Things With Y/n: Beck's Hair


"Hey guys!" I exclaim, sitting at the kitchen table as my laptop sits in front of me. "Alright. You know the idea, here we are doing another Slap segment called Things With Y/n! So! I was scrolling through some of your guy's comments on my last video with Beck. A lot, and I mean a lot," I roll my eyes. "Of you were talking about Beck's hair. And how amazing it looks, and how soft it looks. Well, that made me think of a little idea..." I trail off.

"If you have been to my boyfriend's page, or if you know him, you know his hair is almost always perfect! But I'm here.. to see if it can't always be perfect. And I did ask you guys if you had any videos you wanted to see, and some of you requested something to do with making Beck's hair..." I pause, "not perfect... to put it nicely. And I accept!" I say, placing my hand over my heart.

"So, umm..." I check my phone, "It is 12:34 and Beck should be here any moment now... So, I think it's time to get all products for his little makeover." I smirk, "This, is gonna be good." I smile. 

"You're making this up." Beck grumbles, as he stands beside me in the kitchen, his arms crossed.

I look at him, "I'm not." I shrug, smiling.

"Someone actually requested this." He looks at me, and I look at the paper I printed out of the screenshot. 

"Look," I say, holding out the paper. "I knew you were going to do exactly this, so I printed out a screenshot of the question." I hand it to him.

He sighs, glancing at the camera before reading it out loud. "Y/n, I think you should make Beck's hair ugly, just for once. You can use gel, or product." He shakes his head.

"See! And this was only one comment, there were several." I tell him, before he sighs again and places the piece of paper onto the counter.

"You can try." He relents, shaking his head.

I gasp, "Really?" I smile, placing my hand on his chest. 

"Mhm." He mumbles, rolling his eyes as he takes my hand in his and kisses it. "I'm warning you though," he says, making me look at him. "It's gonna be harder than you think."

I playfully roll my eyes, "Oh, come on! Your hair isn't THAT great." 

"Oh," He nods, "So, then I should just get that haircut I've been talking abou—"

"LET'S get started with the hairstyles!" I cut him off, nodding at him with a fake grin.

I blow dried and combed some of his hair into bangs over the side of his forehead, making his hair look like it did when we were in middle school. I turned the blow drier off, walking around to the island as he sat on a stool in the middle of the kitchen, and faced the camera.

"Bieber bangs?" He asks, as I put the blow drier and comb down. "Don't waste my time." He remarks, as I let out a sigh. 

"How?" I ask, glancing between him and the camera. He still looked good! How do you not outgrow your middle school hairstyle?! "You still look good..." I murmured, looking at him as scrunched his face up at me.

"You should probably just... give up." He teased, as he pulled me closer to him. 

I leaned towards his face, "Never!" He puckered his lips up for a kiss, as I turned around and dodged his kiss, going back to the island to get the hair gel.

I laid my hands back at my hips, after smoothing and brushing his hair back with gel. It was slicked back, and kind of bumped up at the top. 

He sighed, "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful." I slowly looked at the camera, letting out a sigh of my own. 

"What kind of chiz is this!?" I ask.

Standing in front of Beck, as his hands rub up and down my waist, I slicked his hair down one more time with the fine-tooth comb softly, making sure all of his hair was in the bun. I had combed out his hair, side parted it and slicked it into a low man bun and he still good, unusual, but good! 

I stepped back, looking at him as he rolled his eyes. He let out a sigh, "Y/n.. Sono più bello di prima." (I'm more beautiful than before)

"Dang it!" I exclaim, tossing the comb back onto the island before crossing my arms. "This should not be as hard as it is!" 

"Hey," He pulled me towards him, as I slightly sulked. "Can we please do something fun? Maybe go to the beach?" He suggests, "It's like 80 degrees outside." He murmurs, making an idea pop into my head.

I slowly look at the camera, a smile coming onto my face. "80... 80... 80s!" I shout, looking at Beck. "1980s!" I snap my fingers, grinning at him as he side eyes me. 

He shakes his head, "na-uh." He mumbles. 

I nod at the camera, grabbing the comb. 

I hold a strand of Beck's hair in my hands, teasing it before finally finishing the hairstyle. His hair was teased with semi-pointy strands sticking out in all directions. Some of his hair sticking out at the top and on the sides. It looked 80sish! I smile at my work, before looking at the camera and holding my hands up. "Ta da!" I exclaim as Beck looks the staircase, unimpressed. 

I look at him, laughing as he turns back towards me. "I'd like to go home now.." He mutters, causing me to look at the camera with mock concern. Oh, noww he has nothing to say...

"Oh, you don't want to go to the beach or something?" I ask, bending down to him. "It is like... 80 degrees out." I smile, as he shook his head.

"I'd like to go home." He quietly grumbles.

"We're going to the beach." I nod, before laughing. "Well, that's all for now. See ya later!" I smirk, waving at the camera as Beck pouts like a child. 

