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chapter fifteen: daddy's little princess
1.07, night school

Β  Β Β  Stiles sighs, glaring at the boy still in the ground, pulling out his phone he puts his phone up to his ear. "Dad, hey, it's me. And it's your voicemail. Look, I need you to call me back now. Like, right now." Stiles talks into the phone, and a banging on the door scares everyone in the room.

Allison gasps rather dramatically while backing away, "We're at the school. Dad, we're at the school." Stiles says into his phone, and it was getting scary as everyone continues to back up and the banging continuing.

Allison was back to being all over Scott, Spencer suppress's an eye roll. "Oh, my god..." Lydia says, burning her face into Jackson's shoulder, "The kitchen. The door out of the kitchen leads to the stairwell." Spencer says, everyone's eyes snapping to her.

"Which only goes up." Scott tells her, she shakes her head, "Up is better than here." Stiles defends for her. The banging continues, so much so that all of the screws have fallen out of the door.

The six take off running the way Spencer had suggested, Spencer being the last one out, hearing a growl from outside the room. And the door finally being pushed open, and a loud growl.

Spencer and Stiles had moved in front of Jackson, Allison, and Lydia, the girls had wore heels, and Jackson was just slow. The six continue to run down the open hallway, and into a room. The science room.

Scott quickly shuts the door behind everyone, putting a chair under the hand and keeping the door shut. Everyone was breathing heavily as they hid from out of the windows view. They saw a shadow cast over the window, but just walks away, all three friends look at each other.

They were relieved, but they knew the alpha had heard them, why he didn't show it, they didn't know. Or at least Spencer knew that.

"Jackson, how many people can fit in your car?" Scott asks, look over at Jackson, "Five, if someone squeezes on someone's lap." Jackson answers.

"Five?" Allison asks incredulously, "I barely fit in the back!" Allison whisper yells, "And that wouldn't fit everyone here. What, am I the one that's getting left behind?" Spencer asks, her eyes trained on Jackson. "Fuck no." Jackson answers with no hesitation.

"It doesn't matter. There's no getting out without drawing attention." Stiles says, getting the attention off the two.

"What about this?" Scott asks, pointing to a door in the room, "This leads to the roof. We can do go down the fire escape to the parking lot in, like, seconds." Scott tells them, "That's a deadbolt." Spence points out, moving over with her brother.

Scott sighs, looking down at his feet, knowing his friend was right, "The janitor has a key." Scott says, looking at the two in front of him, "You mean his body has it." Stiles retorts.

"I can get it. I can find him by scent, by blood." Scott says, leaning closer to his friends and whispering quieter, "Well, gee, that sounds like an incredibly terrible idea. What else you got?" Stiles asks him, "I'm getting the key." Scott say's determinedly, "And when you get them, we're going to need my car keys." Spencer says,

"Are you serious?" Allison steps forward, "Well, it's the best plan. Someone has to get the key if we wanna get out of here. And we're going to need more seats." Scott says, looking back at Spencer.

"You can't go out there unarmed." Allison says, "Neither of you can." She tells them, looking between Scott and Spencer. Scott looks around for a second, grabbing a pointer from the side of the board, "Really?" Spencer asks, looking at her best friend. "Well, it's better than nothing." Scott shrugs.

"There's gotta be something else..." Stiles trails off, getting cut off by Lydia, "There is."

"What are we gonna do, throw acid on him?" Stiles asks incredulously, looking over at the chemicals, before looking back at Lydia, the latter sighs, "No-- like a fire bomb. In there is everything you need to make a self-igniting Molotov cocktail." She tells him,

"Self... igniting..." Stiles trails off dumbfounded, "...Molotov cocktail." Lydia finishes snidely. Everyone was looking at her. But Spencer had actually read that somewhere, "What? I read it somewhere." Lydia shrugs, her dumb facade coming back, Spencer nods, "Yeah, me too." She tells them, walking over to the glass closet.

"We don't have a key for that, either..." Stiles trails off, Jackson slamming his elbow into the glass, his eyes going to Spencer instantly.


Β  Β Β  Lydia had began to mix the liquids, while Jackson and Spencer walked away to talk, without people listening. "Are you okay? You know, from earlier?" Spencer asks, "Yeah I'm fine." Jackson answers, "But why would you think you'd be the one I'd leave?" Jackson asks, "I think it'd be either Scott or your brother." Jackson says, looking over at the two.

Spencer rolls her eyes, "Well we haven't exactly talked since last year... after the crash..." Spencer trails off, glancing up at Jackson. He knew exactly what she was talking about. "Yeah." Jackson nods quietly, "And you kept getting more popular last summer, and we just fell into different friend groups." Spencer says, looking down at her shoes.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I didn't want people to assume the way they did with... you know who." Jackson says, Spencer nods, somewhat understanding, "But are you sure you want to do this?" Jackson asks, "I mean, what if Derek comes and finds you before Scott can distract him?" Jackson asks, "I'll be fine." Spencer tells him.

"Spencer, you ready?" Scott asks, looking over at the two, "Yeah." Spencer mutters, walking over, he had just had a moment with Allison, she could tell. Scott sighs, "Lock it behind us." He tells them, Stiles nods, silently praying that his sister stays safe.

Spencer walked out into the hall of the school, right behind Scott. "Go to the locker room and head straight back." Scott tells Spencer, who nods.

Scott turns away from her, going his own way, sniffing the blood of the janitor. Spencer turns and begins to walk down the hallway. It was eerily quiet. She didn't like it. Turning around the corner, Spencer comes face to face with the alpha.

Spencer lets out a squeak, stuck in her spot as the alpha stalks toward her. Spencer starts to slowly back away from the alpha, but the alpha starts sprinting, and before she knows it. Spencer is on the floor, leaning back on her elbows as a burning pain on her side erupts and the alpha runs off.

Not out of the school. No. Just away from her. Standing up, Spencer groans out in pain, looking down at her now exposed side, she lifts her cropped hoodie up, and looks at the bite. "Fuck." She curses.

Walking into the boys locker room, Spencer looks for bandages, but in her luck, she finds none. But, she does find her keys, laying on the ground from where she threw them. Picking them up, she sneakily heads for the nurses office.

And finds bandages there. She didn't want anyone to worry about her. So she flips her leggings waist band over and covers the bandage half way, her jacket covering the rest of the way.

Spencer doesn't even try to be sneaky as she walks out of the nurses office. What was the alpha gonna do? She'd already gotten the bite, so besides kill her, which would put her out of her misery, and from Scott, it takes at least 8 hours before the bite takes action. So what could he do?

Spencer knocks on the chemistry door, where her and Scott had just left. But when she got to the door, she heard it. And so did Lydia, "Stop! Stop! Do you hear that?" Lydia asks, looking around but no one did, "Listen!" Lydia yells. And there it was. The sirens. Spencer lets out a sigh of relief, "Stiles! It's Spencer!" Spencer says, leaning her head on the door.


Β  Β Β  Spencer had told the story in her own, of course sticking to the story that Scott and Stiles told the rest of them so no one was suspicious of anything. She was her fathers little princess, of course she got off the easy way. Though the boys would've too if they didn't continue to ask questions, but they did. And Spence got the out and drove home.

And she was sure Stiles would call her and fill her in on all of it, or it would be a twin night and spill about everything. Though of course there were some secrets kept, for the other persons own good, or, you know it's personal.

Spencer walks into her house, locking the doors back behind her, and walking to her room. Pulling off her shirt in the hallway, she continues in her room, and heads for her bathroom for a shower.


It's the end of episode 7! Only a few more episodes before it's the end of season 1! And only a few more chapters! Yay! And I just wanted to let you guys know that I am planning on finishing season 1 of this book, because it's not the far away, before turning my attention to another book, I don't know which on yet. But I'll list them, and you guys could comment on them and let me know which one I should primarily work on until the end of that movie or season.

That also doesn't mean I won't just post random chapters on some books, because I probably will, I have random motivation to write different books. And then I'll come back and start writing season 2! Yay!

Unconditional - Jeremy Gilbert/The Vampire diaries book

Wildest Dreams - Emmett Cullen/Twlight book

Fire on Fire - Harlan Briggs/Wolf Pack book

Devil Town - Steve Harrington/Stranger Things book

Mi Amor - oc/Wednesday book

And I would like to ask how you would feel if I added home in his arms characters into this book, and haveΒ  Delilah as one of the main characters of the second book?

Whatever's good with me. If y'all don't think I should, I'll just redo that book with what the people are telling me.

Bye my lovelies! Hope you all enjoyed this book! See you all next time :) also should I start a vinnie hacker book?
