Chapter 1: A dambed ball

My alarm goes off and I groan. "Ameillia get up its time for college!"

I let out a deep sigh its my first day of college well not first day I have failed 2 years of college so I am 18 and in my first year of college. I couldn't help but wonder if I will make any friends. I got dressed and did my make-up not too heavy but a light look I put on a shirt and a skirt and a jacket to top it off. I got my bag and headed straight to college. When I got there I looked at the lessons I had today and I saw a guy come towards me and he threw me his ball. Luckily I caught it but he ran off. After a couple of minutes I had comprehended what happened and I saw a tall guy coming towards me and he glared at me. He looked at the ball and he slightly raised his voice and said "Why do you have this ball?" 

I could hear him mutter something under his breath he clenched his jaw and raised his voice "This is your ball and we strictly forbid your own sports equipment here."


I felt my heart pounding fiercely and I didn't want to cause trouble on the first day and I nodded. He then snatched the ball from me and then inspected it. He then said "Why did you not deny this is not you ball?"

I was about to say something but then he cut me of saying "This is Lewise's ball."

He then just left. I was standing there beyond confused and then I thought should I be angry, sad or relieved. I then realised I just have 5 minutes to get to my class. I ran and ran until I reached the classroom panting. I had a seat in the front row. I sighed and sat. I had finished the lesson.  I then packed my stuff and headed towards the lunch room. I sat down then I saw a beautiful blonde women. Her skin was as clear as glass and her hair looked so silky and soft. She wasn't skinny nor was she fat. She came towards me and was holding the guy who had passed me that ball by his ear. She then said "Hi I'm so sorry about my boyfriend! It was very rude of him to get you into trouble. I am so sorry."

He then said "I am so sorry I am trying to become a better person and I promise that will never happen again."

I then said  "Its fine."

They then said "Can we sit?"

I said "Of course!"

The blonde women introduced herself as Abagail. She said people usually call her Ab or Abby.

Then the guy introduced himself as Lewis. We then talked and became friends. When lunch was over I headed to my last class History. I was 5 minutes early. I was shocked to see who the teacher was. It was that jerk who accused me of dirtying the walls. The student started to pour in and take their seats. He then introduced himself as Professor Grey. I looked out of the window and noticed that it had started raining. It was a cloudy and dark. He started teaching us about World War 2. I started to make notes but at the end of the lesson I had zoned out. I didn't realise that he was calling me after a few minutes I realised and I mumbled the answer following with a sorry sir. He had come up to me and said "Miss Falke were you paying attention?"

I then said "Yes sir." 

He then said "Give me an answer to question 1, 2 and 3"

I mumbled all the answers but got 2 incorrect. He then said aloud for everyone to hear purposefully "Miss Falke your not paying attention don't lie."  And then he leaned in I felt his fresh minty breath on my neck he lowered his voice then said "Detention after school and I want to see the notes for my class at detention."

I was the first one to leave his class and I had a study period before my next lesson. I saw one of my teachers Mrs Levine. She was a quite beautiful woman she had red hair, clear skin and a perfect body. She came up to me and said "Oh dear you do look awfully pale. Are you feeling alright?"

I managed to stammer out "D-d-d detention with Professor G-g grey

"Oh." that was all she could say.

I then said "I apparently wasn't paying attention in class and Professor Grey asked me 3 questions I got 2 wrong. I may have zoned out a bit at the end of the lesson but that's it."

"Ah Professor Grey can be strict. Oh! Sorry dear I have to go teach my lesson."

Just like that she left. I headed of to lessons 

Meanwhile in the Staff room 

I slammed the coffee machine. I then saw Mrs Levine coming towards me. She then said "Ashton weren't u telling us yesterday we should be careful with the coffee machine?"

She the let out a little laugh I then said "Not in the mood Mrs Levine."

She then pushed the coffee machine button and the warm liquid instantly poured into my mug I then thanked her. We then started talking. Mrs Levine came and we stared at him while he mouthed a clumsy apology to Mrs Levine while she was laughing. I started the conversation off and  said "I was thinking of getting rid of the old books and replace them with new books in your classroom Mr Levine."

"Oh no no don't replace the books I love the books but you can replace the teacher if you want!" Mrs Levine said jokingly 

Mr Levine pretended to wipe tears from his face and then they both started laughing at Mr Levine  dramatic acts. I couldn't help but let a very small unnoticeable smile. Mrs Levine said "I heard about Miss Falke. She has detention with you right Ashton?"

I let out a deep sigh and nodded she then said "Ashton if these kids keep taking lessons with you I am certain they will end up in therapy. You scared the poor girl when I talked to her she could barely get the words out of her mouth."

Mr Levine then said "You should ease up a bit. I saw Miss Falke and she was very pale!"

I then thought why does my mind keep thinking about Miss Falke. Her school file is basically empty  while others are bare. The talk of Mr and Mrs Levine snapped me out of my thoughts. They then said "We got a couple more lesson we will talk later toodles."

I then remembered detention with Miss Falke. So I headed to the classroom 

Back to Ameillia's pov 

  In no time I was heading towards detention. I took a seat in the back doing some of my homework. I had done my homework and had 15 minutes left. I looked at Professor Grey and he was wearing a while shirt which showed of his muscles and his figure perfectly with his sleeves rolled up and he was wearing jeans which showed his leg muscles and his dark brown hair it was styled to the side and when it came in front of his eyes he would run his hands through his hair. His deep cold voice sent me out of my thought he said "Miss Falke your notes."

I got up but my skirt got caught in the rusty old chair and I yanked it. I headed up to Prof Greys desk and he had a look at my notes. He then looked at my notes then gave them to me. He then said "Miss Falke, you are wearing pink polka dots panties  ."

I looked at him confused and I said "How do you-" 

He cut me off and said "I see your panties."

I then had realised that I had ripped my skirt I turned a bright shade of red . I then sprinted to my mum who was in the parking lot and she asked me how my day how my day was and we made small talk the entire way.

Ty for reading this chapter I will try to upload  chapter per 2 or 3 days. I hope u will continue reading and comment below what u think about this story and if I see supportive comments I will continue to upload!!
