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chapter thirteen: who kills who?
1.06, heart monitor

The redheaded girl sat on her porch, her head resting on her knees as she picked at the grass. Her father had been hit by a car, and they had just made it home from the hospital. Though, Noah had gotten lucky, only some tissue damage.

Spencer sighs, she was pissed at Scott for not protecting Noah, though she did care for Allison's safety, it was still Spencer and Stiles' dad.

Spencer hadn't even changed out of her school clothes, she hadn't actually been home long enough to actually change, because when she was headed home, she had gotten the call from the hospital. She was his emergency contact.

The girl stands to her feet, pushing open the sliding glass door, Spencer steps in, quickly closing and locking it. Spencer's anxiety had spiked since she got the call. Looking out the door, she sees that there looks to be a man's shadow.

Squinting, Spencer doesn't see anyone, the girl just rubs her hands over her face, "I think I'm loosing my mind." She mutters to herself, "Or I need to calm down." She shrugs.

Pulling the curtains that cover the door, she makes sure the curtains are completely closed and heads up for her room. Closing her door behind her, locking it, Spencer heads for her closet to pick out her night clothes.

She picks out an oversized gray AC DC t-shirt and beige shorts that fit loosely on her. Walking over to her bed, Spencer flops down, and slowly slips into a deep slumber. Not noticing her getting watched by a certain Hale.


Spencer sat beside Veronica and Winter at the back of the room, Spencer was surrounded by the two, Spencer sat in the corner, Veronica beside her, and Winter in front of her.

Spencer was glaring at the back of Scott's head as he sat down behind her brother. Veronica glances over at her best friend, "Alright, I'll bite. What's the deal?" Winter asks, noticing that Veronica wasn't going to say anything.

"My dad..." Spencer trails off, not knowing where she was going with this, "he got hit by a car last night, and um, Scott saved Allison, instead of warning my dad." Spencer tells the two.

"So, was Allison in any danger?" Veronica asks, Spencer shakes her head, "Not that I know of." Spencer says, "But it's also good that Scott saved her." Spencer points out.

"So, what, you don't like him anymore?" Veronica asks, Spencer just shakes her head slightly, "I'll always love him, but now... I think it's more of a sibling love. Like the love I have with Stiles." Spencer tells them.

The three sit in silence as Spencer turns to look at them instead of glaring at the back of Scott's head. "T-That was deep." Winter comments, Veronica nods.

The two all turn back to the board, still silent, Veronica turns back to Spencer, "Wait..." Veronica trails off, "I have a question." Veronica says, looking at Spencer, who nods, telling her to continue, "Is there another guy?" Veronica asks.

Spencer stops, was there another guy? "Well, there's this hot guy, but he's kind of scary." Spencer tells him, telling them about Derek Hale. "So, you're scared of your crush?" Veronica asks, Spencer just nods.


Spencer walked out behind her brother and he who shall not be named. They were talking, though Spencer was still mad at him, she just continued to listen, bidding her goodbyes to Veronica and Winter.

"He wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles asks, walking out behind Scott and Spencer, and getting between the two. Scott nods, "Yeah..."

"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually me. Or Spencer." Stiles says sarcastically, the werewolf sighs, "I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?" Spencer asks, glancing over at Scott, before quickly turning away, not wanting to try and inflict harm. "I don't know. I don't think he does, either..." Scott trails off

"Okay. When are you seeing him again?" Stiles asks, holding out his hand, the Stilinski twins seemed to speak with their hands when they were frustrated or annoyed. "He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day." Scott tells the eldest twin.

Stiles gives him a look, lightly slapping him on the shoulder, stopping him "When?" Spencer walks around Stiles, being in the conversation. "He's picking me up at the animal clinic after work." Scott says

Stiles nods, "After work. All right. Well, that gives me to the end of the school day, then..." Stiles trails off, Scott frowns, not know what his best friend was planning, "To do what?"

"To teach you myself." Stiles tells him, looking around before walking off. "I'm not in this." Spencer raises her hand sin mock defense, then quickly pointing at Scott, "And I'm still pissed at you."

Turning on her heel, Spencer walks away, leaving Scott by himself as he calls out for Spencer, but doesn't actually chase after her. What a great friend.


Spencer currently sat at home, reading a book, per her fathers request. Though she'd told him if Stiles called she's going to him, seeing as he was out of the house, doing god knows what. Probably with Scott.

A ringing catches Spencer's attention, looking over at her phone, she flips it over from its face down position. It was Stiles, picking up the phone, Spencer answers and shoved the phone to her ear. "What's the problem?" She questions.

Spencer nods, "Wait, what?" She asks, she just sits quietly, "Alright, give me ten. I'll be there." Spencer says, placing her phone on her bed, Spencer gets up and replaces her shorts with black leggings. Spencer wore a dark green cropped cami, and just slides a brown cropped hoodie on over it.

Grabbing her keys off her desk, Spencer heads downstairs, stopping momentarily. She could just tell her dad that Stiles called, and him not worry if she's not here when he gets home. Fishing her phone out of her pocket, Spencer quickly texts her dad, before leaving the house and heading to her brother and Scott.


Spencer had just arrived at the school, seeing her brothers baby blue jeep. The one that was hers first. It was a great jeep and everything, it just wasn't something Spencer wanted to drive everyday, so Stiles took it, after Spencer had gotten her new car.

Parking her car, she hops out and walks closer to her brother and his best friend. "Hey!" She calls out, getting both of the boy's attention. Ignoring her, Stiles comments, "This is a terrible idea."

"Yeah, I know." Scott agrees, "But we're still gonna do it...?" Stiles questions, following Scott to his trunk to get the bolt cutters out, "Can you think of something better?" Scott questions.

Stiles shrugs, "Well, personally, I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away..." he trails off, Spencer shakes her head, "No, you're not." She comments.

Scott rolls his eyes at his two friends, "Just make sure we can get inside." He tells Stiles. Stiles walks away and goes to unlock the school doors. "He's here." Scott calls back to Stiles.

The three stop, watching as Derek gets out of his car. Stiles joining Scott and Spencer, "Where's my boss?" Scott asks, "He's in the back." Derek answers, nodding back to the back seat of his car.

Spencer looks around Derek, and into the back of his car. Deaton looked to be taped up, while his head was leaning on the window. "Oh, well, he looks comfortable." Stiles comments

"Wait--" Derek says, watching as Stiles and Scott head for the inside of the school, "Hey. What are you doing?" Derek questions. Spencer turns back to her friends, "You said I was linked with the Alpha-- I'm gonna see if you're right." Scott states.

Spencer watches as her brother and Scott walk into the school, Spencer turns back around. Keeping her eyes on Derek, she goes back over to her car. Grabbing her phone and her coffee, that was half full.

Spencer backs out of her car, taking a sip of the coffee, she shuts the door, Derek's head slowly turning toward her. Spencer, fighting the urge to flip off Derek, leans on the front of her car.

"ARRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOWOOOWOOWOWOWOWOWWOOOOOOO!" Spencer hears, snapping her head towards the school building. "What the fuck was that?" Spencer asks, turning to Derek. "A dying cat?" She questions. "You've got to be kidding me." Derek mutters, shaking his head.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!" They hear again, Spencer stumbles back, "Did that hurt?" Spencer asks, looking at Derek. The latter turns and glares at her, "Ok, sorry. Serious question." Spencer comments.


Stiles and Scott exit the building, smiling dumbly at each other. "I'm gonna kill both of you!" Derek exclaims, walking up to them. "What the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"

Scott looks around sheepishly, "Sorry... I didn't know it would be that loud..." he trails off. "Yeah, it was loud... and it was AWESOME!" Stiles yells excitedly. "Shut up." Derek tells him.

"Don't be such a sour-wolf!" Stiles says mockingly,Β  "What'd you do with him?" Scott asks, looking at the back of Derek's car, where the passenger side back door was open.

"What?" Derek asks, turning around, also seeing the open door. "I didn't do anything..." Derek trails off, "You can ask Spencer." And before they knew it, Derek is picked up by a claw. Blood dripping out of his mouth as he gasps for air.
