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chapter twenty: grudges
2.1, omega

Β  Β Β  It's a quiet evening in the Stilinski household as Spencer did some assignments. Stiles was still at the hospital, checking on Lydia so the house was all Spencer's.

Spencer stared up at the mirror that she had on the wall in front of her desk. Clicking the pen as she bites her tongue, she sees her eyes flash red, signaling her that another supernatural is in the vicinity.

Spencer swayed around in her desk chair, facing her window, her curtains flowing in the wind. "You know, you could've come in my house through the door right?" She asks, "Well that would've ruined the surprise." The man comments, a cheeky smile on his face.

Spencer smiles, "Hi Cole." She says, getting out of her chair, only for him to speed to her and pick her up in a hug. "I was happy when you called." Cole tells her. "I was happy when I remembered." She remarked as he sets her down.

"Yeah..." Cole trails off, "Sorry about that. But we both agreed that it was for the best." He tells her pointedly, "Yea, Yea. Whatever." She waves it off.

"Did you miss me?" Cole laughs as Spencer goes in for another hug. "Yes." She tells him, "How could I not miss my best friend." A smile plastered on both of their faces.

A scream echos through the night sky, taking Spencer out of her day dream. "Lydia?" Spencer asks, standing to her feet and quickly moving to her window as she sticks her head out of it.

A ding from her phone in her pocket has Spencer moving to get it out. Once seeing her screen she sees she had a text from Stiles.

Spencer begins to read the message, hey Spence, going to need your help! Lydia went to shower and then left out the window. Clothes optional, so be at the hospital ASAP!

Spencer sighs, knowing she needs to stop fantasizing about her best friend coming back and get back into the real world.

Spencer does just that, shrugging on her jacket and leaving her room. Grabbing her keys out of the bowl at the door, Spencer walks out to her car.

Getting into the drivers seat, she puts her car in gear and backs out of the driveway, heading to the hospital.


Β  Β Β  Spencer had just made it to the hospital after walking around the block so her dad wouldn't see her car in the parking lot when he goes to leave.

Both the Stilinski siblings were walking to the blue Jeep, hoping into the back, Stiles gets in behind her. Shutting the door behind him, Spencer watches as Scott begins to look at the hospital gown that Stiles had just handed him.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott asks, glancing over at his best friend. Stiles sighs, nodding his head, "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Scott reassures Stiles.

"All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." Stiles demands, getting antsy by the fact that Lydia is still missing. Starting the engine "W-Wow!" Stiles mutters as the head lights flip on, and Allison stands in from them.

Running around to the passenger side of the Jeep, "What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us!" Scott tells her, alarmed by the two being seen in public.

"I don't care-- she's my best friend, and we need to find her before they do." Allison denies, being just as demanding as Stiles was minutes prior. "I can find her before the cops can." Scott reassures.

"How about before my father does?" Allison retorts, staring him dead in the eyes. "He knows???" Stiles asks exasperatedly, his mouth agape as he turns to look out his windshield as Allison continues. "Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs."

"...Search party." Scott comes to the conclusion, "It's probably more like a hunting party." Spencer states, gaining a nod of agreement from Allison. Scott looks back at Spencer, not expecting her to say that.

"Get in." Scott says, opening the door to let her in. Allison crawls over him as she moves to the back to sit beside Spencer.

Stiles reverses his Jeep, his tires screeching as he gets onto the road. "All right, but if she's turning, would they actually kill her?" Stiles asks, glancing back at Allison's for answers.

"I don't know." Allison's answer with a shrug, "They won't tell me anything, okay? All they say is, "We'll talk after Kate's funeral, when the others get here."" She finishes, growing more worried by the second.

"What others?" Spencer asks, looking over at the girl. "I don't know, they won't tell me that yet." Allison answers her frustrated that she didn't know the answers.

"Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." Stiles states as he continues to drive.

"Scott, are we going the right way?" Stiles asks, looking over at his best friend who has his head stuck out the window tracking Lydia's scent. Spencer would've been helping him, but only Stiles and Scott knows about her. And of course Derek.

"Take the next right!" Scott yells back. The Jeeps tires screech as he does so, Allison falling at the fast pace of the Jeep, Spencer catching her easily. "Thanks." Allison states, smiling at the girl. "You're welcome."


Β  Β Β  The group of four walk in silence, the twins towards the front of the group β€” Stiles leading β€” while Allison and Scott are at the back of the group. "She came here? You sure?" Stiles asks, looking at his best friend.

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads." Scott answers, the short haired brunette looks towards his sister discreetly, looking for her input. "Yep." She mouths.

Spencer sighs, "All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" She asks, looking between Scott and Stiles, knowing either of them would know the answer.

"Not with me." Allison answers, looking around the woods, all the bad memories from that night coming back. It was silent for a second, "Maybe she came here on instinct-- like she was looking for Derek?" Spencer hears Allison whisper.

"You mean, looking for an Alpha." Scott states, looking over at Allison. "Wolves need a pack, right?" Allison asks, making sure her facts are right. "Not all of them..." Scott trails off, gesturing to himself.

Spencer rolls her eyes as she decides to block them out and continue to try and help Stiles by looking for the redhead.

"Whoa, hey! Look at this! You see this? I think it's a tripwire." Stiles says as he messes with the wire. Allison walks over, bending down to look at the wire as he trips it.

Spencer gasps, slapping her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughs as she watches Scott dangle. "Stiles." Scott states, "Yeah, buddy." He says, looking back at him only to see him dangling, "...Oh." He trails off.

Stiles and Allison glance over at Spencer who's struggling to keep it together. "Next time you see a tripwire? Don't trip it." Scott tells him.

"Yeah, noted..." Stiles nods, him, Allison, and Spencer walking over to help him down only to be stopped by Scott. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Someone's coming! Hide!"

The three all look around for somewhere to hide, "Go!" Scott demands. The three all split, going to go hide behind a different tree, not only because they wouldn't all fit behind one tree, but because they all had different ideas.

"Scott?" Spencer hears, as well as the leave crunching under someone's boots. "Mr. Argent..." Scott trails off tiredly.

"How are you doing?" the man asks fakely, l anting down to look the boy in the eye. "Good. You know, just hangin' out." Scott states in a joking tone.

A smile makes its way onto Spencer's face as she tries to suppress a laugh, successfully. Finding the rest of the two's conversation boring, Spencer begins to block them out.

It wasn't until she heard the crunch of boots leaving before she zoned back in, moving out from behind the tree, she walks over, standing beside Allison and Stiles.

"Are you okay?" Allison speaks up, looking at her boyfriend. Scott nods, the best that he can, "Just another life-threatening conversation with your dad..." Scott tells her, his eyes only on Allison.

Allison's eyes trail up the wire, looking for the end of the wire to get him down. "Stiles, help me with this." Allison tells him, walking over to the tree that everything was set up on.

Scott looks over at Spencer, asking her to cut it. Quietly sighing she walks over, only making her index claw grow and cutting the wire. "Thanks..." He mutters to her, then adds, "...But I think I got it." So it didn't seem suspicious.

"Yeah." Stiles states, his hands falling back down to his sides, looking back at Allison as she chuckles. Beginning to walk off, Spencer following him, only to take the lead as he turns back around to ask, "Comin'?"


Spencer sat by herself as she stared at the board that the teacher had put notes for the class to write down, which she had. Her brain was going over the things that her and Stiles had gotten their father to tell them, or at least what Stiles overheard on the radio.

Spencer watches out of the corner of her eye Veronica enter, but sit far away from the girl, but she wasn't complaining. She had smelt the werewolf smell on her a couple days ago, when they were both at the gas station.

What Spencer didn't expect was for Winter to walk by Veronica, not even paying her attention, and walk over to Spencer, smiling kindly at her as she takes a seat behind her. "You too, huh?" She asks.

Spencer smirks, hearing the scoff come from Veronica. "Yep." She nods, turning back to look at Winter, "Did y'all break up or something?" She asks.

"Yea.." Winter trails off, glancing at the Enzo girl behind them, "But it's for the best, especially since she's been ignoring me since the Winter Formal." She states.

"That's my girl." Spencer smiles, feeling eyes burning into her head. Spencer does the secret handshake the two have had since Winter first moved to Beacon Hills High when they were freshmen.

Turning around in her seat, Spencer smirks as she comes eye to eye with Veronica, who seemed to be seething at the mere fact that Spencer and Winter were friends again.

And also maybe the fact that her ex-girlfriend just chose her ex-best friend over her. Spencer winks at Veronica, who turns around begrudgingly, turning to aggressively write her notes.


Β  Β Β  Spencer stood in the middle of the locker room that linked the boys and girls locker room, where Coach Taylor and Coach Jim's offices set. "Gather around people!" Coach Taylor yells, walking out of her office, the crest symbol painted on the floor in front of her office.

Girls and boys come pulling out to hear what their coach had to say, "As you all know, Lydia Martin has gone missing, and Spencer and her father have come to inform Coach Jim and I that they are looking for volunteers to help look for her." She explains, waving around a clip board.

"Please consider signing up to help find her." She says, hanging the clip board on a nail between the windows of her and Coach Jim's offices.

Only two people go and sign their names, Spencer's already being on it after talking with her father about it. "And if you do, Coach Jim will give you an automatic A in his class." Spencer speaks up, making the whole team go up and sign up.

"Spencer what the hell!" Coach Jim yells, "That is only if you find Lydia. And half of you have already signed up, no take backs." She smiles, causing multiple groans to be heard throughout the locker rooms.

Coach Taylor chuckles at the girl, "That's my girl." She smiles, giving the girl a high five as she walks back into her office.

Spencer smiles to herself, walking away as Coach Jim also goes into Coach Taylor's office, closing the door and the blinds. The girl smirks to herself, Coach Savanna Taylor and Jim Taylor.

The girl cringes to herself as she walks as far away from the locker room as she can as she hears some.. noises.


Spencer sat in math class, ignoring whatever the teacher was saying. Having finished her quiz from earlier, she stands up, walking to his desk, "May I go to the restroom?" She asks politely, making sure to add may as this was the teacher that would say something.

"Yes, go ahead." He states, "Don't forget the hall pass." He calls after her, but knows she had left before he could say that. He sighs, knowing there's a big possibility to her skipping the rest of the day.

In her defense it was her 6th hour, her last class of the day, basically. She only had two study halls back on back after it. Knowing it was just a quiz day in math, Spencer had left her bag in her car, making a quicker get away.

Walking to the girls bathroom like she said she would, she walks in humming a Taylor Swift song as she messes with her hair, suppressing the urge to flash her eyes β€” signaling another supernatural in the room.

Hearing a heartbeat from one of the stalls she stays quiet, knowing it was a classmate. Watching as a blonde walks out of one of the stalls, "Oh, hey." The blonde girls says.

"Hi." Spencer greets back, a smile on her face. "Delilah, right?" She asks, the blonde girl nods, "Yep." She smiles. Spencer nods, turning back to the mirror, "What class you skipping?" Delilah asks shyly.

"Math." Spencer tells her, "Algebra 2 or pre calculus?" She asks, going to dry her hands, "Algebra 2, I don't understand why I take these classes so early." Spencer groans, answering the girl.

Delilah smiles, "I know who I'll be coming to with my Geometry work." She says, backing away from the bathroom as she bids Spencer a goodbye.

Spencer waits until Delilah's out of ear shot, backing away to look out the door, she moves the stand keeping the door open, letting it shut. "You know, I don't think your supposed to be in here." Spencer says, watching as the big stall opens, Derek walking out.

"Yea, well my beta told me she was pissed at you, and that you seemed pissed at me.. so I'm here to be peace maker." Derek states. "Aww, are you sure it wasn't for Jackson? Because I could've swore you were talking to him like 5 minutes ago." Spencer retort's innocently.

"Partly, but also because I don't need another alpha having a grudge against my beta." Derek state's pointedly as he watches Spencer, who seems to not care.

"Who has a grudge against who, because the last I thought I was just the bitch that she used to be friends with, but now I've got her ex-girlfriend.. soo that grudge is all on her." Spencer smiles, knowing she could hear Veronica's heartbeat raising from just standing there.

"Are you trying to make her angry?" He asks, "Oh, I'm doing more than trying." Spencer smirks, "I'm succeeding." She states, opening the door back up as she walks out, "What happened to the nice Spencer?" Derek calls after her.

"She died." She says, walking out of the glass doors, leaving the school building knowing Derek was right behind her.

Praying Stiles Jeep is unlocked, Spencer walks over, successfully opening the door. "Yes!" She whisper to herself, climbing into the passenger seat and grabbing her sunglasses as well as the Cheetos he had grabbed this morning.

Spencer shrugs, "He won't need them." She tells herself, knowing he has detention after school. "He won't need what?" Derek asks, popping up behind her.

"Why're you following me?" Spencer asks, getting out of his Jeep and closing the door behind her as she pops a Cheeto into her mouth.

"Do I really need to repeat myself?" He asks, "Other than the fact that I'm an alpha, blah blah blah, an alpha has a grudge on my beta, blah blah blah." She rolls her eyes at me.

"Since when did you become feisty?" Derek asks, not expecting an answer, "Since I figured out there's nothing to be afraid of about you.. especially because I could kick your ass." She states, getting into her car, smiling at the man as she drives away, leaving him stunned.


Spencer paced around her room, a black flip phone pressed to her ear as she looks up at the ceiling, continuously calling the one number on it.

Sighing, the girls tempted to throw it but stops herself knowing this could be the only way she could get into contact with Cole.

Sitting in her chair, Spencer looks down at the notes that she had written down. Some being about her life, being adopted. And now all she had to do was look for her parents names and life would get easier.

Or so she thought. Sneaking into Noah's offices wasn't the hardest part, the hardest part was finding a full box with Spencer's name on it. Inside were stacks on stacks of files, and a note on the top. It's in Noah's handwriting, all of it is.

I don't know when you'll find this, but it's you Spence, you always figure it out. I'm writing this so you don't get made at me, I'm planning to give this to you on your 18th birthday, when your out of school and can make the decision to go find your bio parents if you want to. Nothing holding you back.

If you do find this, I hope you're not pissed at me, and I just wanted to give you the best life after you were dropped at my doorstep.

I love you Spencer, you might not be my biological daughter, but I still love you like one. And I'm so incredibly glad that you were dropped off on my doorstep because I don't think I could've gone through life without. Or your brother Stiles.

I don't know how you're going to feel if you do end up finding this, but please just be honest with me and tell me, when you're ready, of course.

And if you have found this box and I haven't gotten all the information I could, please come to me and I'll help you, well do it together.

Love You. 2010

Spencer leans back on her heels as she looks up towards the ceiling trying to keep in the water works. She didn't expect the letter, nor to read Noah pouring his heart out to her.

Taking in a deep breath, tears slip down her cheeks as Spencer stands up and takes the box up to her room. She knew she'd be in tears for the rest of the night, reading more of Noah's letters from over the years.

Placing the box on her desk, she walks out to the hall closet, getting an extra box of tissues just in case, and walking right back into her room, shutting her door quietly.


Hey my lovelies! That's the end of this chapter! I'm sorry theirs so much going on this chapter but the sooner it happens the better. For the book at least.

Also you better know Spencer's about to hold that over Veronica's head😹

But that's going to be the end of episode 1 as well, I hope you all have an amazingly blessed day, bye lovelies!
