Surfing (NarratorxEddie)

(Eddie's pov)
Inspired by @milothefanficwriter

The plane landed, the boys practically running out of the airport- "Finally! A good break to our selves!" Juicy yelled as they got to the bus stop. "Yeah, Hawaii was a good idea Smashing" Narrator commented. The bus stopped at the resort, Juicy and Smashing racing into the hotel- Smashing pushing out of the way to get through the door; the door was locked. "Dawgs- y'all forgot the room keys" I laughed, handing Josh the room keys.

Smashing, Mully, and Josh were in one room- Me, Narrator, and Juicy in the other.

Setting my bags on the first bed, looking at Narrator. "Excited

|| Time skip ||

The water was Cold, the surf board was blue and Narrator was by my side. Him and I decided to go surfing while Mully and Josh watched over Smashing and Juicy. "Narrator! Let's catch this one!" I yelled as one rose from the sky. We road it to the sand, laughing as it died down and shrunk. "Holy shit dude! That was awesome!" Narrator laughed.

"I saw you guys, y'all looked great out there!" Josh laughed, mimicking how wobbly we were. "Oh whatever" I laughed. The wind started to pick up- more waves! "Narrator let's go!" Eddie rushed to the sea again, "Eddie wait! The winds to strong!" Narrator yelled. It couldn't be that bad- I ignored him. Rushing to the water and getting back on the board.

The wind continued to pick up, causing the wave to go higher than I was expecting- "Shi-!" As I spoke the wave rushed over me, knocking the air out of my lungs. My lungs were on fire. The water filled my lungs. I was to panicked to concentrate- which in my situation isn't good.

I panicked- my head never above the water for to long. The waves rushing over me over and over keeping me under. Eyes struggling to see where I was, the ocean floor no where near my feet...

'Please, god please' I thought to myself as my vision goes blurry, 'let me see my friends and family one last time'

My body floats to the top, back facing the sky. The surf board drifts to shore, connecting to my ankle- slowly dragging me along to shore.

(3rd pov)

Narrator- paying attention to detail, worried for his friend(?) He looks over while laughing from one of Juicy and Reekids jokes, and notices Eddie. "Holy shit! Eddie!!" He runs over- heart breaking in his chest- the boys following quickly behind him.

Narrator jumps into the water, pulling Eddie onto the dry sand. "Oh my god!" Juicy screamed, Eddie's face as pale as a vampire. Mully quickly got out his phone, calling for the medics- Narrator starts doing chest compressions, and mouth to mouth. "Come on Eddie- breathe" Josh mumbles, everyone in a slight panic.

Narrator continues, tears running down his face- "fuck. Eddie, come on-," Eddie laid still, "come on" He says. The boys have to pry him away, he grabs onto Eddie, crying his eyes out- the boys drag him away as the paramedics rush past them, putting a breathing mask onto Eddie's face, "goddamit Eddie! Wake up!"

A slight sound of a heart monitor echoes the room, soon, a long beep as Eddie passes

Narrator awakes in a panic. Looking over to Eddie, who's watching his airplane tv. "Grant you alright?" Eddie asks. "Yeah...just a bad dream.
