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chapter fourteen: stupidest thing you've ever said
1.07, night school

The trio had run inside the school building, leaving the unconscious werewolf to lay there. But hey, what were they supposed to do? Also get attacked by it? Yeah, no.

The three were all holding the door closed, "Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yells out, Stiles turns to him, exasperatedly, "Do I look like I have a key?" He asks him sarcastically. Scott rolls his eyes, "Grab something!" Scott yells.

"What?" Spencer asks, looking over at Scott as she tried to help Stiles keep their door shut, "Anything!" Scott exclaims, only Spencer catches her eyes on the bolt cutters, "...No." Scott says, looking over at Spencer. Spencer smiles, "Yes!" She says, "Spencer, no! Don't--!" But before Scott could finish his sentence, Spencer was already out the door and getting the bolt cutters.

"Run! Spencer! Spencer!" Both Stiles and Scott yell out, praying that their sister/sister figure doesn't get hurt in the process of trying to protect them. As soon as she got back in the doors, Stiles takes the bolt cutters and slides them in the doors, "Where is it? Where did it go?" Scott asks, looking outside the door.

Spencer finally getting to breathe, begins to take deep breaths, "That won't hold, will it?" Scott asks, looking over at the twins as they all back away from the door. Stiles grimly looks at the door, "Probably not."

The three all stand there, taking a second to breathe. And then there was a howl, which makes all three of them take off running away from the door, and down the hallway.

Turning into a classroom with its door wide open, "The desk!" Stiles says, being the last one to enter, Scott gets on the other end of the desk, while him and Stiles move the desk to the door. "Stop, stop." Stiles says, looking back at the door, "The door's not gonna keep it out." Stiles says.

Scott sighs, looking down at the desk, "I know." "It's your boss." Spencer speaks up, "What?" Scott questions, his head snapping towards her. "Deaton? The Alpha? Your boss." Stiles says, helping his sister. "No." Scott shakes his head, not believing it, "Yes! Murdering psycho-Werewolf." Spencer says, her and Stiles hanging up against Scott.

Scott shakes his head, continuing to deny it, "That can't be--" Stiles interjects him, "Oh, come on! He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?" Stiles asks, looking at Scott.

"It's not him." Scott says, determinedly, "He killed Derek." Spencer says, "No, Derek's not dead. He can't be dead." Scott says in disbelief, Spencer scoffs, "Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next." Spencer says, looking Scott dead in the eye.

Scott sighs, "Okay, just... What do we do?" He asks, looking at Stiles, Stiles, who takes a second to breathe, says "We get to my Jeep. We get out of here. You seriously think about quitting your job." Stiles tells him, "Good?" Stiles asks, Scott quickly nods.

Spencer follows after the two boys as they go to the windows, "No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled." Spencer says from behind them, "Then we break it." Scott states, Stiles looks at him like he's dumb, "Which will make a lot of noise." Scott looks down, thinking of something, "Then, uh... Then we run really fast." Scott says, then looks around the parking lot and sees just how far away Stiles's jeep is from them. "Really fast." He says, turning back to them.

But then Scott takes a double take, looking at the front of Stiles' Jeep, "...Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your Jeep?" Scott asks, not looking back at the two twins, "What do you mean? Nothing's wrong..." Stiles says, getting defensive, "It's bent." Scott tells him, "What, like, dented?" Stiles asks, going up behind Scott and looking at his Jeep as well.

"No, I mean bent." Scott says, "What the hell...?" Stiles ask, looking deeply at his Jeep, but than a crash through the window causes glass chips to go flying all around the room, Spencer gasps, as she ducks, but not fast enough as she got glass chip stuck in her forehead. Spencer groans at the glass stuck in her forehead.

Spencer looks at the object that was thrown and broke the window, it looked like a car battery. The same one that was in Stiles' Jeep. "...That's my battery." Stiles announces, going to get up, but Scott stops him, "Don't." Scott tells him, Stiles looks over at Scott, "We have to move."

"He could be right outside!" Scott whisper yells, "He is right outside!" Spencer retorts from her spot on the floor, Scott sighs, "Just let me take a look." He tells the two Stilinski's. Scott slowly gets to his knees to look out the window, and says nothing. "Nothing?" Spencer asks as Stiles joins him and look out the window as well.

Scott shakes his head, "No." he whispers towards Spencer, Stiles moves back, waiting for Scott to tell them when to move, though he got a little impatient, "Move now?" Stiles asks, looking over at Scott, "Move now!" Scott says.

Quietly standing up all three walk silently into the hallway, pointing the only flashlight down the right way, Stiles stops Scott who wanted to go that way, "What?" Scott asks, "Somewhere without windows." Stiles tells him

"Every single room in this building has windows." Spencer tells her twin, "Or somewhere with less windows." Stiles says, looking at his sister. The three take a second, looking all the ways the alpha could be, "The locker room..." Scott says, "Yeah." Stiles nods, "Okay." Scott says, the three all walking towards the boys locker room to stick together.


The trio walk into the locker room, Scott first, then Spencer, and Stiles last. "Call your dad." Scott says, looking towards either of the twins, "And tell him what?" Stiles asks, Scott shrugs, "I don't know! Anything! Gas leak. A fire. Whatever! If that thing seeks the parking lot filled with cop cars, it'll take off." Scott answers

"What if it doesn't? What if it goes completely Terminator and kills every cop in sight, including our dad?" Spencer asks, looking at Scott. Worried for her dad. "They have guns!" Scott shrugs, like it didn't matter.

"Yeah, and Derek had to be shot with a wolfsbane-laced bullet to even slow him down, you remember that?" Spencer asks, looking at Scott with a pointed look.

Scott sighs, closing his eyes, "Then we-we have to-we have to find a way out and just run for it." Scott tells his friends, "There's nothing near the school for at least a mile." Stiles states, looking at Scott.

"What about Derek's car?" Scott asks, looking between his two friends, forgetting about Spencer's car. Stiles nods, "That could work... We go outside, we get the keys off his body, and then we take his car." Stiles states, making a plan.

"And him." Scott tells Stiles pointedly, the latter sighs, "Fine. Whatever." Stiles says, entering the locker room. The three walking further into the room,Β  "...What?" Spencer asks as Scott grabs Stiles hand from grabbing something.

"I think I heard something..." Scott says, looking over at Spencer and pushing her behind him. "Like what?" Stiles asks, whisper yelling, "Shh. Quiet!" Scott tells him.

As the sound gets closer, Scott and Stiles walk backwards, Scott looking back at Spencer to make sure she's backing up as well. Scott was quick to grab the flashlight Stiles was shining and turn it back to Stiles body, hiding the light.

Scott looks around, finally noticing they were by the lockers, "Hide." He tells Stiles, but Stiles gets into the lockers, being incredibly loud, "No, no, Stiles! No"Scott cuts himself off, opening a locker and pulling Spencer in with him.

Spencer was facing Scott, in like a hug as Scott was panting and looking in the cracks between the lockers. Scott hadn't even noticed that his hands were still on Spencer's waist. But Spencer did. And she was sure her cheeks were bright red.

It was quiet in the room as Spencer couldn't hear or see anything. She hated it. But she knew Scott was looking out for her. Spencer hears footsteps and tightens her grip on Scott's arms. "It's ok." Scott whispers as quietly as he could, while rubbing Spencer's arm.

Scott slaps his hand over his mouth, making a noise. And when the steps continued on, they thought they were off the hook, but instead he comes back and opens the locker door. "Ahhhhh!" The man screams.

"Son of a bitch!" The man yells, and now that Spencer got a good look at him, it was one of the janitors. "Quiet!" Stiles tells him sharply, coming out of the locker across from them.

"Quiet my ass! What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?" The janitor asks, looking around at the three, "All three of you, get out!" The janitor yells, "Will you just listen for half a second, okay--" Stiles gets cut off, by the janitor, "Not okay. Get the hell out of here right now."

He begins to push, Scott, Spencer and Stiles following, "God, just one second to explain--" Stiles says, being the first out the door, Spencer second and Scott lasts. "Just shut up and go!" The man yells at them, pointing down the hallway.

"Ahh." The man screams, getting dragged into the locker room again, and slammed against the door, blood smearing on the glass as he continues to scream, Spencer looks between the two boys, and Scott tries to go into the room and save the man, but Spencer could tell that the man was a goner. "No, Scott." Spencer says, her and Stiles getting him off the door and forcing him to run, "Go! Go!" Stiles yells.


The three are running through the school hallway, trying to leave the school. They're all panting as the run to the doors, "What the hell?" Stiles asks, Scott sticks his head out the door, "It's a dumpster." Scott tells the two, bringing his head back in the door.

"He pushed it in front of the door to block us in." Stiles states, but he continues to try nod push open the door, "Come on, help me." Stiles begs. He wanted out of the school desperately. "Stiles! Stop!" Scott says, dragging Stiles away from the door.

Scott makes Stiles walk the other direction, the three walking in sync. "I'm not dying here. I'm not dying at school." Stiles tells the two anxiously, "We're not going to die." Scott tells him,

"God, what is he doing? What does he want?" Spencer asks, looking behind her, she was scaring herself by being more paranoid. Scott sighs, "Me. Derek says its stronger with a pack." Scott tells his two friends.

"Oh, great! A psychotic Werewolf who's into teamwork. That's-that's beautiful." Spencer says sarcastically. Scott stops Spencer and Stiles, looking over at the roof on the other side of the school. It hid behind the chimney.

The alpha was staring at the three. Before it takes off, growling at them. The three take off running, as the alpha breaks into the school building. The trio all run into a stairway, and keep running.


The three run into the girls locker room, hiding behind the lockers. They were all breathing heavy, as Scott looks around the lockers. The alpha growls at them, scaring Scott back into hiding. "What?" Stiles gestures, "Go." Scott whispers.

"Ohh." Stiles mouths, before he takes of running, grabbing his twins hand to make sure she was safe. The three get away from the lockers, all walking backwards, "All right, we have to do something." Stiles tells the two.

"Like what?" Scott asks, looking over at Stiles, "I don't know! Kill it. Hurt it. Inflict mental anguish on it... Something!" Stiles says exasperatedly, they hear glass shattering and something squealing as they stand in a door way, Spence edits in her pocket, "What are you doing?" Scott asks, looking at Spencer as her keys jingle, "Wait a minute, no..." Scott starts but gets cut off as both Stiles and Spencer shushes him.

Spencer takes a second, listening for the alpha, before she throws her keys, and takes cover behind a door, when the alpha runs into the room, Spencer and Stiles slam the door behind it. "The desk." Spencer says, "Come on, the desk." Stiles tells Scott, the two moving the desk as Spencer moved out of the way.

The three all sigh in relief, as the alpha begins to growl and roar at them. Scott smiles, "He can't--" he cuts himself off, smiling at his two friends, as they had officially locked him in the room, "All right." Stiles mutters, each of them smiling.


"Come on, get across... Come on!" Stiles says, helping his sister over the metal table, Scott quickly jumping over it as well. All three of their backs towards the wall and out of the eyes sight of the window on the door.

But Stiles being Stiles looks over at the door, "What are you doing?" Scott asks, slapping Stiles' elbow, "I just wanna get a look at it..." Stiles trails off, holding out his hand.

Spencer gives her brother a look, one that was calling him a lunatic. "Are you crazy???" Spencer asks incredulously. "Look, it's trapped, okay? It's not gonna get out." Stiles says, looking between his twin and his best friend.

Stiles looks at his best friends, Spence shaking her head at him. The alpha growling grabs Stiles attention, looking over at the door, Stiles climbs up on the table, and looks in the window "Yeah, that's right! We got you--" Stiles says, shining his flashlight in the room.

"Will you shut up?" Scott asks frustrated as Spencer grips his arm. She didn't like this. Something about it was making her feel uneasy. "I'm not scared of this thing!" Stiles says, looking over at his best friend. The alphas claw slamming against the metal of the small windows forces Stiles back, a sit growls at him.

Stiles quickly gets off the table, backing up to where Scott and Spencer had backed up to. "I'm not scared of you." Stiles calls after the monsters claw, leaning forward.

"Alright?" Stiles asks, his attention still fixated on the door, "'Cause you're in there, and we're out here." He continues, glancing back at his sister. She looked fine. "You're not going any--" Stiles cuts himself off as they hear a lot of crashing.

And then the alpha was on the roof. "Really!?" Spencer basically yells at her brother. He had gotten to cocky. Stiles points the flashlight at the ceiling as some of the tiles begin to dent in. And some beginning to fall out.

Stiles gulps, knowing his sister was right. He shouldn't of done that. The three back away, and turn. Running for their lives.


"Wait, do you hear that?" Scott asks, grabbing both his friends by the arms, stopping them in their tracks. "No, dumbass. We don't have super hearing like you." Spencer tells him. And this is to the point where both of the boys had taken a notice to how scared she was.

She was using her meanness as a way to put up a front. Scott rolls his eyes, he knew not to say anything, because that'd just make it worse. And Spencer will probably apologize later, "It sounds like a phone ringing..." Scott tells them.

"What?" Stiles asks. No one else was in the building but them. Unless Derek had already healed, but they were all pretty sure he was dead. And that's when Scott begins to look alarmed.

"I know that ring-- it's Allison's phone."


Scott looks between his two friends, "Can I borrow one of yours phones?" He asks, Stiles raises his arms, "I don't have her number. Spencer sighs, rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone. She pulls up her contacts gives Scott her phone.

"No, it's me. Where are you?" Scott asks, maybe Spencer was a little jealous. But this is the boy she had fallen in love with only to have him scooped up by the new girl.

"Where are you right now?" Scott asks, he looked anxious. "Where? Where are you exactly?" He basically repeats, "Get to the lobby. Go now." He finishes, "She meeting us there?" Stiles asks as Scott hands Spencer her phone back. Scott nods to Stiles question, taking off running to the lobby, the twins right behind him.


The trio walk into the lobby, the door making a loud noise. "Why did you come? What are you doing here?" Scott asks urgently. None of them even knew how Allison had known they were there.

Allison looks confused, looking back at Spencer and Stiles "...Because you asked me to?" Allison answers, turning her attention back to her boyfriend.

"I asked you to?" Scott asks, looking back at the twins, just as confused as they were. The last they had heard Derek threw his phone, shattering it.

Allison opens her phone and shows Scott the message she had gotten from him just and hour prior. Scott looks at it, before looking up at Stiles, "Why do I get the feeling you didn't send this message?" Allison asks worriedlyz

"Because I didn't." Scott answers grimly, "Did you drive here?" Stiles asks, him and Spencer walking closer to the couple, "Jackson did." Allison answers.

"Jackson's here, too????" Spencer asks, giving the two boys an incredulous look. Jackson wasn't as bad as he seemed, you just had to get past his hard exterior. "And Lydia." Allison's tells them.

Allison frowns, "What's going on? Who sent this text?" Allison asks, getting closer to Scott, and then her phone rings. "Where are you?" Allison asks as soon as she answers the phone. The door opens, and in corm Lydia and Jackson.

Lydia sighs, "Finally!" She says, looking around at all the people, "Can we go now?" She asks, looking at Allison. Allison nods, until heavy thuds on the roof all get their attention, Scott and Allison slowly grab hands, both for comfort.

Scott, Stiles, and Spencer all share a look, not exactly know what to do, "RUN!" Scott yells, the twins taking of running, Scott right behind them, dragging Allison along with them. Lydia and Jackson right behind them as the alpha drops down from the ceiling.

Spencer was praying that none of them had looked back and saw the alpha fall. Or else they would have a lot to explain. The alpha chases after them, growling as it does.

Stiles and Spencer were the first to get to the door, pushing open the doors, Spencer holding one open so the rest could enter through. Scott being the last one helps her lock the two doors.

"Help me get this in front of the door." Scott tells Jackson, running over to a stack of chairs, Jackson following him. "Scott, wait. Not here--" Stiles tries, but no one pays attention to him.

"What was that? Scott, what was that?" Allison asked, she looked like she was shaking, "What came out of the ceiling?" Lydia adds on. Spencer rolls her eyes, but decides to be nice, and try not to be mean. "Look, everything's going to be fine... j-just stay calm and breathe." Spencer tells them, giving them a nervous smile.

"Will you just help me? The chairs-- stack the chairs." Scott demands, all three girls complying. They begin to grab chairs and move the over to the two boys.

"Guys--" Stiles starts, but no one's listening to him, "Can we just wait a second?" He asks, looking to his twin for help. And normally Spencer would've had been listening to Stiles by now, but she was freaking the fuck out.

"You guys, listen to me, w--" Stiles tries, and officially gets his sisters attention in the huge windows that are on the wall. "Shit." Spencer mutters. "Can we wait a second? Guys?" Stiles continues, "Stiles talking. Can we hang on one second, please?" Stiles asks, being sarcastic.

"Scott!" Spencer yells, her voice gravitating through everyone's ears as one of the Stilinski's had finally gotten their attention. Everyone's eyes landing on the Stilinski girl.

Stiles then takes over, "Okay, nice work. Really beautiful job, everyone. Now... What should we do about the twenty-foot wall of windows?" Stiles asks sarcastically, pointing to the wall.

And this is when both girls begin to start having a whole breakdown. "Can somebody please explain to me what's going on, because I'm freaking out here. And I would like to know why." Allison asks hysterical.

Allison turns to her boyfriend, hoping he'd tell her. Everyone's eyes landing on the couple as well. Spencer looks away. She was jealous. Of course she was jealous, she had been in love with the boy for a year now. "Scott...?" Allison asks, pleading for him to tell her.

Jackson glances over at the two Stilinskis, noticing that Spencer wasn't looking at the two like the rest of them were, he tilts his head. He knew what was happening. He had seen it happen before. She was jealous.

Scott moves away from Allison abruptly, walking over to a table and placing his hands on the desk, catching his body weight. Spencer turns back around, looking down at her feet. She was playing it off like she was thinking about what to do with the windows.

Scott turns to his friends, begging them for an answer, but they really didn't have one. At least a normal one. Because the actual answer was crazy. Them being chased by a werewolf was insane.

"Somebody killed the janitor." Stiles says, walking closer to the group of three. "What?" Lydia asks anxiously, "Yeah, the janitor's dead." Stiles says, walking even closer,

"What's he talking about? Is this a joke?" Allison asks, turning to Scott and Spencer, hoping it was the last option. Spencer arms wrap around her, hugging herself, in some form of comfort. She shakes her head no. Answering Allison's last question.

"What? Who killed him?" Jackson questions, he knew it was the truth when he noticed Spencer being nervous and shit. She wouldn't lie. Especially not about this. The two had gone through hell when their best friend died. And that's how he knew Spencer wouldn't ever lie to him about something like this.

"No, no, no, no.... This was supposed to be over... The mountain lion killed--" Lydia says anxiously, but gets cut off by Jackson, his head snapping to her, "No, don't you get it? There wasn't a mountain lion." Jackson tells his girlfriend.

"Who was it?" Allison begs, she hated being left out of the loop, "What does he want?" She asks, looking over at Spencer, "What's happening?" She whispers to herself. "Scott!?!?" She yells. She was tired of him ignoring her. Especially in a serious situation like this.

Scott looks around hesitantly, "I-I don't know. I-I just-- If-if we go out there, he's gonna kill us." He says, being very hesitant, like he doesn't know what he's about to say. Which was probably the truth. "Us? He's gonna kill us?" Lydia asks, not know when they had been brought it.

But that happened the second they stepped into the school. "Who? Who is it?" Allison asks, looking at her boyfriend expectantly. Scott sighs, still not looking at them, "It's Derek. It's Derek Hale." Scott tells them, turning back to look at them.

Stiles and Spencer share a look. They knew he was lying. Spencer wanted to stop him, because what if Derek was alive, than his life would be ruined because of this. And even if he was dead, he didn't deserve to go out like this.

He should've been able to go in peace, not with everyone hating him because of something someone lied about. Just like Sal in a good girls guide to murder. "Derek killed the janitor?" Jackson asks, looking at Scott.

"Are you sure?" Allison asks, looking at her boyfriend, "I saw him." Scott answers, "The mountain lio--" Lydia starts but gets cut off by Scott, "No, Derek killed them." He almost growls out.

"All of them?" Allison asks, looking at her boyfriend again, "Yeah. Starting with his own sister." Scott asks, lying again. Spencer glares at him, that didn't need to be brought up. It'd be the same thing if Spencer just brought up Scott's dad in front of a group a people and says how such a great dad he was.

"The bus driver?" Allison asks, "And the guy in the video store. It's been Derek the whole time." Scott says, and Spencer zones out. That was a night she didn't want to remember. She could've died, and Scott hadn't even asked her if she was ok. He just let it go like her trauma hadn't mattered at all.

She understood that Derek was just trying to get information about the alpha, but he at least had the decency to ask her about. Scott just straight up ignored it. As if it didn't happen.


"Look, Derek killed three people, okay? We don't know what he's armed with." Spencer hears Stiles say as she zones back in to reality. Spencer resists rolling her eyes at her brother just going along with it.

"Your dad is armed with an entire Sheriff's department. Call him." Jackson demands, pointing at the twins. "I'm calling." Lydia says, walking away from Jackson's side and to call the police.

"No, Lydia, would you just hold on a sec--" Stiles tries, but Hackson gets in front of him, "Hey--" Scott says, walking over to the two. But before he could there Spencer was between them, looking up at Jackson, his eyes focused down on her.

"Yes, we're at Beacon Hills High School. We're trapped, and we need you to--" Lydia cuts herself off, but Jackson and Spencer continued to stare at each other. "--But--" Lydia says, trying again only to stop.

Pulling the phone from her ear, Lydia looks down at the phone, "She hung up on me..." she trails off, looking around. "The police hung up on you?" Allison asks incredulously.

"She said they got a tip warning them that there are gonna be prank calls about a break-in at the high school. She said if I called again that they're gonna trace it and have me arrested." Lydia tells them, "Okay, then call again." Allison says

"No, they won't trace a cell, and they'll send a car to your house before they send anyone here." Spencer says, looking over at Allison and Lydia, Jackson's eyes still on her.

"What the-- what-what is this? Why does Derek wanna kill us? Why is he killing anyone?" Allison asks anxiously, looking at Scott, everyone looking at him as well. "Why's everyone looking at me?" Scott asks, looking around the room. Jackson had finally stopped looking at Spencer and looked over at Scott as well.

"Is he the one that sent her the text?" Lydia asks, everyone still looking at Scott, "No. I mean, I don't know." Scott answers, "Is he the one that called the police?" Allison asks, the girls continuing to question him. "I don't know!" Scott answers frustrated, Allison looked scared, slowly turning away from Scott.

But they didn't know shit. They were just here, just like the rest of them. Lydia and Allison had began to get on Spencer's nerves. "All right, why don't we ease back on the throttle here, yeah?" Stiles says, grabbing his sister hand and pushing Scott to a different part of the room to talk quietly.

"Okay, first off-- throwing Derek under the bus? Nicely done." Stiles says quietly, "No. Don't listen to him. That was one of the worst things you've ever said. That's going to ruin his life. Dead or alive." Spencer tells him.

Scott looks at his best friend. He knew she was right. And he felt sorta bad about it. Because all Derek wanted to do was help get rid of the alpha and stop it from killing people. "Oh, god, I totally just bit her head off." Scott tells them, looking away from them. "And she'll totally get over it. Bigger issues at hand here-- like, how do we get out alive?" Stiles asks, giving an example.

"...But we are alive. It could've killed us already. It's like it's cornering us or something." Scott tells his best friends, and they knew it was true. They've been so close to death before now. And the alpha was just letting them live.

"So, what? He wants to eat us all at the same time?" Stiles asks, looking at Scott, "No. Derek said it wants revenge." Scott answers, "Against who?" Spencer asks, "Allison's family?" Stiles tries. They were lost. Then a light bulb pops up in Spencer's head, "Maybe that's what the text was about. Someone had to send it." Spencer tells them.

"Okay, assheads! New plan-- Stiles calls his useless dad and tells him to send someone with a gun and decent aim. Are we good with that?" Jackson asks, he had stepped forward in front of the two girls, walking closer to the three. And looks around the room at the end.

Scott sighs, "He's right. Tell him the truth if you have to. Just... just call him. One of you." Scott says, looking between the twins. "I'm not watching my dad get eaten alive." Spencer says, Stiles agreeing. Neither of them wanted their dad in this. Stiles walks away, Jackson running up behind him, "All right, give me the phone." He says, but gets punched by Stiles as he turns around.

Jackson stumbling out of the way and being dramatic as hell. Allison gasps, "Jackson!" She exclaims, walking over to him, "Are you okay?" She asks him, "Hey, are you okay?" She asks again, she was basically all over him.

Lydia looks over at the two as Allison's at the same height as Jackson leans over in pain. Spencer turns around, not letting anyone see her eye roll. Allison was officially on her nerves. First she gets the guy she had wanted for a year, and then tries and gets with Jackson.


Hey guys! So chapter 14 yay! Anyways I've created a Colby Brock book if anyone would like to read it, or not. Whatever's cool. But the title is wildflower and there's two chapters posted! Also, should I make a the summer I turned pretty book? And if so could you guys put in the comments who the live interest should be.

And this is my longest chapter yet with over 5000 words! Bye my lovelies, I hope you're all having an incredible day or night!
