
It was new years night, and the mansion was getting entirely piss drunk. Nightly patrols around the forest have been a bust so far, no signs of anything unusual. Hoodie and Y/n have even brought smile on a few occasions, yet nothing came of it. Oddly enough, this lead to more finger pointing towards Jeff

However tonight, the big boss man has let everyone off the hook as they celebrated the start of a new year for the mansion! Even Jeff the Killer.

Y/n sipped at her vodka lemonade contently, she didn't usually get black out drunk, but tonight was the exception. Her mind had been racing with so many thoughts recently, what didn't help was the patrol mission she had with Masky last night. Thinking of it only ran shivers down her spine as her body grew warm.

Despite her mind being a wreck she had even decided to participate in any dumb ideas any one of them had. At some point she convinced Ben it was a good idea to take a shot every time he died in his video game. Let's just say, he's literally stumbling everytime he walks.

Besides Ben, everyone was still pretty much sober enough to comprehend what was going on. Now they all sat around in the living room, playing truth or dare. A quite cliche party game, a bit childish, but how could anyone resist when drinking's involved.

The dares that have been laid out so far were drawing a dick on Slenderman's door, trying one of Sally's mudpies, and chugging a bottle of vodka straight. With the truths however, Eyeless jack almost threw up when Jeff had admitted he swirled his toothbrush in the toilet when he was mad at him.

Now it was Y/n's turn and Jeff had just asked her truth or dare. "Dare" she said with a straight face. In all honesty she was probably not thinking right to choose dare, however, she was ready for whatever bullshit Jeff would make her do. "Sit on the lap of the person you hate most for the rest of the game." He said with a elongated grin.

She thought for a moment, Masky hadn't gotten on her nerves as much as he usually did but there was still what happened last night. It was obviously narrowed down to Jeff and Masky, and there was no way in hell that she'd sit on Jeff. She shivered at the thought of what he'd do if she sat in his lap.

Stumbling slightly she got up at sat on Masky's lap, making him grunt. "What the hell.." he said under his breath. "Don't make a big deal out of this doll face, I'm only sitting with you so I don't have to sit with Jeff." She said with a grimace. "And don't get any ideas like yesterday." she said loud enough for only him to hear her.

Upon hearing this he didn't argue back, only adjusting himself to get more comfortable. He smiled a bit with confidence when he heard what she had said. She preferred him over that smiling bastard and that was enough for him. Looking past her shoulders he gave Jeff a smug look before paying attention to the rest of the group.

Jeff only stared in shock as she stayed with Masky. He had thought for sure he'd be able to have her to himself. She owes him after all, her and Slenderman had always killed his fun. He was in it for the joy ride, but now there was no ride at all. It didn't help that wherever Y/n was, Masky wasn't too far away and Jeff did not want to receive another one of Masky's beatings.

The rounds progressed and by the end of it Hoodie had no shirt, Jane with half an eyebrow missing, and Laughing Jack with a big lemon slice held in his mouth and an empty bottle of Jack's beside him. All of them had progressively gotten more drunk besides a couple of them. The game had ended and Hoodie and Masky were left in the living room while the rest left off to the dining room and kitchen to continue drinking.

Hoodie was only sipping lightly on a glass of whiskey while Masky had cut himself off an hour ago. He instead held a can of coke. They were chatting amongst themselves about the most random of topics. That is until a certain duo began to stumble into the living room.

Turning towards the noise the two watched as a clearly drunk looking Y/n and Toby began stumbling through towards the couches. Landing into the couch beside them Hoodie raised an eyebrow. "Uhh guys? You uh..okay there?" he asked in a babied tone.

Toby snorted as he began to laugh at how funny Hoodie's ski mask looked when pulled half way up. Y/n whined as she sunk further into the couch claiming she was one with the couch. Masky gave Hoodie a look before suggesting carrying the two drunks to their respective rooms.

"Brian could you drag Toby up to his room while I haul Ms.Troublemaker over here?" Masky asked while pulling Y/n's arm over his shoulders. "Roger that." Hoodie replied before leading Toby up the stairs to which he began complaining he wasn't tired, soon tripping over the top step.

The girl cackled seeing her friend fall on his face at the top, earning a middle finger from him. "Alright, enough of you two. It's time to go to bed." Masky huffed while assisting Y/n up to her room. She whined more the closer she got to her room. "I'm not tireddd." she would slur. "Yeah well I'm tired of listening to you complain!" Masky retorted growing slightly irritated.

She huffed as they opened her bedroom door. Immediately after stepping in, she collapsed onto her soft bed, not wanting to move. "Get your ass up and change out of those clothes you smell. I'll be back with water and Tylenol." Masky announced before shutting her door.

Y/n mouthed what he had said in a mocking way before getting into a change of pjs. He was so bossy right now she kept thinking. However a change of clothes didn't seem too awful of an idea. She was in such a stuffy feeling turtleneck in attempts to hide the numerous hickies and bite marks that coloured her neck. Soon after changing out her party clothes she once more flopped face first into her bed sheets.

Meanwhile Masky stood in the kitchen gathering a couple of small pills and her cup of water. Soon reaching her door once more he knocked, he did not want to see anything that would scar him for life.

He knocked two more times after gaining no response. Growing irritated he knocked and yelled out for the girl, only to earn a muffled come innn. Rolling his eyes he walked in to see her slumped back in bed. She sprawled out over her sheets and comforter, almost like a starfish.

"The medicine and water are for when you wake up in the morning, drink some now if you don't want to puke tomorrow morning." he suggested while setting them down on her nightstand. "Fine." she said begrudgingly. As she began to drink slowly Masky sighed, watching to make sure she downed most of it without puking.

Watching her carefully he admired the work of art he had made along her skin. It was almost like a water colour painting, hues of red pink and purple marked areas of her neck and collarbone. He felt almost proud of himself for taking charge over her in some aspect.

And he was damn proud of it.

