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chapter five: sniffing the other half of the body
1.02, second chance at first line

Spencer had been called over to the McCall household, along with their brother Stiles. So Spencer had to cancel on her plans with Winter and Veronica, though the couple didn't mind because they didn't actually want her to be third wheeling. They hated making her feel left out.

So the fact that she's going to be hanging out with Scott and Stiles made them feel a bit better. Stiles chaotically ran up the stairs, falling as he does, Spencer makes her way to him, looking down at her brother as he scatters to get up and then runs to Scott's room.

Slamming open the door, he begins to ramble, "What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yes, I've had a lot of Adderall, so..." he trails off, blinking his eyes for a second. Scott looks up at the two, making sure Spencer was in earshot before continuing, "I found something at Derek Hale's." Scott tells his two friends.

Spencer leaned on the door frame as she continued to listen, "Are you kidding? What?" Stiles asks, "There's something buried there. I could smell blood." Scott answers.

"That's awesome. I mean, that's terrible . Whose blood?" Stiles asks, Scott stand sup, finally down re braiding his lacrosse net, "I don't know. But when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then you two help me figure out how to play lacrosse without changing. Because there's now way I'm not playing that game." Scott says, throwing his lacrosse stick on the bed after tossing it on his bed.

The two turn to Spencer, she was the one who normally came up with the plans that actually succeeded. She looks between the two, a devious smile on her face, "Are we doing this or not?" She asks the two boys that stood in front of her.


Spencer, Stiles, and Scott enter the Beacon Hills Hospital, in Spencer's words, "So Scott can go sniff the other half of the body." The trio had just entered through the sliding doors, Spencer stood on the other side of Stiles, while Stiles was stood in between her and Scott. Stiles looks over to the side, slapping Scott on the chest and pointing to the room beside Scott.

The sign beside the door read "morgue" "Good luck, I guess." Stiles shrugs, Scott nods, before heading into the morgue, leaving both the Stilinski's to sit in the waiting room. Spencer looks over at her brother, "Act normal." She whispers to him.

Stiles nods, somewhat comprehending what his sister was saying, but his full attention was on the strawberry blonde that sat not even two feet away from them. Stiles moves to sit close to Lydia, while Spencer sits at the other end, picking up a magazine, one that had a car on the front.

Spencer wasn't the girly type, never had been, and probably never will. She liked cars better than she did makeup, but she still liked being fashionable. But just being comfy while being fashionable. Like her outfit today. The black leggings, white crop tank top and the beige flannel.

As she flips through the pages of the magazine, she glances over at her brother, slightly hearing his conversation, as he confesses his undying love to the Lydia Martin. That is until Lydia takes out one of her earbuds, showing she hadn't been listening to what he was saying throughout the whole time.

Spencer had to resist the urge to laugh, slightly feeling bad about it. "Yeah, I didn't get any of what you just said. Is it worth repeating?" Lydia asks, Stiles, visibly embarrassed and feeling awkward, tries to get out of this situation by chuckling nervously and going to sit down elsewhere, "No. Sorry, I'll just sit..."

Stiles sighs, moving closer to his sister m, and sitting down like two seats from her. Muttering under his breath, "You don't care..."

Spencer looks over at her brother, feeling sorry for him, "You wanna talk about it?" She asks, Stiles just shakes his head no. Stiles blows out a breathe of air, Spencer nods, and goes back to her magazine. It was a newer one, it had newer races, and newer cars in its pages.

And just minutes later, out walks Jackson Whittemore, and Lydia stands to her feet, moving the chair slightly as it scratches against the floor. Not even looking over at her brother, she could tell he was watching Jackson and Lydia kiss, "You know you should really stop watching them." Spencer says, not looking up from her magazine.

Feeling her brothers gaze on her, she glances up at him, "It's kinda stalkerish." Spencer tells him, with a teasing smile on her face. Stiles is soon distracted by Scott, who rips the pamphlet out of his hands, scaring him so much he jumps in his seat, and getting the attention of Spencer, who places her magazine to the side and walks over to her two friends.

"Holy God!" Stiles yelps, looking up at his best friend, Scott is so disturbed by what he's just learned that he doesn't even try to sugar-coat it, "The scent was the same." "You're sure?" Spencer questions, Scott nods, "Yes."

"So, he did bury the other half of the body on his property?" Stiles questions, though it wasn't an actual question, it was a rhetorical question. "Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Scott states. "I say we use it."

Stiles starts to walk away, and Scott, looking confused, follows after him, Spencer just following after the two. The plan was no longer in her hands, she was praying they all make it out with all of their body parts intact. "How?" Scott questions,

Stiles sighs and stops, turning to face Scott to make sure of what they're about to do, "Tell me something first-- are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?" Though it's clear by the look on Scott's face that both of the offered options are true, he goes with the first one to appease Stiles, "There are bite marks on the legs, Stiles-- bite marks." This convinces Stiles, who nods in agreement.

"Okay." Stiles nods, "Then we're gonna need a shovel." Stiles tells the two, he smacks Scott playfully on the shoulder before leading him out of the hospital, Scott looks over at Spencer, begging for her to step in.

She raises her hands in mock defense, "The plan is no longer in my hands." She mumbles, knowing he could hear her perfectly fine. "We're going to die aren't we?" Scott whispers to Spencer as Stiles walks ahead of the two. Spencer nods, "Yep." She tells him, Stiles voice from a little ways away echos back to them, "Come on. You guys." Spencer then turns back to look in front of her, "Yep. Definitely dead." She tells him.


Hey guys! So chapter five is done, part 2 of episode 2. So there is definitely going to be a third part to this episode, so we'll see how this goes.

Anyways, I hope you guys are having a greatly wonderful day or night, and I'll talk to you guys next time. Bye my lovelies!
