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chapter eighteen: lethal weapons
1.10, co-captain - 1.11, formality

Β  Β Β  Spencer and Veronica walk behind Lydia as she walks behind Allison as the four walk deeper and deeper into the woods. "Allison... when you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping... a five-mile hike in the woods was not what I was expecting." Lydia tells her impatiently.

Somehow, Spencer and Veronica had gotten invited to go shopping for dresses, for the Winter Formal. Though Spencer hadn't even decided if she was going or not, she still showed. And if she found a dress she likes, she would go. If not, she's staying home.

And the last couple of days had been crazy. Especially since she, Stiles, and Derek all found out about Melissa supposedly sending the text β€” news flash! She didn't. But Spencer couldn't go with them and went to meet up with Veronica instead.

But while at dinner, Spencer got a call from her twin, and Veronica got a call from Winter, and the two went their separate ways, apologizing for having to leave and reschedule it another time.

And even after having to leave the dinner, everything just got worse, one because they found out Melissa did send it. Well it was her email, but it wasn't actually her. It was Derek's uncles nurse β€” I know, confusing, right? After finding that out, Spencer connected the dots. Peter β€” Derek's uncle β€” is the alpha.

And now she was going shopping with the girl she was jealous of and the queen bee of the school β€” whose crown is slowly slipping. Spencer, not realizing she had zoned out, quickly zoned back in. Listening to the conversation that was happening in front of her.

"Sure. As long as it's just friends." Lydia say's hesitantly, "Well, yeah." Allison nods, "I mean, it's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything..." Allison trails off, a smirk forming on her face.

"Uh, about that..." Lydia trails off anxiously, looking down at her feet to watch where she's walking. "Are they talking about Jackson and Scott?" Spencer questions in a whisper, leaning closer to Veronica.

The latter nods, "Ohhhh.." Spencer says, dragging it out. There was tension between the two. Both Spencer and Veronica could sense it. And they had front row seats to see the show.


Β  Β Β  "What does that do?" Lydia asks as Allison twists an arrowhead on the body of the arrow. "We're about to find out..." Allison trails off, smiling down at the weapon in hand.

Standing up, she brings her bow with her. Setting up the arrow in place, Allison looks towards her target β€” the tree right in front of the group of four. Bringing the string back, she quickly releases it. The arrow flying through the arrow until it makes contact with the tree β€” once it does, it explodes. Well makes sparks fly and smoke come out.

Allison lowers her bow, the four still staring at the arrow now engraved into the tree. "What the hell was that?" Lydia questions, "I don't know..." Allison trails off, not really knowing what had happened either.

Lydia claps her hands, walking towards Allison in slow movements. "Well, that was fun! Any more lethal weapons you wanna try out?" Lydia asks sarcastically.

Hearing the crunch of leaves under someone's feet sets Spencer on high alert. And it obviously caught Allison's attention. Looking out in the distance, they hear a tree branch breaking.

Allison looks back at the three girls, "Hold this." Allison says, passing her bow behind her back, "What? Why?" Lydia asks, but still taking the weapon. "Because I thought I heard something." Allison tells her.

"So... what if you heard something?" Lydia asks, "So, we" Spencer says, pointing between her and Allison, "want to find out what that something is." She says, looking back at their best friends.

Spencer walks up beside Allison in front of the two. "Don't worry-- it's probably nothing." Allison adds on, her and Spencer sharing a look β€” they were hoping it was nothing.

Spencer and Allison turn around and start to walk to go and investigate. β€” "Well, what if that nothing is something, and that something is dangerous?" Lydia asks. "Shoot it." Spencer answers, hearing Lydia let out a whimper as she and Allison continue to walk forward.

It was quiet between the two, only the sound of their feet hitting the leaves and the natural sound of nature. Allison stops for a second, looking around them, Spencer looking around the other way.

It was eerie to Spencer. Especially with a crow caw - cawing. It was just getting on her nerves. Allison turns at the right time, whipping out a taser, and shooting the thing with it. It was Scott.

He falls to the ground convulsing β€” from being shot with a taser. "Scott? Scott!" Allison repeats, getting closer to him. "Trigger finger!" Scott groans out, "Oh!" Allison says, quickly looking down at the taser and turning it off.

Scott lays, gasping for air, "Scott, I'm so so so sorry." Allison apologizes, sitting down beside him. "No." Scott shakes his head, still gasping for air, "It's my fault. Totally my fault." "Are you okay?" Allison asks, "Yeah. I'm fine." He answers.

"Okay, so I'm going to gooo.." Spencer trails off, pointing back to where the two had started. Spencer turns on her heel, walking back to the girls. Spencer takes in a deep breath, plastering a smile on her face, "It was nothing. Actually it was just Scott. Allison's talking to him right now."

Spencer walks over and stands beside Veronica β€” awaiting the arrival of Allison. The latter slowly does walk back, but after that she suggests they go shopping tomorrow. Spencer is the first to agree, "Yea. That's better with me. I've got practice in an hour." Spencer tells them.

Allison nods, smiling over at Spencer appreciating her answer. Allison just wanted to lay in bed and mope. "Agreed. I have cheer tryouts in an hour." Veronica says, "I was wondering why there hasn't been any cheerleaders at the game." Lydia says, turning to her.

"We got a late start. But we should be there at the next one." Veronica informs her, Lydia nods. "Ok, we're going to go." Spencer says, pointing behind her β€” Veronica agreeing β€” the two leaving the area.

"Scott was there?" Veronica asks in a hushed whisper, Spencer just nods β€” "And you're ok with that?" Veronica questions.


Spencer had been the last one off the field after practice β€” she felt exhausted. Even with her werewolf powers, she felt drained. Checking to see if anyone was in the locker room, Spencer walks in, taking her shirt off finding no one was in the room.

Hearing a noise takes Spencer attention off of changing and looking around the room. Spencer didn't take the talking route knowing people normally didn't reply. Grabbing her metal water bottle she kept, she brings it to her side. Tip toeing around the lockers, she brings her water bottle down over the persons head.

The male falls forward, passing out revealing the person who was standing in front of him. Derek Hale β€” his eyes wide as he saw Spencer stood over his Uncles body, holding a water bottle above her head and her eyes glowing a red color.

Derek couldn't move β€” it was like he was in a trance just looking at Spencer. "You're an alpha?" Derek blurts out, "W-What?" Spencer stutters, turning to the mirror at the sinks beside her.

Derek was telling the truth β€” Spencer eyes glows a red, blinking fiercely, her eyes turn back to her natural blue color. "How are you an alpha?" Derek asks, stepping over his uncle's unconscious body and walks up behind Spencer.

"I don't know. I don't even know how you become and alpha!" She tells him, still looking in the mirror, not even paying attention to him. "Typically you kill someone for the alpha roll." Derek states.

Spencer looks back at him with an incredulous look, "Well I haven't killed anyone.. like ever?" Spencer tells him β€” she was freaking out.

"You can't tell your uncle. What if he kills me?" Spencer tells him, worrying for her safety. "Definitely. I'll sneak into your room tonight to talk more about it if I can." Derek says.

Spencer nods β€” "Great. We have a plan. I'll see you later." She tells him, going to grab her things, quickly throwing on her actual shirt, she grabs her phone and car keys, and quickly leaves β€” nodding to Derek β€” she makes her exit.


And just like Spencer and Derek had agreed on, Spencer waited and waited for Derek to come crawling through her window. That is until she falls asleep, only to find out the next morning that's he's probably dead.

"Call it again." Scott demands, he had been looking all over his room for his phone. "It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?" Stiles asks, Scott walks around his bed, and flips on the ground to look for his phone.

"I can't afford a new one, and I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek." Scott tells him, getting up from off the floor, "Well, A) you're not alone, you have me and Spence; and B) didn't you say Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead." Stiles tells him offended.

"Argent's plan was to use him to get to the Alpha. They're not gonna kill him." Scott explains, stopping at his bathroom, and continues to look for his phone, "All right, so then, just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use Derek to find Peter, problem solved." Spencer says, done with having this conversation, a pair of jeans flying back at her and Stiles.

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own, which means we either find Derek firstβ€”" "Just-just help me!" Scott yells stammering, moving his books around on his desk.

Spencer sighs, "You know, you probably lost it when you two were fighting." Spencer tells him, "Yeah. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior, here?" Stiles asks, while Scott continues to look through his desk.

"He wasn't going to kill anyone. And I'm not letting him die." Scott tells him, determined. "Could you at least think about letting him die? For me? For Spencer?" Stiles asks exasperatedly.

"What?" Stiles asks watching Scott's head snap back, "My mom just got home from work." Scott answers, having heard the squeal of the breaks.

"Is she okay?" Spencer asks, looking at Scott as he continues to listen shaking his head, "What's she doing?" Spencer asks, "Crying." Scott answers.

Scott sighs, walking over to his bed and sitting down defeatedly, "Scott, you can't protect everyone." Stiles tells him. "I have to." Scott tells the two


Spencer and Veronica got on the escalator behind Allison and Lydia, "Nothing's wrong... I just, I have a lot on my mind." Allison explains, she had been quiet and distant the whole ride here.

"You could smile, at least. Ever heard of the saying, "Never frown-- someone could be falling in love with your smile"?" Lydia tells her, "Smile, Allison." Lydia demands, Allison chuckles "I'm buying you a dress."

Allison shrugs, "Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected..." she trails off, "Excellent!" Lydia says, smiling. "...But not as much as I"m going to ask." Allison tells her.

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia questions, "It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, 'roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else." Allison answers her as the four step off the escalator.

"Who?" Lydia asks, "Him." Allison says, gesturing to Stiles standing at a little pop up shop for perfumes. Spraying it in his face, he begins to sneeze to try and get the chemicals that invaded his nose out.

"Oh..." Spencer says in a condescending voice, Allison smirks, picking up what Spencer was putting down, "Don't frown, Lydia! Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Allison tells her, both the girls wearing a smirk on their faces.

Lydia turns to the two, giving them a look but the step just smile at her and shrug. Stiles does a little wave to the four. "I'll see you guys in the store. I'm going to go find Winnie." Veronica says, watching the two girls tease Lydia was hilarious, but Veronica had a higher priority β€” her girlfriend.


Spencer had grabbed a royal blue dress off a rack, walking over to a mirror she looks at herself in it, shaping the dress to her body. "That's not your color." She hears, turning to the voice she almost growls.

Peter stood behind her, "I'd go for red." He smirks, looking around the racks, his eyes landing on a floor length red dress. "Like this one." He says, grabbing the dress off the rack and holding it out for Spencer to take.

"Wait, OMG. He's so right. Can you do me?" Veronica asks, walking over to Peter and Spencer, Winter following behind her. "Purple." Peter says, Spencer cautiously taking the red dress out of his hand.

Peter looks around the room, his eyes spotting a dark purple satin dress, "Here you go." Peter says, taking it off the rack, Veronica goes and puts the dress to her body in front of the mirror.

"What about me?" Winter asks, stepping closer to the man. "Yellow." Peter tells her, looking around the room, his eyes catching on a yellow strapless mini dress. "Here you go." He says, handing the dress to her.

"Thank you." Winter tells him, a smile on her face as she takes the dress. "We're going to go try on these. Thank you." Veronica says, Spencer smiles at him, trying to be civil.

Spencer goes into her own dressing room, trying on the dress. And she had to give it to Peter, he was right. The dress looked better than the blue. Maybe she would end up at the winter formal.


Β  Β Β  Spencer had shown up by herself, no date or anything β€” she was at the dance for a good time and to hangout with her friends. Spencer smiles, seeing her brother celebrating β€” Lydia leading him to the dance floor. It was peaceful until Coach started yelling.

"McCall! I see you!" Coach says, making his way through the crowd of people, "Come here, buddy." Coach yells, "Come here!"

"McCall!" Coach yells at him, "Get outta my way!" He says, pushing a student out of his way to get to Scott. "McCall!" Coach yells, continuing to push students out do his way, "It's a small gym, buddy! I'm gonna find you!" He finishes.

"I gotcha, McCall! Come here, come here! Get outta my way! McCall!" Coach yells, Spencer begins to laugh, noticing Scott dragging Danny to the dance floor.

"McCall! You're not supposed toβ€”" Coach cuts himself off, stopping in front of Danny and Scott, "What the hell are you do-- What the hell are you doing?" Coach asks flabbergasted.

Okay, ho-ho-ho, ha-ha. Hold on, you-- I was just saying he's not supposed to-- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't-- You guys don't think-- You don't-- I-I wasβ€”" Coach stutters, "Just dance, everybody! Just dance! Dance! It's a party!" Coach yells, trying to get the attention off of him.

"What are you looking at, Greenberg?" Coach yells at the kid.


Β  Β Β  Stiles had dragged Spencer off the dance floor, making her come and sit with him when Lydia left. Stiles grabs his sisters hand, he had been worrying about Lydia for the last five minutes, dragging her out of the room so he could listen to his phone.

"Where the hell have you been? Did Lydia ever find you?" Stiles asks, his eyes landing on Jackson a she puts his phone away.

"What? What's wrong?" Spencer asks noticing the look on his face. He looked terrified. Jackson sighs, "I-I was out behind the school, and I-I was outβ€”" Jackson stammers, getting cut off by Stiles as he narrows his eyes at him.

"What happened?" Stiles asks in a rather calm voice. "Jackson." Spencer says, but he still kept quiet, breathing heavily.

"Jackson, what did you do?" Stiles asks, but Jackson hadn't said a word. He looked genuinely terrified.


Β  Β Β  "Jackson, is that you?" Spencer hears Lydia ask quietly, that's how she knew her and Stiles were running in the right direction. "LYDIA! RUN!" Stiles yells, running beside his sister.

But Peter had made it to Lydia first, her head snapping to him as he opens his mouth, revealing all kinds of sharp teeth, growling at Lydia.

Lydia falls to the ground, blood smeared on her as Spencer and Stiles make it to the field. Stiles slides, coming face to face with Peter who was hovering over Lydia's body. Peter let's put a low growl.

"Don't kill her... Please..." Stiles begs, "Of course not!" Peter says fakely kind, "Just tell me how to find Derek." He demands.

"W-what?" Spencer asks, confused by his demand. "Tell me how to find Derek Hale." Peter tells her, his gaze going to Spencer, smirking when he sees her wearing the red dress.

"We don't know that. How would we know that?" Stiles asks, "Because you're the clever ones, aren't you? And because deception has a particularly acrid scent, Stiles." Peter tells him.

"Tell me the truth... or I will rip her apart." Peter threatens, "Look-look, I don't know, okay? I sw-swear to God, I have no idea." Stiles tells him anxiously.

"TELL ME!" Peter yells angrily, a growl coming out with his yell. It was so loud that it hurt Spencer's ears. She groans out in pain.

"Okay, okay, okay, look... I-I think he knewβ€”" Spencer says, her ears ringing, but gets cut off by Peter. "Knew what?" Peter ask's impatiently, his gaze only on Spencer.

"Derek, I think he... I think he knew he was gonna be caught." Spencer tells him, messing with her ears. "By the Argents?" Peter questions.

"Yeah..." Spencer nods trailing off, "When they were shot, he and Scott-- I think he took Scott's phone." Spencer explains, "Why?" Peter asks, still not getting it.

"They all have GPS now. So, if he still has it, and if it's still on... you can find him." Stiles finishes for his sister, Peter looking down at him as they make eye contact.


Only one more chapter! Yay! I can't wait for season 2 with all the new dramaπŸ˜™.

Though I don't know when I'll post act two after I finish the next chapter seeing as I'm going to be going back to school in a couple days. And I also want to finish some of my other books too. So I'm going to try and work on Mi Amor and Fire on Fire.

And I'll probably just write random chapters on Unconditional and Wildest Dreams. So when you see those I probably just got the motivation to write for them.

Anyways, that's the end of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and have an amazing day! Bye my lovelies.
