π˜—π˜ˆπ˜™π˜› 8

The turtles watched as Y/n beat up the foot clan members, Donnie weakly smiled seeing that she can handle herself.

"Dude, she was awesome." Mikey said weakly.

"Never send weak Foots to watch one girl." Sacks groaned.


|| 2nd person pov ||

"I've thought about doing...not becoming a ninja, but I was doing a bunch of yoga for like, 10 days at the point, and uh, I pulled a hamstring." Vern spoke as Raphael rolled his eyes in the back.

"There's the gate right there." April changed the subject to get him to stop talking.

"There it is." Vern said quickly.

"Ram the gate." Raphael said pocking his head out.

"Ram the gate? This is channel 6 property." Vern denied.

"I said ram the gate!" Raphael yelled.

"Alright everybody, strap in!" Vern said as he ramed the gate.

They all grunted at the hard hit, as Foots came out shooting at the van.

"Oh shit!" Vern yelled.

"Go, go, go, go!" Raphael repeated.

Vern kept driving as he put his head down avoiding the bullets that where hitting the glass, falling on Vern, and Aprils head.

He stopped again, when he ramed another gate, he quickly put it in reverse, and started to back up. They put their heads down again, as more Foots came shooting at the them.

Raphael, yelled busting out the side of the van. He jumped up, and punched the Foot soldier twice making him fly off knocking him out. Raphael exhaled, opening Verns door. "Follow me!" Raphael said with an low voice.

April quickly got out, as the alarms started to beep.


Sacks quickly got the alert, and started to order people around, getting ready to leave. "I'll take this canister to New York to withdraw the mutagen, make sure you drain all their blood. And find that girl." He pointed at Foots as they quickly took off.

"Time to take a bite out of the big apple." Sacks grabbed the canister and walked out.


|| Y/n pov ||

I ran around carefully trying to find the turtles, I stopped when I heard fighting, and looked over to see Raphael kicking a Foot hard.

"Raphael!" I yelled running towards him.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He quickly asked me.

"I'm fine...um, can I have a little help?" I held up my tied hands, as he looked down at me.

"Yeah. Hold still." He got out his weapon, and cut the ropes quickly.

"Thanks where's April?" I asked him.

"She should still be back there, but wait might need your help, let's go find my brothers first." He stopped me, as I nodded.

We walked into a room, and spotted the three turtles with their heads down, they looked weak.

"Hey! Get outta here!" One member held up his gun at Raphael, and I. I blasted him back with my powers, as Raphael hit him with the back of his hand.

We both panted, looking at the turtles. "Leo!" Raphael said worried about his brother, Leo looked up at him with weak eyes.

Raphael quickly made his way towards him, as I made my way towards Donnie.

"About time." Mikey weakly said.

"Donnie, are you ok?" I placed my hand on the tube, he shot me a little glance, and put his head back down, "I'm gonna get you out of here." I stepped back, throwing a purple ball at the tube, but quickly put my head down, as it shot back at me, I looked at it, and sighed. "Maybe not." I whispered.

Raphael tried to punch the tube, but it quickly sent him back stumbling. He got out his weapons ready to attack it, till we both heard a deep voice.

"Raphael. Y/n glad you could join us." Shredder said.

I turned around in fear.

Raphael got his weapons ready, I was about to go help, but he motioned for me to stay back.

"The fourth cage is for you." He told Raphael, as he got out his swords. Raphael charged at him, and shredder choked him walking him over the edge of the railing, and throwing him in the air hitting the roof like nothing.

"Raphael!" I screamed. Shredder turned around, and looked at me, and started to walk towards me "Little girl." I quickly held out my hand throwing an strong force at him with my powers, making him fall over the rails with a groan.

"That's harsh, man." Mikey said weakly, still cracking jokes. I breathed harder each time, watching shredder beat up Raph. I looked over to see April, and Vern. April saw me, and quickly ran towards me embracing me with a big hug.

"I'm so glad your alright." She touched my face, leaning our foreheads together. "You've gotta get the turtles out, I've gotta go help Raphael." I told April, she looked over at Raph, as Shredder, punched him hard in the face. "Raphael!" April screamed.

"You." Shredder said walking towards us.

"Focus on me." Raphael said getting back up, and tackling him.

"April, go." I told her, holding on to her hands. She nodded, as I saw Shredder crushing Raphael's shell.

I walked past Vern, and waved at him. "Hey Vern." I patted his shoulder, as he looked at the turtles in shock.

"Three..four total turtles. Ones fighting a robot samurai. Why not?" He stammered.

I sighed, and jumped down the rails to the floor landing perfectly on the ground. "Hey Wolverine!" I called out holding my hands to my side with purple around my hands.

My eyes flashed purple, as I lifted myself up in the air, gathering some rocks that had fallen when shredder had threw Raphael. I threw one big rock at him, as he crushed them, and then another which he also crushed. I jumped in the air, and slammed my hands in front of me throwing a big purple ball with my powers making him stumble back, I walked towards him throwing as many purple balls as I could at him.

He got his swords, and pushed them down on me, I grunted, as I heard April call my name. He pushed down harder, as I kept my hands in front of me protecting me, with my powers. "Prepare to die, little girl." He spoke.

I tilted my head at him, with purple eyes. And used my other hand to send him an strong upper cut, once he was distracted, I lifted him up in the air, while purple was around his armor. I started to tear apart his armor, as he groaned in pain. I had it till he broke out of my magic, sending me a strong kick in the chest.

I flew in the air, as I felt strong arms catch me, I looked up to see Raphael, still in pain, "you alright?" He asked me, as he let me go. "Fine." I groaned sitting up, watching shredder walk away.


|| 2nd person pov ||

April banged on Donnie's tube looking at the weak purple turtle. "Donnie! Donnie! What do I do?" She asked him trying to wake him up.

"Adrenaline." He said softly.

"What?" April put her ear to the little holes, to hear him better,

"Adrenaline," he repeated again,

"Adrenaline." April said, going towards the computers.

She looked at it, and saw 'Adrenalin injection' as she tapped it like crazy.

Seeing that it wasn't working she yelled. "Get up!"

The turtles gasped, as they went wide eyed. April looked at them in shock. "It's working." Vern looked at the turtles.

"I think we should move." April said, as they broke their tied hands, and busted out the glass, as they started to get hyper.

"Oh, wow! I feel really good right now! I feel like running." Mikey said.

"I feel like cleaning. Who wants to clean the dojo? I'll clean the dojo!" Leo shouted.

"You guys feel like running?" Mikey said running around.

"Endorphins! Endorphins!" Donnie panicked running towards the rails along with his brothers.

"We gotta get Raph, and Y/n!" Leo said.

They ran as they called out, Y/n and Raphael's names.

"Are you guys ok? Are you dead?" Mikey asked.

The turtles swarmed Raphael and I, asking if we where ok.

"Fine." Y/n said with a limp. Donnie grabbed her shoulders, and brought her in for a hug. "You where such a badass out there!" He smiled at her, as Y/n returned the hug confused.

"Come on we gotta go Raph!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Go where?" Raph groaned getting up,

"Sacks tower!" Leo spoke.

Y/n slowly backed up, using her powers to fly up, going to catch up with April, leaving the brothers alone.

"New York City! Times Square!" Mikey said.

"Shredders going to release a toxin!" Donnie replied.

"It's gonna poison the whole city!" Mikey ran around like crazy.

"And sacks is gonna sell the antidote!" Leo picked up his weapons.

"Made from the mutagen that's in our blood, and Y/n!" Mikey continued to run around.

"So we've gotta get going now!" Donnie said.

"Good. Let's do it for sensei." Raph responded.

"Ok, we're going! Everybody calm down! Look how calm I am!" Mikey ran with his hands out.
