chapter eleven: ms. romantic
1.04, magic bullet

Β  Β Β  Spencer, Scott, and Stiles are in class, with Scott seated in front of Stiles, and Spencer sat beside Scott. Scott is watching curiously as the teacher starts passing out graded tests, but Stiles is more distracted by the updates to the Werewolf situation that Scott has just given him. He thinks for a moment before finally tapping Scott on the shoulder and beginning his questions, "If Derek isn't the Alpha... if he's not the one who bit you... then who did?"

Scott bites his lip for a long moment before he answers in a quiet voice, shaking his head and shrugging, "I don't know." Spencer, having already talked to Derek, already knew about what Scott knew. Stiles sighs and sits back in his seat for the briefest moment before thinking of another question and leaning forward, gently smacking Scott in the back with the back of his right hand, "Did the Alpha kill the bus driver?"

Scott thinks again for a long moment before whispering his reply quietly, "I don't know." Not satisfied by these answers, Stiles sits back in his seat, gnawing on his lower lip as he thinks. He finally sighs and leans forward one last time to ask another question, "Does Allison's dad know about the Alpha?"

Scott, not knowing any of the answers to Stiles' questions and feeling helpless about the entire situation, finally loses his temper a little and replies in a loud tone of voice, "I don't know!"

The other students turn around to look at Scott, and Scott tries to play it off by looking out the window as Stiles sits back in his seat. Scott mutters defensively under his breath as he taps his pencil against the desk, "Jeez..."

Stiles is handed back his test and is satisfied by the "A" grade he received. However, Scott sighs loudly when he's handed his, which has a D- written on it, along with a message that says "Not like you! See me after class." Stiles leans forward to look at it and mutters sarcastically over Scott's shoulder, "Dude, you need to study more!"

Spencer smiles, looking down at the a grade as well. Scott slams his test down on his desk and shoots Stiles a look, causing Stiles to scoff defensively, "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test! You're gonna make it up. Do you want help studying?"

Scott sighs and looks straight at his desk, "No, I'm studying with Allison after school today." Stiles, knowing exactly what this means, smiles suggestively and pats him on the back with a proud expression, "That's my boy!"

"We're just studying." Scott tells Stiles pointedly, and this is when Spencer decides to black out her two friends, and turning to the front. "Especially Derek... who still scares me..." Spencer hears her brother say, which causes her to slightly to agree.


Β  Β Β  Spencer and Veronica were walking the halls, when the run into Allison and Lydia who are having a conversation in the nearby staircase.""Just studying" never ends with just studying." Lydia says, shrugging.

"It's like getting into a hot tub-- somebody eventually cops a feel." Lydia tells her, "Right Veronica?" Lydia asks, " Veronica nods, "Oh yeah, studying never ends in just studying." Veronica tells the now anxious Allison.

"Well, so what are you saying?" Allison asks, looking in between the three girls, "I'm just saying, you know, make sure he covers up..." Allison looks down in confusion, and Lydia huffs a laugh at her lack of experience, "Hello, Snow White! I'm talking about a condom!"

She slaps Allison playfully on the arm as she walks up the steps, and Allison follows after her eagerly to get more information, her voice incredulous, "Are you kidding? After one date?" She asks, Veronica shrugs, "Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste." Veronica tells her, She pats Allison on the arm, but Allison is still unsure.

"Well, I-I mean... how much is "a little taste?"" Allison questions, "Don't look to Spencer, she's still a virgin." Veronica says, jokingly covering Spencer's ears. Spencer scoffs, pushing Veronica off of her, "I'm sorry, I want it to be romantic." Spencer says, she felt kinda bad for lying too her best friend, but this was a secret she'd take to the grave. Just like he had. "Okay, Ms. Romantic, come on." Veronica says, dragging Spencer away.


Β  Β Β  Spencer stood on the field, Ryder Wood stood beside her. The two were just talking as practiced had ended, Veronica had left 10 minutes ago, she had to get to a date with Winter. Hearing her phone ring, she pulls it out of her bag, and sees it's Stiles, hanging up on him, she turns back to Ryder.

"Sorry, it's just my brother." Spencer says, smiling over at Ryder, "Oh, no it's ok." Ryder tells her. And then her phone rings again, "Let me get this." Spencer tells Ryder, picking up the phone, Spencer brings it to her ear, "Alright, Spence, I've gotta go." Ryder says, "Bye!" She waves back to him, now being the only one on the field.

Spencer turns her attention to her brother, "Hey idiot, whatcha need?" Spencer asks, grabbing her bag and water bottle and making her way into the school and heading into the locker room, finding that she's the only one in the locker room.

"I need some help." Stiles says, "Well at least you admit it." Spencer tells him sarcastically, "Shut up." Stiles demands, "Tell her to hurry up!" Someone says frustrated, "Is that Scott? Is he in pain?" Spencer asks, quickly changing and leaving her phone on speaker.

"Why, do you not trust me?" Stiles asks, "No!" The person yells, "Oh, but you trust her?" Stiles questions, "Yes! At least she didn't try and put me in jail!" The man yells, and that's when Spencer realizes it's Derek.

"Alright, tell me where I'm meeting you, and I'll be there." Spencer tells him, "Deaton's clinic." Stiles tells her, I'll be there in twenty minutes." Spencer says, changing her shirt.

"Thank you!" Stiles exclaims, being scared of the werewolf standing beside him, "I love you." Stiles tells her, Spencer smiles, "I love you too! Twenty minutes." Spencer tells her brother.


Β  Β Β  Spencer walked through the doors of the clinic, and heads to the back room where she could hear faint voices, "When the infection reaches my heart, it'll kill me." She hears someone say, which must've been Derek, "Who's dying?" Spencer questions, walking into the room.

Stopping in her tracks, she cringes at the sight of Derek's wound. It looked to be a bullet hole wound. ""Positivity" just isn't in your vocabulary, is it?" Stiles asks, ignoring his sister, while Derek walks around the room, looking in cabinet's and drawers.

"If he doesn't get here with the bullet in time-- last resort." Derek says, opening a drawer to reveal a lot of medicine, "Which is...?" Stiles asks, "Yeah, I'd like to know as well, and why I was called?" Spencer asks, Derek turns back to the two, holding up a bone saw, "One of you are gonna cut off my arm." He tells them.

Stiles' mouth opens like he's going to gag, "Oh god." Spencer comments.


Β  Β Β  Spencer and Stiles were arguing about who was going to cut of the man's arm, "No!" Spencer yells, making Stiles go quiet, "You should do it, you wanted to go look for a dead body, what, not even two weeks ago, that was CUT IN HALF!" Spencer yells at her brother, Stiles stays quiet, "Exactly." Spencer says, her voice back to its normal level.

Stiles sighs, accepting his fate, Derek slides the bone saw over to Stiles, who turns it on, groaning, "Oh, my God. What if you bleed to death?" He questions, Derek looks at Stiles, glaring at him,"It'll heal... If it works..." Derek tells him.

"Do you need help?" Spencer questions, watching as Derek struggles to tie the band around his arm, he glances up at her as she walks around the table, and walks beside him, and begins to tie the blue band for him.

"Ugh. Look, I don't know if I can do this." Stiles tells the two, looking between them. He could cut the tension with a knife, though Spencer looked a little scared. Glancing up, Spencer sees that Derek has finally turned his attention back to her brother.

"Why not?" Derek questions impatiently, glancing down at Spencer as she finishes tying the band. "Well, because of the cutting through the flesh, the sawing of the bone, and especially the blood!" Stiles said exclaims, exasperatedly.

"You faint at the sight of blood?" Derek questions, "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped-off arm!" Stiles exclaims, "All right, fine. How about this-- either you cut off my arm, or I'm gonna cut off her head." Derek says, "Hey! I just helped you!" Spencer exclaims.

Stiles scoffs, "Okay, you know what? I'm so not buying your threats anyβ€”" Derek grabs the collar of Spencer's shirt, pulling her close to him, causing her to yelp. Spencer begins to gasp for air, not liking how close she was to Derek, "Oh, my God! Okay. All right. Bought. Sold. Totally. I'll do it. I'll do it." Stiles yells

"What? What are you doing?" Spencer questions, her minty breath fanning across Derek's face, he begins to gag, before leaning over the edge of the table, pulling Spencer with him, puking up black vomit.

"Holy God, what the hell is that?" Stiles asks, looking away from the floor. Derek had slowly loosened his grip on Spencer, enough she could get out of his grip, Derek groans, "It's my body... trying to heal itself..."

"Well, it's not doing a very good job of it." Spencer retorts, Stiles agreeing with her, "Now. You gotta do it now." Derek says, looking up at Stiles, who seems to panic at his words, "Look, honestly, I don't think I can--" "Just do it!" Derek yells at Stiles, who continues to panic, "Oh, my God. Okay, okay..."

"Oh, my God...." Stiles says, putting the saw on Dereks arm, off, "All right, here we go..." Stiles yells, about to turn the bone saw on, "STILES!" Scott yells, stopping Stiles, who looks up, waiting his friend to walk into the room, and so he didn't just imagine it,Β  "Scott?" Stiles questions

Scott jogs into the back room, seeing the scene, Stiles with a bone saw on Dereks arm, Spencer hiding in the corner, to prevent blood from getting on her, and because she was scared. "What the hell are you doing?" Scott questions.

Stiles places the bone saw down and away from Dereks arm, chuckling nervously, "Oh, you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares!" Stiles tells his best friend relieved, Derek is still hunched over the table, looking up at Scott eagerly, "Did you get it?"

Scott digs into his jean pockets and pulls out a bullet, placing it in Dereks out-stretched hand, Derek holds it up in front of his face as he stands up correctly, "What are you gonna do with it?" Stiles questions, evryones eyes on the bullet.

Derek begins to sway on his feet, "I'm gonna..." he starts weakly, "I'm gonna..." he repeats himself, his hand hitting the table, knocking the bullet out of his hand, and making it hit the ground, Scott darts forward, tryonng to catch the bullet, "No! No, no, no, no..." he repeats.

As Scott goes for the bullet, the twins go for the unconscious Derek, "Derek! Derek, come on, wake up!" Stiles says, slapping Dereks face slightly, "Scott, what the hell are we gonna do?" Stiles questions, looking over at his friend for advice, "I don't know!" Scott exclaims anxiously, "I can't reach it!" Scott tells them.

"He's not waking up..." Stiles tells their friend, "Come on..." Scott strains, "I think he's dying... I think he's dead!" Stiles says, looking over at Scott, "Just hold on!" Scott tells them, "Come on..." he mumbles to himself, "Oh! I got it! I got it!" Scott says excitedly as he pulls the bullet out of the drain.

Looking over at Scott, Spencer decides to take things into her own hands, "Move." She tells her brother, leaning over Derek, she feels for a pulse in his neck, not finding one, though she could be feeling the wrong places she places her head on his chest, listening for a pulse, once she knows he's alive, she balls her hand into a fist, mumbling, "Please don't kill me for this." as her hand makes contact with Dereks cheek.

Spencer sees Derek is awake, not bothering to worry about herself, "Give me--" Derek says weakly, her and Scott helping the werewolf up, "Up!" Scott exclaims, once the three teens get Derek up, they watch confused as he bites off the cap of the bullet, spitting the cap out of his mouth, it landing somewhere in the room, Derek dumps out the contents of the bullet on to the table.

The werewolf digs in his pocket, pulling out a lighter, he sets the wolfsbane on fire, it going up in flames like a firework. Ending in just blue smoke, Derek quickly scoops the wolfsbane into his hand, Spencer glances up at the werewolves face, and then back down to the wolfs bane. Derek places the wolfs bane on his arm, letting out a groan, the werewolf continues to shove the wolfs bane in the bullet wound. The three teens move out of the way as Derek falls to the ground screaming in pain.

Spencer watches as the black veins retract into Dereks arm, and the bullet wound disappears, like it never happened. "That. Was. Awesome!!! Yes!!!" Stiles yells out, adreneline running through his body after the whole thing went down.

Spencer looks down at the werewolf, "Are you okay?" She asks him, "Well, except for the agonizing pain..." Derek answers sarcastically, "You know what, I'm leaving." Spencer says, already tired of this, "Stiles, you can fill me in later," Spencer says, turning on her heel, Spencer leaves the clinic.


And that's the end of this chapter and episode 4! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, bye my lovelies!
