Chapter 3

I woke up, feeling dirty and uncomfortable. I needed a shower. I knew taking a shower was a very bad idea, but I feel so disgusting right now. I grabbed a washcloth and towel and turned the water on. I cringed as the water fell down the drain, knowing how this will bite me in the ass next month. I got in the shower and immediately started washing myself with some soap. I seriously can't afford this right now. I can't lie, this was so refreshing. I just wanted to stay in longer, but I knew I couldn't. I turned the water off so I wasn't tempted. 

 I stepped out of the shower, and dried myself off. I slipped on some sweatpants and a black hoodie. I picked up my backpack and left my house, locking the door behind me. I started walking down the sidewalk, preparing myself to see Mason. Normally, Mason always ambushes me when I walk past his house, but he never came. I sighed, as I also walked past Carlton's house. Right when I walked past his porch, I was dragged to the side of his house. Carlton pinned me to the side of the house. "I said I had a surprise didn't I?" I was waiting for the impact of his fist, but instead he threw me to the ground. I could already predict what he was about to do. He's done it so many times before. I hugged my knees and he started kicking the shit out of my shins.

I looked to the street, watching Mason walk past. He turned towards us and watched. Normally when Mason watches me getting beat up he enjoys it, but his face was just blank. He was showing no emotion. He watched for a few more seconds, then kept walking down the street.

If Carlton keeps this up my shin will be nonexistent. I had to do something about it. I grabbed his ankle with both my hands and once he went to kick, he tripped and fell onto his back. "Fuck!" I took my chance and stood up. I ran down the street and past Carlton's house. I looked behind me and Carlton is sprinting behind me. I tried to run faster, but my legs were killing me. I took a right towards the school. I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into someone and I fell over them.

I opened my eyes to see Mason on the ground and me laying on top of him. Welp, I'm dead. I stood up and walked back slowly, but I ran into Carlton. Mason stood up and turned around with fire in his eyes. He looked at me, then at Carlton. "This fucker pushed me down Mason." He grabbed my hoodie and pulled me into a headlock. Normally when one of them has me in a headlock, the other one punches the shit out of me, but the punches never came. I looked up to see Mason, walking back the way he was. Carlton let go of me. I think we were both shocked at what just happened. 

Mason has never missed out on an opportunity to kick the shit out of me, at least without telling me he's gonna spare me.  I turned to Carlton and we both looked at each other in disbelief. I think we both had the same idea. We both ran after Mason and turned him around. "Bro, Mason. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Carlton yelled out. Mason just looked at him with that same blank expression. I tried to say something, but I couldn't. He looked back at me. I swear I could see him blushing, but I might just be going crazy. He turned around and started walking again. This time me and Carlton didn't even bother chasing after him. "Wow, I've never seen him act like this." Carlton faced me. "Yeah, it's weird."

You might think we're overreacting, but Mason has never ever acted like this. Carlton and Mason have known each other almost their whole life, so if Carlton hasn't seen this from him then you know something's wrong. 

"Okay, I have a plan, how about we think really hard to find out why he's acting like this." I facepalmed. "That's your plan?" He crossed his arms. "Got anything better?" I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I closed my eyes and thought hard. I tried to think about every single time we were together. I thought back to when he broke my arm. I thought about that time I almost bled out from him 'accidentally' cutting me with some scissors. That time we were in the bathroom and.. Oh shit!

Carlton noticed my reaction. "What? Did you remember something?" Oh no, now I have to tell him. I took a deep breath and just said it all. "So know when you guys came to eat where I worked?" He was about to respond, but I kept talking. "Well after you all left Mason dragged me into the bathroom and locked me into a stall. He started choking me and got really close to my face. I guess I got too into the moment and I..... I kissed him." Carlton looked like he had just seen a ghost. I could practically feel myself blushing. "What! are you serious?!" I nodded and looked down to the ground. "I thought he would immediately push me back, but he kind of kissed me back, then he shoved me away." Carlton started blushing as well. He looked guilty, almost if he was hiding something.

I looked up to his face and crossed my arms. "What are you hiding?" "What? Nothing!" He looked to the ground after that statement. "Mason has said things about you." I wasn't surprised by that statement. "Okay.. And?" He sighed. "No, I mean he's talked about how hard it is to not kiss you every time he sees you." Now that one shocked me. "Wait.. You're serious?" He nodded. Oh. My. God. He's liked me this whole time? "I've literally wanted him to kiss me, and once I kiss him it's a huge deal?" "What, you have a crush on him?" I nodded, feeling embarrassed. Carlton laughed. "Well he definitely likes you back. But if you ask him, I already know it's not gonna go well." "What? Why?" "He doesn't like people asking him out. I don't know if you could tell, but he likes to dominate." I giggled. "I'll tell you what, if you can actually convince him to actually go out with you I'll leave you alone." I immediately stuck out my hand and shook his. "Fuck yeah!" He smiled. "We have a deal." 
