Farming 101!

Ship: HorrorFarm

Multiverse: Original

Request by: Yandere_Passive

       Hey there, I'm farmer. How are you today? Huh? Me? Oh, nothing much. Just sitting in front of the window like a fucking idiot, casually Stalki– wAtching Horror stare at the soil for the past five hours. Your probably wondering. How did this happened? Well, why don't just tell you?

It was actually just a week ago from today, Horror came to my door. He knocked as he looked at the door as if he was having an internal conflict. He actually looked quite nervous. I sighed and opened the door for him as he gave me a look of surprise, as if he wasn't expecting me to actually answer it at all.

"Oh, uh. Horror... what brings you here? Is Ink and Error doing some sort of meeting again?" Horror looked up as he shook his head, insisting that this was not the reason for his coming. "Oh... then, uh- if you don't mind me asking... why are you here?" I asked as I titled my head, scratching the back of it as I continued to stare at him still committing to my strange habit.

He opened his mouth as if he was trying to say the words, mouthing the words as if he forgot how to speak. He paused as if debating with himself, he coughed as he held his throat as he struggled to speak. "I... ask- ....! Help!" His voice was small, but even just saying a single word, you can't help but since as if it was screaming in pain. But horror is fine with it.

He's used to the pain. Nor does he believe he needs to get his voice check. To be honest, it makes perfect sense. Horror has never eaten anything back when he was in his Au. He gave and hunted for food only for papyrus. And he was perfectly happy to make that sacrifice for his brother. It also explains why he eats so much, he was fearful that he'd never be as lucky to get food again.

Actually, his Au is the reason why he's here. Farmer gaped in surprise. What could possibly something Horror needs help with? "H-help? Oh, sure! What do you need help with horror." I swear if he says he's hungry, Well.... guess I'm dying today... Horror was actually embarrassed for asking for help, as he never done it before. Guess it's the first time for everything I suppose.

"You-... create, food... yes?" Horror struggled. Farmer blinked. That was awfully... adorable, it was strange to say the least; to refer to your once enemy and former killer, adorable would not be quite as fitting. Or so he thought. Farmer gave a sigh and a small amused smile. "Well... I wouldn't say create but... yes. I do 'create' crops and meals. Why...?" Horror blinked at the words. ... whatsa 'crop'...? Why do he say word, create, like that?

Farmer turned to look in shock at horror who looked as if he was in deep thought. . . . Was it something I said...? He scratched the back and of his skull as the two looked in other directions, both in complete deep thought. Horror broke farmer out of his trance as he asked his internal question. "Whatsa crop?" Farmer blinked. Oh, he thought he did something wrong.

"Crops are basically, food. But instead of buying it from the store–" Farmer was about to go on, but Horror decided to cut in. "Horror... no G's..." "Yes, horror. I'm trying to explain how there are other ways to make food!" Farmer tried to finish. Horror blinked, until it hit him. Almost as hard as undyne's spear that pierced through his head. "Like- creating?!" His eye light turned into a star as if he just got the right answer on a test.

"Yes horror, like creating" Farmer rolled his eye lights in amusement. "Now what kind of help do you need?" Farmer finally asked. "Help- ... make food...!" Farmer was quite confused. Did- did horror wanted him to teach him how to make food...? "You... want me toy teach you how to make plants? As in, make food?" Horror beamed, he nodded up and down Rapidly. He was quite happy that Farmer understood.

So that's where we are now. Both were in the field, horror took off his jacket and wrapped it around his waist. He was currently covering the seed up with dirt, half way done to having planted his first plant. "Okay, after you've covered it up. Use this watering can to pour some water on top of it, alright?" Horror nodded as he did as what Farmer told him. "Good! Now all you have to do is wait, and water it every day." Horror nodded as he sat down in a cross-cross position. ". . . What are you doing..?" Farmer questioned. Horror looked at him in question.

"Waiting." Horror replied bluntly as he continued to stare at the plant. Farmer sweat dropped. Not... what I had in mind... "Uh, horror? You can come back anytime you want to, you don't have to actually stay here. If you really want to be with it, you can stay at my place." Horror looked up in surprise, but had to stubbornly decline. "No! Watch... plant- grow!"

Horror sighed as he gave in. He gave Horror some corn and other assortments of fruit and vegetables in case he ever got hungry. But Farmer, being the worry wort he was. Looked from afar through his little window. Watching horror delightedly talking to the plant like an old friend. Farmer smiled warmly. Maybe he won't be so bad after all.

Papyrus smiled as he beamed brightly.

"BUT OF COURSE! YOU WERE TEACHING YOUR NEW FRIEND HOW TO PLANT!! THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS BROTHER!! BUT- DO YOU THINK HE SHOULD BE OUTSIDE NOW?" Farmer blinked as he looks at his brother in question. "Uh- what do you mean, paps?" Farmer asked hesitantly. Oh no... what now? "W-WELL YOU SEE... I- I MAY HAVE HEARD THE VILLAGERS TALKING ABOUT A- INCOMING STORM...? A-AND—" Farmer wasted no time as he ran outside with his jacket as the rain started coming down, falling in pursuit.

Farmer ran down to see horror, sleeping soundly. Tired from all the talking he had with the little seedling. Farmer sighed and smiled fondly as he laid his jacket on horror as a blanket, holding up an umbrella as he sat down next to horror. Sheltering him from the rain, as the two slept soundly.

It actually turned out that papyrus was lying.

He just needed a little push.

To help him through
life's coming of days...


Here ya go! Finally finished this... Now off to making more!
