Who did it to Trina?


"Alright!" Tori said, looking up from checking things off on her clipboard as I put the props back in their place on the set. "Let's try this again. Frommm the top of page six, aaaand sinjin stop sniffing me," She rolled her eyes, standing in front of the set as Sinjin sniffed her ear. He looked around, before backing away. "aaaand action." Tori exclaimed, as she and I sat down in the front row and watched them.

Tori was directing her first play at Hollywood Arts and boy was she excited... it was almost annoying. Last year, she co-directed a play with Marty, the play, I got a zombie mask stuck on my face? Yeah, that one. Anyways, this year, this was all up to her, and her grade depended on it too. And mine.. as I was the stage manager. I think I'm going to stick with being an actress though... even if that means getting monster makeup stuck to my face. I keep losing that damn prompt book!

"All right don't get all mad. I was just sayin' that...—" 

"I know what you were saying!" Robbie cut off Andre, stepping closer to him. 

"Kevin!" Andre exclaimed.

"If you think my adopted sister's a freaky weirdo then why don't ya just say so?!" Robbie hissed, as Trina ate an unpeeled banana and sat at the kitchen table. 

Andre leaned over and looked at her, before looking back at Robbie. "..Your sister's a freaky weirdo." He deadpanned.

Robbie hit Andre with his script, "I can't believe you'd say that!"

"But you just told me to...—" 

"Get outta here! Get outta my ranch house!" Robbie exclaimed, gesturing to the yellow door as I wrote down notes.

"Oh, come on man!" Andre yelled as Robbie shooed him to the door. "Oh man!"

"Get out of here! Get out!" Robbie shouted, as Andre opened the door, fussing.

"She's a weirdo!" 

"Get out of here, freeloader!" He exclaimed, closing the door on him before looking at Trina. "I'm sorry, Mandy!" He sat at the table, as Trina put the banana down, picking up her phone. "I thought he was my friend, but anyone who'd call my adopted sister a weird...—

"Yep, yeah, shut up a second." Trina said, holding her arm out after putting her phone up to her ear. I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing at my copy script. "Hi, can I get a five o'clock appointment for a foot bleaching?" 

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as Robbie looked between me, Tori and Trina. "F-foot bleaching? Y/n, is that in the rewrites?" He asked, looking at his script.

"No, it's not." I sighed, standing up.

"Trina, we're in the middle of a scene." Tori said, leaning forward in her chair.

"Yeah, well that doesn't help whiten my feet, does it?" She asked sarcastically. "No, no, it has to be at five... a-and don't gimme that big sweaty girl. I want Foon-yee." She said, talking into her phone.

Tori stood up, sighing. "All right, guys, let's take five minutes!"

Trina looked up, "Ten."

"Five!" Tori exclaimed, leaning forward as she looked at Trina. 

"Look, can you just put Foon-yee on the phone?" Trina asked, as Tori walked up to her and I sat down at the table, getting my phone from my back pocket to text Beck back. He had been in Canada for the week, visiting his grandparents. We really hadn't talked, only a 'Good morning' here or a 'Love you' at nighttime. But was it wrong that I felt somewhat better without him being here.. because then.. we weren't fighting? 

"Hey..." Tori whispered.

"Busy." Trina murmured, before Tori took the phone from her hand and put it up to her ear.

"Bye Foon-yee!" Tori said as she hung up the phone. 

Trina stood up, pointing at her phone. "You just hung up on the best foot-bleacher in all of Beverly h...—"

"Can ya help me?!" Tori exclaimed, "Could you do that for me please, as my sister, can ya help me here?" She pleaded, almost pitiful. 

Trina shrugged, "It's just a stupid little play why are you so amped?"

"Oh, come on, like you weren't amped the first time you got to direct a play." Tori said, nodding her head. 

Trina nodded, before touching her face, and squishing her cheeks. "You look bloated. Have you been eating a lotta salt?" She asked, as Tori swatted her hands away. 

"Listen! I'd really like to get an A in this class, so I would appreciate it if you would help me out here...—" 

Trina's phone rang, making her grin, cutting Tori off. "Ooo good, it's Foon-yee!" She grabbed her phone, answering it. "Hey, Foony girl... I got some dingy feet for ya!" She exclaimed, walking away as Tori and I watched her. I rolled my eyes, putting my phone up as Andre and Robbie came through the set's door.

Tori shrugged, sighing. "Sorry, you guys." 

"Ah, it's cool." Andre said, unscrewing his water bottle.

"No big." Robbie dismissed, carrying Rex.

"But uh... I gotta ask... I mean, don't take this the wrong way... But, um...—" Andre spluttered.

"Oh my God, I do look bloated?" Tori whimpered, touching her face. 

Andre furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "No," He shook his head before really looking at her. "Well... ..Nah." I looked at her before sending a glance at Andre, both of us silently agreeing with our eyes. 

"Why'd you cast Trina as the lead girl?" Robbie asked, walking up behind Andre. 

"I didn't want to." She looked between Andre and Robbie. "Y'know my cuddle me Cathy doll that I love and that I've had since I was five years old?" She asked, as I nodded. 

"Yeah." Tori couldn't sleep without that doll when we were kids. Let's be honest, she still can't.

"No, I have no idea what you're talking about." Andre shook his head. 

"You've never mentioned that, Tori." Robbie said, after glancing at Andre.

"Oh... Well, Trina kidnapped her, and she wouldn't give her back unless...—" 

"Unless you gave Trina the lead." Robbie finished for her.

"Yep." Tori rolled her eyes as I nodded. 

"That's janked up." Andre nodded, before drinking from his water bottle.

"Yeah." Robbie agreed, "But uhhh... Don't ya think you're a little 'old' to be playin' with dolls?" He asked, genuinely as I looked at him and Rex like they were crazy. 

Rex looked at him, "Right?" 

"I know." Robbie laughed as Andre, Tori and I looked at each other, exchanging confused glances. I shook my head, as Trina walked into the aisle of the chairs. 

"Okay, we're all good. Foon-yee can take me at five." Trina grinned. 

"Well, that's fantastic news."  Tori said sarcastically.

"You go to Foon-yee?" Sinjin asked, standing some lengths away from Trina. 

She turned around, "Yeah, she bleaches my feet."

Sinjin smiled, touching his chest. "She bleaches my feet!"

Trina gasped, "Ah! No way!"

"Oh my God!" He exclaimed, as I looked at the time on my phone. We were getting off track here! And I needed him to fix the lighting.

"Sinjin!" I shouted, gesturing to the lights. 

He looked at me, as if he had been caught. "Crossing off." He said, walking towards the curtain as his minion followed him and Trina laughed at the whole encounter.

"Heeeeyy, Trina." Rex greeted her, as she turned around.

"What?!" She asked, loudly.

"You wanna know my two favorite things about you?" He asked, as I sat down. Trina let out a gasp before punching Rex.

"Ah!" Rex yelled.

"Trina!" Robbie exclaimed. 

"You don't know what I was gonna say!" Rex retorted. 

"Shut it, puppet." She said, shoving past Robbie. "Ah, so listen... About your script..." She said talking to Tori. 

"Yeah?" Tori asked, already annoyed.

"Why did you change all my lines to alien words?" Trina asked.

"..Well, it's not 'cuz I think you're a bad actor." Tori lied straight through her teeth. I personally thought Trina was a good actor, she'd do amazing on a soap opera or reality tv show. 

Trina stared at her, "Duh. So, can't I say some of my lines in American?"

"Well... I just felt like you're such an amazing actor..." Tori nodded, "You don't even need real words to be great!"

"Yeeeaaaah, I get it." Trina smirked, nodding. 

Tori raised her hand up, "Unh! Say it in alien." Tori 

"Zamm beuquatte-uyt!" Trina said, as Tori smiled at her, and I laughed.

"Atta girl!" Tori said, as I clapped. Trina looked at me, smiling proudly before looking back at Tori.

"All right, don't get all mad I was just sayin' that... —" 

"I know what you were saying." Robbie said, cutting Andre off.

"Kev! I just...—"

"Look, if you think my sister's a freaky weirdo, then why don't you just say so?!" Robbie spat as Trina sat at the kitchen table behind him, gibbering and eating a banana.

Andre leaned over and looked at her, before looking back at Robbie. "..Your sister's a freaky weirdo." He deadpanned.

"I can't believe you'd say that!" Robbie exclaimed.

Andre shrugged, "But you just told me...—"

"Get outta here! Get outta my ranch house!" Robbie yelled, shooing Andre towards the door.

"Give me a hug! Give me a hug, Kev!" Andre provoked him, as he slowly backed up to the door, holding his arms out. 

"You don't do that! Get out! Get outta here!" Robbie shouted, as Andre opened the door. "You got your wish!" He said, pushing the door close as Andre left the set. He looked at Trina, "I'm sorry Mandy!" before sitting down at the table. "I thought he was my friend. But anyone who'd call my adopted sister a weirdo is no friend of mine."

"Zee-wahwah mewahl euea—"

Robbie slammed his fists down on the table, cutting Trina off. "Aw Mandy! You know I can't understand you... Not with your speech impediment."

"Mewamewah e-ne-er-er?"

 "Uhhh, you're... you're hungry!"

"Nawr nawer na eue!"

"You're frightened!?" He asked, as she continued to speak in her mother tongue. "Uhh, you're sticky?! You're Canadian! You like my pants?" He asked, as she got frustrated and stopped, dropping her hands onto the table. "Ohhh, I don't understand!" Robbie exclaimed, standing up from the table. He walked over to the stove as Trina stood up, watching him.

"Me-m." She murmured, beckoning him closer. 

Robbie turned around, as I pressed the button on my headset, "Lights," I whispered, holding my hand up, before watching Sinjin dim the lights. 

"You want me to come closer?" Robbie asked.

"Mi." She said, before slowly looking at him. She grabbed his head, pushing her forehead against his.

"Whoa Mandy! Wait. What is... wha-..." He stammered, before calming down. "Oh... Ohhhhhh!" They looked towards the audience, their ears now beside each other. "...I can hear your thoughts! What do you mean you're not the same as me?" He asked shaking his head. "You're not of this earth?! What does that mean?! You're... ?!?! You're from another planet?!" He yelled, breaking away from her as the lights brightened. "I don't believe you.." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Eee-howha." Trina murmured.

"Oh, c'mon! If you're an alien, why would you pretend to be my sister, here in this simple ranch house?" Robbie asked, as he walked closer to her. 

Trina looked up at the ceiling before looking at Robbie. "Mowhah! Ewhue.." She shrugged. 

He sighed, "Okay. Okay, then prove it." He said, as held down the button on my headset in order to talk.

"Cue harness" I said quietly, glancing behind me. Trina began to ascend up from the floor, as she made sounds with her mouth. She held her arms and legs out, in a starfish pose.

"Oh my God! Mandy!" Robbie exclaimed, as she glided across the kitchen. "You are an alien!" He yelled, watching her in astonishment as she soared side to side. "Oh my gosh! How come you never told me...—" He asked, before one of the wires snapped and she dropped down, dangling headfirst in the air, not yet hitting the ground. 

"Trina!" I screamed, watching in horror as she slinged towards the wall, hitting the wall, shelves and props. Andre looked behind us as Ethan and Sinjin's minion hauled the rope, trying to lower her down.

"Help!" She shouted, kicking her feet as she swayed to the other wall. 

I looked behind me, holding the button down on my head. "Get her down! Guys!" I exclaimed, as Andre and I helped them lower her. 

"Stop the play!" Tori yelled, standing up from her chair as she glanced at Sinjin before running to help us haul the ropes. "Hurry!"

"Help! Help!" Trina screamed, getting dangled across the set as everyone watched in alarm. 

"Why isn't she coming down!?" I asked, looking frantically from the ropes to Trina as Tori ran closer to her.

"Grab the light thingy!" She said, and Trina managed to grab ahold of it. 

"Woahh! Woah!" Trina yelled, the light fixture swinging her around as she screamed. She crashed into the window, making the glass break and the cabinet fall over before the light fell from the ceiling, making Trina fall to the ground too.

I jumped, letting out a gasp as I witnessed her drop to the floor. After the crash, the Blackbox was silent, "Trina!" I exclaimed, breaking the silence in the room as I ran from the ropes towards her. She raised her head up, letting out grunts and moans as she rose up the floor. As Tori walked towards us and I helped her raise up from the floor, the wall closet to us came crashing down, making Tori jump back and Trina and I scream.

"Oh my God!" I whispered, trying to push the wall off of us. "Help!"

"Get this wall off of us!" Trina screamed.

"Well, come on, help me!" Tori exclaimed, as the wall started to be lifted. "Lift it! 1..2.."

"Poor Trina." Tori shook her head, as Andre paced the floor of Lane's office. "I just don't understand what went wrong." She murmured. 

After the wall was lifted off of us, I was checked out by nurse Conner as an ambulance was called for Trina. As the Blackbox was cleared out, Lane had told us all to go to his office and wait there, without telling us why. I didn't have a clue as to why he had gathered all 6 of us in here, but after the way the play went today, all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and watch Celebrities underwater!! Today and yesterday had been going so well. For some reason, I just felt.. happier? And I would like for it to stay that way! 

 Andre and Robbie had changed out of their play clothes and into their normal ones. And I, had a freaking ice pack to the hip. This was TWICE this month I've had to use an ice pack!

"Don't worry!" Cat said, getting our attention as she sat criss cross apple sauce in Lane's armchair. "One time my brother was in Vegas, and he fell out of a fourth story hotel window and landed on the roof of a shuttle bus."

"...And he was okay?" I asked, after we'd all looked at her. 

She stared at the ground, before looking at me. "No.."

"Well... But he's okay now, right?" I asked. 

"No..." She answered as Tori, and I glanced at each other. "He's seriously messed up." She said before going back to playing with her plushie.

Andre shook his head, "C'mon, c'mon, I gotta get outta here. I'm supposed to meet Keeko after school." He said.

"Keeko?" Tori asked.

"Yeah, this girl I met at B.F Wangs. She's all exotic and Polynesian." He gestured to his phone, "I gotta get outta here!" He exclaimed. 

Cat placed her hand on chest, "I love B.F Wangs! Have you guys heard their bang bang noodles?" She asked, not getting a response back as Tori and Jade were too distracted to answer and Robbie and Andre were too busy being confused. I shook my head, too preoccupied with seeing Beck had left me on read as I checked my text messages. "No?" She murmured.

I rolled my eyes, tossing my phone down on the couch beside me.

Andre shook his head, "Bye!" He said, heading towards the door. 

"Uh, Lane says we can't leave." Robbie stopped him, sitting atop of Lane's storage cubbies with Rex on his lap.

Andre turned around, looking at Robbie. "Lane doesn't know about Keeko!" 

As Andre went to go sit down, Jade started laughing at her phone, making Cat look at her. "What's so funny?" She asked softly as I began to hear Trina's screams. I looked at the ceiling before looking her, shaking my head. 

"Are you laughing at that video of Trina getting hurt?" Tori asked.

"No." She said, furrowing her eyebrows. "I'm laughing at the comments." She smiled.

"You posted it online?!" I asked.

"Only Trina." She said, smiling down at her phone before Lane opened the door.

"How's Trina!?" Tori and I asked, standing up as he entered the room.

"Is she alright?!" Robbie asked.

Cat held her hand out, "How's the ranch house?"

"Trina's banged up but she's gonna be fine... nothing serious." He assured, as I sat down on the couch.

I sat down with a sigh, "Oh, thank God." I said, as Tori nodded, sitting down as well.

Andre nodded, "Yup. Bye!" He said, walking to the door. 

Lane pulled him back by his arm, "No-no-no-no-no-no-no. Sit down." He told him.

"Whyyyy??" Andre whined, sitting down on the couch. 

"Yeah, why do we have to be here?" Jade asked. 

"Cuz. You all are suspects." He said, looking at all 6 of us. 

"Aw, not again." Rex said, making me glance at him. Again?

"Suspects?" Tori asked.

"For what happened to Trina?" I asked. 

"Mmm-hmm." He nodded. 

"But that was an accident." Cat said.

"Yep. A terrible, hilarious accident." Jade shook her head, "That already has seventeen hundred views." She grinned, after glancing at her phone. 

"Posting videos of people's tragedies is just mean and wrong." Lane scolded, as she looked at her phone.

"Yeah, no... thanks. I really appreciate your input on that." She retorted, sarcastically, looking up from her phone. 

He looked away, inhaling as he closed his eyes, before sighing. "And what happened to Trina... wasn't an accident." He said, making my face fall. He grabbed something from his pocket, holding it up. "This is the gimbal that connected Trina's harness to the steel wires that made her fly—"

"Hey, listen, I'd love to hang," Andre said, getting up from the couch. "but I met this girl named Keeko at B.F. Wangs and I...—"

"Hey!" Lane exclaimed, pointing to the couch, making Andre begrudgingly sit on the arm of the sofa beside Tori.

"See this?" He held up the gold gimble, "Someone cut a notch here, and that's what made Trina fall." He explained, as I thought who would do that. Someone really hated Trina that much.. to put her literal life on the line?

"So... you're saying it was..." Robbie began.

"Sob-o-tage?" Rex asked.

"Sabotage." I said, correcting Rex.

"Yeah, and according to Trina, every one of you was with her at some point, just before the show." Lane said, and everyone looked at each other, a little baffled.

"Man, whoever did it, you better step up!" Andre exclaimed, standing up. "I wanna go play with Keeko!" He whined, pointing at the girl's picture on his phone.

"Oh, come on! Nobody here would do that to Trina." Tori said, as I rested my head on the backrest of the sofa. Not even Jade would do that... It's like a small, small, SMALL chance.

"Except you." Jade accused as I shook my head. Here we go.

"Wh... me?!" Tori asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Who me?" Jade mocked, in her voice of 'Tori', "Why I would never harm my dear sister Trina! Not me, sweet Sally peaches!" 

"I don't talk like that!" Tori exclaimed, leaning forward.

"Whatever! I saw what happened."

"When?" Lane asked.

"Before the play. She and Trina were fighting." Jade said, pointing to Tori. 

"We were arguing." Tori corrected. 

"Yeah? And do all your arguments end in I'm gonna kill you?" Jade asked, making Robbie and Cat gasp as I rolled my eyes. How many times has Jade literally threatened someone's life!? HOW MANY!?

"Oh, don't gasp. I really didn't threaten her!" Tori defended, before looking at Lane. 

"Sounded like it to me." Jade retorted.

"Okay, why don't you tell us exactly what you saw and heard." Lane told her, crossing his arms.

"Sure. Uuhh, let's see... It was about twenty minutes before the play started and I walked into the black box 'cuz Robbie owed me ten bucks and I wanted it back."

"Robbie!" Jade called, walking into the Blackbox.

"And I saw Tori and Trina fighting..."

"Trina! Trina!" Tori shouted, as she followed Trina walking to her backpack. Her hair frizzy and her clothes disheveled.

"What?" Trina asked, putting the script in her hand away in her bag.

"I gave you the lead in my play, now gimme my stinking cuddle me Cathy doll back!" She yelled, loudly.

"Okay okay, just a sec, relax..." Trina murmured, retrieving the doll from her backpack. "Here." She held the doll in front of her.

Tori snatched the doll and stared at it before looking back at Trina. "..Where is her bonnet?!" She asked lowly, her voice elevating louder and louder.

Trina jumped, looking at Tori before going to dig in her bag. "This thing?" She asked, holding the bonnet out.

"What'd you do to it?!" Tori asked, after snatching it from her.

"Ahhhh, I might have blown my nose into it.." Trina shrugged, nervously. 

"Ooooohhhh you filthy skunk bag!!! I am gonna kill you so hard!" Tori yelled, jacking her up by her shirt. Robbie and Cat gasped, peaking their heads out from behind the wall as Tori threw the bonnet onto the ground. 

She stomped away, as Sinjin walked up to her. "Hey Tori, I brought you some pansies." He said, before Tori socked him straight in the jaw, sending him to the ground as she walked past him and Jade.

She stopped in the doorway, looking at Jade. "Why can't I be pretty like you?"

"That's not even close to how it happened!" Tori said, shaking her head.

"It's how I remember it." Jade shrugged.

"Yeah 'cuz you're demented!" Tori exclaimed.

"Ooo, so you think I'm pretty and demented?" Jade grinned.

Tori rolled her eyes, "I never said you were pretty, and I never punched Sinjin!"

"But you admit you threatened Trina!" Jade raised her voice.

"No!" Tori exclaimed. 

"Wait... I did kinda hear you tell Trina you were gonna kill her." Robbie said, uneasy, making Lane look at Tori and stand up from sitting on the arm rest.

"...So, did I." Cat added, quietly and Tori looked at her, "But if you're gonna try to kill me, too, then all I heard was pretty music. La la la la la."

"Two witnesses." Jade smiled. When did all of this happen? Where was I!?

"Oh c'mon, I know Tori and there's no she'd ever...—" Andre said, before his phone went off from his pocket. He grabbed his phone, "Aw, it's Keeko! Tori's guilty, I gotta go!" He exclaimed, walking straight towards the door before Lane stopped him. He backed up, and let out a sigh, going to sit down beside me. 

"Alright, I might've said something that kinda sounded threatening, but I didn't really mean—"

"So, you threatened her, and then somebody just happen to cut the gimbal on her harness." Jade cut her off as I rolled my eyes. Tori would never do that, and we threaten each other all the time! I know I do...

Tori sighed, "I didn't punch Sinjin, and I'd never sabotaged Trina's gimbal!" Tori yelled.

"Yes, you did!" Jade exclaimed.

"No, why would I...—"

"Jade, let it go! She wouldn't do that!" I groaned, as everyone began to yell over each other.

"What you say doesn't make any sense!" Andre shouted.

"So, you're saying I did it!?" Jade asked, gesturing to herself.

"Hey... c'mon... Hey!" Lane said, trying to get our attention as someone knocked at the door. He looked at the door, "Come in." 

Sinjin walked into the room, holding his jaw. "You know where nurse Connor is?" He asked. 

"No, why?" Lane questioned. 

"I think Tori broke my jaw..." He said, making Tori and I look at him as Lane looked at her. Oh my God!?

"Dun, dun, dunnnnn." Jade taunted, leaning forward in her seat.

"...La, la, la, la, la, la." Cat murmured, avoiding eye contact with everyone as she messed with her plushie.

"What's wrong with you?!" Jade asked, as Tori got up from the couch.

"Just give me a break!" Tori yelled, as she and Jade yelled over each other.

"Hey. Hey. Okay, okay!!" Lane shouted, getting their attention. "Sinjin... did Tori punch you in the jaw?" He asked, looking at Sinjin.

"..Well, yeah." He answered.

"Ha!" Jade exclaimed, looking at Tori.

"But it was an accident!" 

"Ha!" Tori turned to Jade, jumping at her.

"Bleeghhh!" Jade yelled.

"Leaaaghhh!!" Tori retorted, sticking her tongue out childishly.

I shook my head at them, before looking at Sinjin. "I think nurse Connor's in the gym with coach Davis." I shrugged.

He nodded, "I'll go to the gym." 

"Okay," Tori said, standing in the middle of the room after Sinjin left. "Do you guys wanna hear what really happened between me and Trina before the play started?" 

"Oh my God it's Keeko!" Andre yelled, after hearing his phone ring in his hand. "Shhhh shhhh!!!" He stood up from the couch, shushing the room. "Hey girl." He said, lowly, doing a complete 180 in comparison to how he just acted, making my quietly laugh as Lane rolled his eyes, and checked the time on the clock. "Mmm-hmm." He smirked, facing away from us.


Andre turned around, covering his phone as she held up his hand towards Lane. "Shhh, shhh, shh." Lane looked away, taken back. "Yeah. You just hang now I'll be there in a beat." He nodded his head, "All right then." He hung up the phone, before facing us. "Can we get through this fast, please?!" He yelled, throwing his arms around before Lane instructed him to sit. I rubbed his shoulder, and he glanced at me before shaking his head, sulking.

"Tell your story, Tori." Lane told her, making Cat quietly giggle.

"Tori's story... that's so rhymie." She smiled. 

Tori shook her head, letting out a sigh. "...Okay. So, it was uhhh... twenty minutes before the play... I heard Jade come in, yelling for Robbie." Tori said.

"Blerrrrggghhh!!!" Jade yelled, scaring everyone off as she walked into the Blackbox. "Robbie! Me want Robbie! Blerrrrggghhh!!!" She growled, before messing up some of the chairs sat out for the play.

"Oh, so I'm a monster now?" Jade asked, glaring at Tori.

 "Let her tell it how she remembers it." Lane reprimanded.

"Thank you. So yes, I was arguing with Trina, 'cuz she wouldn't gimme back my cuddle me Cathy doll." Tori continued.

"Trina, c'mon, please?" Tori said, following Trina as they walked to her backpack.

"What?!" Trina asked, looking at her.

"I gave you the lead role in my play... so I could I please have my doll back, please?" Tori asked, sweetly.

Trina let out a small groan, rolling her eyes. "Alright. Just a sec!" She said, before digging into her backpack for the doll. "Here." She rolled her eyes again, holding the doll out.

Tori smiled, "Awww, thank you so much. Uhhh, I'm pretty sure she had a bonnet." Tori hinted, pointing at the doll's head as she moved side to side, grinning.

"Ah, whatever." Trina muttered, grabbing the bonnet from her bag. "Take it."

Tori slowly took it, looking at the now dirty bonnet. "Thank you. Do you know what happened to it?" She asked, as Trina turned back around, thinking they were done.

She stood up straight, annoyed as Tori held the bonnet up and smiled. "Yeah." Trina exhaled, her hand resting on her lower back. "I blew some snot into it." She looked at Tori, glowering.

Tori busted out laughing, "Oh my God!" She exclaimed, "Stop making me laugh or I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled, laughing still. Robbie and Cat peered their heads from behind the wall, laughing as well before Tori sighed, "Well, thanks for giving me my cuddle me Cathy back." She said, as Sinjin walked up behind her, holding flowers. "I'm so happy!" Tori yelled, raising her arms up. 

"Aah!" Sinjin shouted, as he fell to the ground and held his nose. 

"Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry!" Tori exclaimed, as she crouched beside him, helping him stand. 

"Yeah, I'm gonna go put my alien makeup on." Trina said, gesturing to the doors as she put her backpack on. "Move!" She yelled, shoving Jade as she passed by her, making Jade spill her coffee.

"BLERRRRGGGGHHH!" Jade shrieked, looking at her. 

"It's not my fault you spilled your coffee." Trina mouthed, moving her head as she talked. "Klutz." She said, before bumping the door open and leaving. Jade growled lowly, looking at Tori.

"Okay, that's like the opposite of what really happened." Jade said as I turned my head to look at her, now fully laying on Lane's couch as Andre was no longer siiting down.

"That's exactly what happened." Tori retorted.

Robbie stepped forward. "Okay, hold on...Hold on! There is another person here who had a reason to get back at Trina." He said, looking at Lane.

"Well, it's not me! All I wanna do is go play with Keeko!" Andre exclaimed, distressed as Lane laid a hand outwards, telling him to calm down.

"Who else had a motive to get back at Trina?" He asked Robbie.

Robbie looked between Lane and the floor, his hands in his back pockets. "Cat."

We looked at her as she looked up from playing with her plushie. "Hiiiiii." She smiled as I sat up from my laying on the couch.

"Cat," I said, softly. 

"Whaty?" She asked.

"Did you cut Trina's harness gimbal?" Jade asked her. 

"No. Why would I wanna hurt Trina?" She asked, confused.

"'Cuz of what happened between you two right before the play started." Robbie explained.  

"What happened?" Lane asked. 

"Well, um...—"

"Aw, no, no! Now we gotta hear another version of the story from a unique point of view?!" Andre exclaimed, before dragging himself to the couch. "Ahhhh, hah hah." He whimpered, laying his whole body on me. 

I looked around, as he 'cried' into my neck, bringing my hand up to pat his head. "It's okay... Aw." I cooed, a little shocked.

Lane gestured for Robbie to start, making him nod. "Okay. Ummmm, it was an unusually windy day here in Los Angeles..." He said, leaning on Lane's desk beside Tori.

"Get to the point." Tori told him, rolling her eyes.

"Okay, uhhh, Tori had just accidentally whacked Sinjin in the jaw...And right about then, Cat was helping me with my costume and feeling my muscles. When Trina walked by and said..."

Muscles!? Did I hear that correctly!? An ant has more muscle than Robbie.

"Hey Robbie." Trina greeted, walking up to him as Cat stood on the other side of him, feeling his muscles as he flexed them, his somehow straight hair falling into his eyes. "Why don't you come backstage with me and, ah," She giggled, "help me do my makeup or... whatever." Trina shrugged, touching his hand as he smirked.

Robbie laughed, "You... make me happy." He muttered, staring down at her. 

Cat glared at Trina as she giggled flustered. "Why don't you just get outta here?!" She yelled.

"Why don't you?!" Trina retorted, moving closer to her.

"Ladies." Robbie splayed his hands out, creating distance between them, "Come on now. Look there's one of me..." He motioned to himself, "Two of you... And seven swinging days in the week." He said, wrapping his arms around both of them.

Cat looked at Robbie, before squinting her eyes at Trina. "He even makes math hot."

"Mmmhmm." Robbie smirked, nodding. 

"Robbie's mine!" Trina yelled.

"He loves me!" Cat shouted, gesturing to herself, as she slightly backed out from underneath Robbie's arm. Trina let out a gasp, before thwacking Cat on her forehead.

"Ah! Ow!" Cat murmured, her hand on her forehead, "You thwacked my head! She thwacked my head!" She exclaimed, looking behind her at Tori. "I'll get you for that, Trina Vega! I'll get you good!" She yelled, before stomping out of the Blackbox as she screamed.

"What?" Robbie asked we all watched him posing and flexing his arms. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "That's how it happened." Without even being there, I knew that never happened. 

"It is not." Cat said, amused.

"Okay, Cat... tell us what you remember." Lane told her, sitting on the coffee table in front of her as Robbie sulked and walked back to sit on Lane's cubbies.

"So, none of you people want me to have a pretty girlfriend, is that it?!" Andre said, making me roll my eyes as he stood up. 

"Andre—" I sighed, before he cut me off.

"No! I find myself a Keeko, I make myself a Keeko date, and nobody cares! Well, that's cool! Go on, Cat, tell us what happened! And start from the beginning! Just start with Adam and eve and go from there!!" He ranted, as I placed my hand on his arm, pulling him back down to sit. I patted his shoulder as he angrily pouted, making me shake my head. 

"Cat, go on." I said, softly. 

"With what?" She asked, so serious. 

"With Trina!" Tori reminded, leaning forward.

"Before the play started." Jade added.

"Oh yeah!" She laughed, 

"Oh yeah! So, Y/n was attaching the harness thingy to Trina, like right before the play started, and Trina kept messing with it because she had an itch on her back and Y/n wanted her to stay still, but she wouldn't," Cat shook her head. "So, Y/n told her she was going to drop her." She nodded, before focusing back on her plushie as all eyes were suddenly on me. "Can I have some oatmeal?" She asked, looking at me and Jade. 

"No." Jade told her sternly.

"Look, I didn't mean for it to sound like that, I didn't know she would actually... drop!" I exclaimed, shrugging. "She kept messing with the harness, and not listening when I told her how to attach the wires." 

"But it does sound kinda bad.." Robbie mumbled.

"And weren't you the only person behind the curtain when she went down!?" Rex asked, making me glare at Robbie. 

"Y/n," Lane sighed, "Just tell us exactly what happened." He said, scooting over on the coffee table to sit in front of me.

"Okay," I nodded, "So, it was again, right before the play and Trina and I were behind the curtain. I was putting the harness on her and showing her how to attach the wires." I explained.

Y/n hummed a song to herself as she checked Trina's harness, making sure it was tight enough. 

Trina glanced at her, as she glossed up her lips and squirmed. "What's got you all happy?" She asked, looking at her sister before closing her compact mirror. 

Y/n looked up; her eyebrows knitted together. "What do you mean?" She asked, amused.

"You've been.. happier than usual. Humming, and smiling. Just carefree and everything." Trina explained, her tone soft. "Why?" She then asked, almost disgusted.

Y/n shrugged, "I don't know. Just have I guess." She said, as Trina continued to squirm and pick at the harness. "Trina—" 

"And what is that?" She asked, looking behind her.

"It's the harness, it's to make you fly." Y/n reminded, as she had said it 4 times now. 

"Well, I don't like it." Trina retorted, annoyed. "It's making my back itch."  She whined, putting her bent arms up to scratch at her back, hitting Y/n in the process.

"Ow!" She exclaimed, holding her head. "Trina! Stop, your gonna do all that I just did!" She said, swatting her hands away.

"Maybe that's what I'm trying to do!" Trina semi-yelled, sending a glare at her as she managed to scratch her back. She groaned, closing her eyes. "Oh! That feels so good!" 

Y/n rolled her eyes, letting out a sigh. "Look, to attach the wires to make yourself fly, you have to make sure it clips. Okay?" She explained, as Trina rubbed her back on the set's wall, waving her hand in dismissal.

"Mhm, yeah." She nodded, now moving side to side. "Oh, yeah. Right there." She grunted as Y/n rubbed her forehead in slight frustration and stared at her sister, in somewhat disgust. 

"Trina." Y/n said, trying to get her attention.

"What?" Trina asked.

Y/n held up the wires she had been using as example, "These clips," She said slowly, "after.. Robbie says..." Y/n looked at her copy script and skipped through the pages. "Okay. Okay then prove it."


"What?" Y/n asked, looking up from the script.

"The harness is coming off." Trina answered, looking at it.

"Oh, is it!?" Y/n asked, sarcastically as she crouched down to re-fasten it. 

"It's not like it's my fault." Trina said, fixing her hair. "You're the one—"

"My fault!? You were the one scratching your back everywhere! I'm going to literally drop you!" Y/n exclaimed, aggressively fastening the harness as Cat came around the corner. Trina's loud gasp masked Cat's silent one.

"Stop it! Stop!" Trina hissed, as she and Y/n started swat at each other's hands. 

"I couldn't ever do that, nor would I ever want to. And anyways, Andre was behind me the entire time during the play." I defended. 

"Uhh what?" Andre looked up from his phone, confused. "Yeah, yeah. I saw her, she ain't do it." He said lowly, shaking his head. "Now, can I please go see Keeko!?" He exclaimed, looking at Lane.

Lane stared at him, before shaking his head. "Not yet." 

"Well, we're not any closer to figuring out who in this room sabotaged Trina." Robbie said as I sighed, and everyone began to talk over one another, even Lane. It had been a long day.. and a long, what? like 20 minutes? We were all tired, and it was a Friday!! AND WE WERE STILL AT SCHOOL. 

"Oh, my God! Listen!" I yelled, making them shut up. "Lane," I sighed, getting up from the couch. "You know I think you're awesome but this whole thing is insane. I mean, okay, we all know that Trina can be REALLY pretty freakin annoying..." I nodded.

"Amen." "Mmmhmm." "Yeah." They agreed with me.

"...But honestly... c'mon... Do you think any person in this room would seriously try to hurt her?" I asked, looking around the room. "I know I couldn't," I placed my hand on my heart. "and I don't think any of you guys would either. Not even Jade... and she hates Trina." I gestured to her.

Jade shook her head, biting her nail. "I might." She said, contradicting literally everything I just said, making me send a glare at her. "But I didn't." 

"But you know, some of the rigging equipment we use is kinda old." Robbie shrugged, as I nodded. 

"Yeah." Tori agreed.

"Right." Andre said.

 "I think it was just an accident." Tori shrugged, as she stood up from leaning on Lane's desk.

"A terrible, hilarious accident." Jade said, before looking at her phone. "That now has twenty-six thousand views." She smiled as Tori and I rolled our eyes at her.

Lane looked up from the gimble, "I think Y/n is probably right." He shrugged before looking at where the gimble was cut. "It looks like it was cut." He shook his head, as Robbie's eyes widen, and he looked closer. 

"Sob-o-tage?" Rex asked.

"But maybe it was just old, and it broke." Lane shrugged again.

"So, not sob-o-tage?" Rex asked, making me want to punch him for how he kept saying 'Sabotage'. "And since Trina wasn't seriously hurt... I say we just put this whole incident behind us and...—"

"Keekooo!" Andre exclaimed, standing up with his arms held up as he laughed and jumped over the couch. "Keeko! Keeekoooo!" His voice echoed, as he ran do the hall and I looked at Tori. She held her hands up, shaking her head. 


This was supposed to come out last Friday, but I had some things going on and it prevented me from writing. I wanted to post this along with 'The Worst Couple' but it was a struggle just to finish this and I really want to take my time writing The Worst Couple so it can be up to my standards with everything I have planned for it, and good for you all! I'm aiming for it to be out before this month ends :)
