. Spencer looks around, "I know who he's after." She tells the two. "What, how? How? Did you smell something?" Stiles question the girl.

"No. He's standing right there." She states, pointing to Danny, who stood across from them, getting his id checked β€” it was obviously a fake, to the teenagers at least β€” Danny gets his id back and make his way inside the brick building.


Spencer had bowed out on going into the club β€” having known exactly what kind of club it was, a gay club β€” not that she had anything against gay people, she just knows they can get really out of hand when they're drunk. Though, a lot people tend to get out of hand when they're drunk.

And, Cole called, wanting her to meet with her pack. To train. He just wanted to see his ex-best friend in action. See how well she's been doing in the last year. And that apparently the older women wanted to have a chat.

Spencer laughed at that, making a joke about how Cole was dating a 36 year old woman. The boy only sighed at this, giving his "We'll talk about this later" to which, Spencer knew something was up.

But that could be held off β€” for now at least β€” Spencer would later bombard him with questions, but for now, she was in the middle of fighting both Winter and Ryder.

Ryder hissed at her, his fangs showing as gray veins grow under his eyes, trying to use one of his abilities β€” vamp speed β€” Spencer hits him at the right spot, making him run into the wall since he didn't know how to stop.

Right, now might be a good time to say that Ryder was a vampire. The boy hadn't shown signs of even turning, but the bite had healed extremely quickly β€” so that was promising β€” but then he got more abilities that no werewolf had. Like his gums hurting, and just all of a sudden really hungry, needing something to eat. But nothing helped.

That is until Cole showed up in town, and his vampire self could sense another vampire, and helped out Ryder, telling him, Winter, and Akari what he was. Spencer only finding out once she got to their abandoned building.

Cole chuckles at the boy laying on the floor on his back, "Low blow Spence." He states as the girl focuses on Winter, who she had been training with β€” Akari gave the girl her nunchucks, the ones that were passed down through generations for the earth kitsune β€” Spencer using her powers, she pushes her hand to Winter, not touching her but a purple force throws the girl back, hitting a wall.

"Whoa.." Spencer hears a new voice, but is distracted by Cole slow clapping as he walks towards her, "Your aunt was right. You are learning." He states, towering over the girl, his arms crossing over his chest.

Spencer rolls her eyes, standing up right from her fighting stance. "What's with the condescending clapping?" She asks, her eyes trained on the boy. He leans down, a smirk growing on his face β€” "You could never beat me."

Spencer raises an eyebrow, challenging him, "Sorry to ruin the moment.. but, uh, we could use some help." Another voice says, not hearing either Winter or Ryder, Spencer snaps her head to it. Derek stood there, glaring at Cole. "Ahh, so you're finally ready to be friends. Or at least acquaintances." Spencer says, Turning fully to the man.

"See, look at that. Already backing down." Cole states, not seeing his sister or her facial expression. He was focused on Spencer. The girl quickly drops down, swiping his feet out from underneath him, standing back up on her own two feet, she smiles down at him condescendingly, "Aww, sorry. Didn't see you there."

"Spencer." Derek states, the girls eyes snap to him, "What?" She shrugs, grabbing her water bottle, completely forgetting what she was wearing β€” a sports bra and some leggings. It's what she typically worked out in. And she hadn't expected visitors.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She asks, walking over to a clean table and grabbing the jacket sitting on the table and sliding it on, zipping it up. It was a bit big, but it was better than standing there half naked.

"Veronica, she's passed out in the car and she won't wake up." He tells her, "How long?" She asks simply, "20-30 minutes." He tells her. Spencer nods, "Ok, we've got to get her to Akari." She states, walking over and helping Winter up first, and then Ryder while Cole finally notices his sister.

"Shit." He mutters, seeing the girls eyes well up with tears, "Cole?" She asks.


Β  Β Β  Spencer, Winter, Ryder, and Cole all played just dance, Issac, Boyd, and Erica watching them as they have fun with their alpha. Derek would never do this for them. Hell, as soon as they got her, Spencer checked Winter and Ryder over to make sure she hadn't hurt them, or if they had already healed from it.

She didn't break their bones, she just helped them. In her own way β€” it wasn't a soft way β€” it was more like she actually cared for the them and looked out for them. Had Derek cared about them, half the time they couldn't tell, but there were his moments were soft Derek came out. But he always looked out for them, no matter what.

Spencer and Cole were on a team while Ryder and Winter were working together. The two girls hadn't wanted to put the two vampires on a team, because that's just unfair to them.

Not hearing the door open, the four playing continued to, but the other three werewolves turned to see an awake Veronica, Derek, and Akari walk out.

Veronica quickly walks over to Erica, sitting down beside her and cuddling up to her. She hadn't liked not waking up in a room with Derek and a stranger. All while Derek's eyes lingered on Spencer and Cole as they celebrated their win. "She's a good alpha, isn't she?" Akari asks, standing beside the younger man.

Derek doesn't say anything, continuing to watch the two interact, he didn't like how close they were β€” and he was definitely not jealous β€” at least that's what he kept telling himself. Maybe he had been falling for her before he betrayed her trust. "She's almost as good as your mom." She tells him, looking up at him as Derek's eyes snap to her.

"You knew my mom?" He asks her, Akari just nods, "I knew her father and mother too." She tells him, looking back at Spencer, Derek doing the same. "Don't you mean know?" He asks her, "No." she shakes her head. "Is that how she's a .." he ask, getting a head nod from Akari.

Derek sighs, leaning down on the couch in front of them, his eyes traveling to the screen, "Does she know?" He asks, "Yea. She knows his name too, but had no idea who he is."

Derek turns to her cautiously, "What's his name?" He ask, Akari turns to him, their eyes locking β€” "You might've heard dog him actually." She says, giving him a pointed look, "It's Deucalion Lennox." She tells him. Derek's eyes widen, turning back to the Stilinski girl.

Akari turns around, heading towards the dining room where Melody had been hiding out. "Wait, is there more?" He asks, "That's a talk you need to have with her. Later though." She tells him, entering the dining room.


Spencer walks the halls, Winter and Ryder walking behind her, the girl was worried. The two pack members could tell, "Scott! Scott!" She yells, walking a little faster to catch up with him. "Spen-Spencer, hey." Scott says, obviously nervous.

Spencer raises her eyebrow, "Where's Stiles?" She asks, stopping in front of him. "Um.. I don't-don't know." He says, he couldn't lie to the girl in front of him, and it was showing. "Scott." She states, her voice in a harsher tone.

"Fine. We, ..uh.. kinda did a thing.." he tells her, trailing off, "What'd you two do?" She asks pointedly, he leans in closer, whispering in the girls ear. "You did what!" She yells at him, gaining the attention of some students in the hallway.

"Spence." Winter states, trying to calm the girl, Spencer takes in a deep breath, looking at Scott once again. "Why? Why would you do that?" She asks him, "Well, so he wouldn't hurt anyone and we would know where he was." He tells her.

"And you left Stiles with him?" She asks, "Huh. That really wasn't a good idea on my part." He chuckles nervously. Spencer sighs, turning on her heel and walking away from Scott, fighting every urge to hurt Scott.


Hey lovelies! Happy New Years guys! I just thought that I should start this year with my lovely Spencer.

So Spencer doesn't know a lot about her father, but in some later chapters she's going to learn more about him as well as her mom and her aunt Melody. I hope y'all are ready for those talks.

To be honest, I'm low key not because a lot will be happening.
