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chapter one: werewolf howling
1.01, wolf moon

Β  Β Β  Spencer Stilinski laid in her floor. A book in front of her. But the girl wasn't actually reading, she was half asleep, her book tilted back, but it was still magically to her page. Probably because her page was dead middle of the book.

A soft knock on her bedroom door is what brings the girl out of her half asleep state. "Come in!" She barely says, her father, Noah walks in, noticing his daughter on the floor, he stops, momentarily.

"Alright, never mind." Noah sighs. Looking down at his daughter, he walks in front of her, "Ok, Spence. Come on. It's time for bed." Noah says. "No!" Spencer whines, "Yes." Noah nods, picking up his daughter, bridal style, and places her in bed.

Pulling up her white comforter, Noah places it over his daughters body. "Goodnight Spence. I love you." He states, kissing her on the forehead. "Night dad." She mumbles, turning over and cuddling further into her blankets.

Noah picks up the book, and places Spencer's book mark into the open page. Walking over to her book shelf, he slips the book into the only spot open. Between two other books. Walking over, Noah flicks off the lamp and heads out of Spencer's room and to his sons room.

This knock was rougher, as he heard music from his room. "It's open!" Stiles yells. Noah opens the door, seeing his son at his desk, a Star Wars Lego set sat in front of him. "Hey kid, I'm heading out." Noah says, "Where you going?" Stiles asks.

"I'm not going to tell you that," Noah says, eyeing his son, leaning on the door frame. "and leave your sister alone. She's asleep." Noah tells his som sternly. Stiles nods. "And if you're looking for the Cheetos, they are under the sink. Spence hid them from you." Noah says.

"Wait! When did we get Cheetos?" Stiles questions. "Last week." Noah answers. "And Spencer hid them?" Stiles questions. "In her defense, you eat them the day we get them, and we've had them for an entire week." Noah says, whispering that last part. And then a ding from his phone brings him back to the thing at hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Noah says, "Goodnight dad." Stiles says, moving his desk chair to face the desk and finish building the set. "Goodnight Stiles." Noah calls after, and continues his way downstairs and out the house.

Three cars sat in the driveway, Stiles light blue Jeep, Noah's Sheriff police car, and Spencer's black 2011 Chevy Corvette. The lights on the police car turns on, and Noah hops in, and is heading towards the police station. And then maybe five minutes later, so is Stiles's Jeep. Well, maybe not to the police station, but to Scott McCalls house.


Β  Β Β  Spencer stood in her bedroom, fixing her hair. Stiles sat at her desk, explaining the night he and Scott had. Or well, what he knew of.

"So you snuck out, to go find a body, got caught, left Scott there... and now you have no idea if Scott is ok?" Spencer says, summarizing the whole thing. Stiles nods, "To summarize, yes."

"Got it." Spencer says, moving her hair over her shoulders, and seeing how her hair looks. She had already changed into a gray faded AC/DC shirt, light washed jeans, that had holes up to close to her pockets. And of course her Nike blazers. Stiles stands to his feet, pushing Spencer's chair back under her desk, and leaves the room.

Her arms had bracelets scattered down them. All of them having some sort of memory for her. Reaching over to her desk, to pick up her necklace, that had multiple necklaces attached to it. On the longest chain sat a crescent moon, on the middle chain was an earth, and on the last one it had five stars.

"I got your coffee." Stiles states, walking back into Spencer's room. "Oh, thank you." Spencer says, accepting the drink, smiling at her brother. Stiles nods, "Your welcome. I'll see you at school." Stiles says, leaving his sisters room.

Turning off her curling iron, Spencer takes one last look in the mirror, she nods to herself. Spencer was never really a dressy kind of person, she hated dresses, and skirts, though she had kinda grown out of that phase and was slightly more open about wearing a dress or a skirt. But only to events.

Grabbing her bag off of her desk chair, Spencer makes her way downstairs and out to her Corvette, making sure to lock the door. Opening her car door, Spencer climbs into the drivers seat. Placing her bag in the passenger seat, she exits the driveway.


Β  Β Β  Spencer had just gotten out of her car. She had parked by Stiles's blue Jeep, spotting her brother, Spencer makes her way to him.

And then soon being joined by Scott. "Ok, let's see this thing!" Stiles says excitedly. Spencer rolls her eyes at her brothers antics. Scott grunts as he lefts his shirt up over the bandage, "Ooh!" Stiles comments. "Yeah," Scott flinches back as Stiles tries to poke at the bandage, "Whoa!" Scott says.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott states, the three heading towards the school building. "A wolf bit you?" Stiles questions, raising his eyebrows.

"Uh-huh." Scott nods, "No, not a chance." Stiles denies. "I heard a wolf howling." Scott says, looking at Stiles. "No, yo-" "Spence!" A girl yells, running to the group, the girl wrapping her arms around Spencer, who had turned around.

"Veronica." Spencer replies, hugging the girl back. "Come on, we've got a lot to talk about." Veronica says, her arm draped over her best friends shoulder, as she leads her away. "Bye boys." Spencer says, waving to them as she walks away and into the school building.

"Girl, I missed you!" Veronica exclaims, she had been in Paris for the week before school, to go visit her family. "I missed you too, Ronnie." Spencer says.

"Updates on your current situation-ship?" Spencer questions, "The one with Teddy?" Veronica questions, gaining a nod from Spencer, "Oh, that's over. And not happening again. But, there's this new thing with Winter Lang." Veronica answers.

Spencer's head snaps back to Veronica from out of her locker, "Winnie?" Spencer asks, "Yeah!" Veronica exclaims. Spencer rolls her eyes at her friend.

"What's that about?" Veronica asks, Spencer shakes her head. "Nothing." Spencer says, only to be given a 'really' look from Veronica, "She's just not who you'd typically go for." Spencer shrugs. Veronica glares at the crowd in front of her, only softening when she makes eye contact with Spencer. "Ok, fine, she's not what I normally go for, but, I think I'm ready to settle down." Veronica says, looking down at the tiled hall.

Spencer smiles at her friend, giving her a look, "Well, I'll be there, even if there is heartbreak." Spencer says, Veronica looking up at her friend, a small smile on her face, "Thanks Spence." The two smile at each other, but only to wince at the familiar sound of the loud bell ringing.

"Now, let's get to class." Spencer says, her history book in hand. Her arm wrapping around Veronica in a comforting way, leading the way down the hallway, to their first period, which is history.


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed!! How was your day, and/or night?

Bye my lovelies!! Kisses to all!
