26.❄❆ Deviant Aura ❆❄

Good For You - Selena Gomez

Let me show you how proud I am to be yours

Leave this dress a mess on the floor

And still look good for you, good for you

Ben and Phoenix were quite, While Olivia was hero worshiping Aurora "She scared me and fascinated me at the same time , how is it even possible ." Olivia kept babbling ,at least that diverted her from the problem she was fretting over the captain-ship .

"And that accent ,she sounds like an English lady. No , A scary English lady."

That got Phoenix and Ben's attention back to present .

"Some people do that to intimidate people ." Phoenix said dismissing her .

"I tried to copy that accent It sounds really sexy . But my date thought I was having a stroke ." Ben and Phoenix didn't answer her .

"Maybe she watches peppa pig a lot . My niece has also pick up the accent ."


After having dinner together and consoling Olivia at the time , They were sitting at Aurora's place discussing today's turn of events .

"So apparently , We have put fuel to the fire ."

"Yes , they had already heard the rumors which must have gotten twisted by each story teller . And We... helped them ."

"Ricky came alone after I threw him out of the car ." Phoenix said . Aurora scowled at him, Ricky hugged her , silently asking her to scold Phoenix. Aurora patted his cheek .

"And I ran to the washroom and got in the classroom alone . I had washed my face and my eyes were a little glassy from the dry heaving." Aurora said , Ricky put his head on her shoulder in sympathy . Aurora patted his head like he was a puppy.

"And I joined Ben and Olivia . That did it ." Phoenix said pursing his lips when he saw Olivia's chin wobbling .

"But it doesn't matter , What they think about us.... We did nothing wrong ." Aurora said with conviction , She was right but the others were not completely wrong either . They pitied Aurora for getting cheated on and back stabbed by her best friend.

Phoenix was given a mix of hateful glances . Ricky was the cool player,Since everyone saw Aurora and Ricky talking in the classroom . Ben was the traitor who has chosen the wrong friend's side . And Olivia was the vamp. Aurora needed to understand that .

After Ben ,Olivia and Ricky went home. Phoenix and Aurora were lying on bed together .

"Tomorrow when you go for the cheerleading practice .I want you to tell them the truth ." Phoenix said carefully .

"Oh.. really , then what . We will stop each and everyone and tell them they are stupid for believing in Quinn's story." Aurora snapped back .

"Not everyone . Just your friends and don't forget they picked you, love ." Phoenix kissed her palm.

" They should have trusted us." Aurora argued .

"They did when they saw us having lunch together . They are replacing Olivia for Captain not throwing her out of the team ."

" That's not enough, they made their own conclusion and didn't bother asking me . They should have trusted me ." Phoenix reckoned she no longer was talking about the topic in hand.

" And it's your turn to tell the truth to the people who have trusted you without asking any questions ." Aurora looked at him in surprise . Getting that he is not referring to the current topic either .

'What does he know and how much ... Any case , Why is he still around.'


Next morning they followed the same routine as everyday . Phoenix noticed the hesitance in Aurora's face every time he had to go back to his place to change and get ready for college . Not even a jacket or a phone charger was kept in her place .

Phoenix had thought that just like everything else they might take a step forward in this thing also . But after witnessing Aurora's reaction on Quinn that dream felt far to become reality . Since Aurora has closed off herself again . Phoenix asked Aurora to trust her friends , She didn't say anything in return . If she had agreed with him or not ,that was still up in the air .

"Bye love , See you in class ." Phoenix kissed her, dropping her off to the cheerleading practice .

Aurora found Ben and Olivia leaning to their car door ." Remember, you did nothing wrong . So hold your head high." Aurora practically ordered Olivia .

When Aurora entered their practice field , everyone's eyes turned to her . She didn't need to turn back to see If Olivia has followed her . The team's reaction said it all .

She cleared her throat and Spoke. " At the Halloween party, I was misled to a room by Lucas . Yes , the same Lucas Jones from the football team . I may have gotten molested in there by two.. two people ... two people I know from my high school . Quinn and Daniel have turned the story to help their friend Lucas . Phoenix did not cheat on me, He saved me ."

They did believe her, but the events of the earlier day and how some of them saw Phoenix and Olivia come out of the woods together was left out. Aurora didn't want to reveal what could have happened to Olivia .

"And me..." Olivia said. ".... I left Aurora alone ."

" Olivia don't..."

"No Aurora, let me . I left her to go with Lucas , He led me to the woods and tried to kiss me . Phoenix came and saved me . We were running out of the words to get to Aurora and I ran in the opposite direction to get help ." Still not fully convinced , Aurora completed the story .

" Olivia kicked Lucas in the balls . The rumour is just a cover up for his humiliation." They all giggled at that , finally convinced .

If in case they still were unsure . Aurora will have to run back , because that would mean telling them the tale of Ricky breaking wind .

"So, Olivia for the captain . Those in agreement raise your hand ." Ben said and everyone raised their hands .

After the practice , they were getting ready to go to their class when someone asked .

"When did you learn to fight like that ."

" I just kneed him ." Olivia chuckled .

"But I heard he has been roughed up pretty bad ." That had Aurora's attention .

"He must have tried his luck on someone else ." Kristin suggested and Aurora nodded in agreement .


The next 4 days were spent the same,  gossips, murmurs and whispers everywhere but Aurora and her friends were unaffected , Specially Aurora . Those who deserved to know ,knew.

Aurora was packing for their trip to Albany When Phoenix came .

"All set for tomorrow ."

"Yes and you better be ready, because we will be hosting the next match 'If' we win."

"And what will I get when we win." Phoenix nuzzled his nose with hers ,their lips hovering over each others .

"Nah ahh... I won't tell . Aren't athletes supposed to stay away from 'extra' activities a day before match ." Aurora said tracing his abs from under his t-shirt .

"That's for losers. I need to know what will I get at the end of the finish line ." Phoenix murmured over her lips.

"What do you want ." Aurora said with conviction, She will do it without knowing what he might ask for. Trust .

"A victory kiss...." he said, Aurora looked at him in confusion ."...In the field when we win." Phoenix challenged her, this was his chance to pull Aurora out of her shell. She always tried to mix up with the crowd and Phoenix desperately wanted to change that. .

"I'll be ready with my red lipstick on." Aurora winked, and pulled him with her to the bed and they kissed.

"I'm supposed to be the 'man' in this relationship ." He said , flipping her over so she lied flat on top of his body.

" You're ..." Aurora pouted.

" Then stop pulling me like I weigh nothing ." Phoenix complained , He had wanted to initiate the kiss and cuddle her so many times before , But he always stopped himself. Wanting Aurora to set the boundaries and take the lead.

" I'm yours , Phoenix . " Aurora whispered in the same low, husky voice , that was his undoing . Phoenix tugged her dress down , Leaving her only in panties and the knee high socks she always wears because she loves the way her body tingles in need , When Phoenix's eyes drink her in .

Phoenix turned them again . She tugged on his T-shirt and Phoenix helped her remove it . Her shaky ,unsure hands went for his belt buckles . This was different from the times when he slept beside her only in his boxer shorts . Phoenix gently grabbed her wrist .

"I'm yours ,Phoenix . Are you mine..??? " Aurora asked . This was far more intimate for Phoenix than being physically close with her , She was trusting him . But there were still some skeletons in the closet . The secrets that might ruin them.

" I am . I have been for a long time . Longer than I would like to confess , I didn't want to scare you away , Love. " Aurora looked at him in surprise . love , it wasn't a mere term of endearment for him , How could she be so stupid.

"Phoenix , I.... "

"Shhh.. Love . Do trust me ...??" Phoenix whispered , hooking his finger at the edge of her panties.

" Yes... " Aurora whispered back . Her cheeks were bright red .She was nervous, not scared . Phoenix pulled the panties out of her leg , never taking his eyes off of her . She stiffened when he reached at the edge of her knee high socks , Phoenix snorted lightly . She is ready for this but not for that.

" Trust me love , I'm gonna make you feel..."
