Slap Post: New Public Service Announcement


"I'm Y/n Vega, and I'm here to talk about a problem that everyone needs to be aware of." Y/n says, nodding her head.

"A problem," Andre repeats after the camera had cut to him.

"That everyone," Cat continues.

"Needs to be" Beck says.

"Aware," Trina states.

"Of." Jade finishes.

"We're talking about," Robbie says.

"People who become briefly terrified." Tori reveals.

"People who become briefly terrified." Cat repeats, shaking her head.

"Often.. for no reason at all." Andre nods.

"A person will be talking," Beck leads.

"Maybe just telling you a story.." Trina continues.

"Or asking you a simple question.. and as— NO! NO! No, oh my God! NO please! WHY!?" Jade screams mid-sentence, filled with pure terror as she holds onto her shirt. "And," she says, after calming down, trying to find the right words to say. "Then that happens..." She nods.

"Maybe someone you know has this problem," Y/n shrugs.

"A friend, a relative.." Trina lists, "Maybe a— AH! WHAT! STOP THAT! AH! STOP! OH!" She yells, moving her head frantically around before looking directly at the camera, snapping out of the ghastly odd put against her. "I'm sorry.." 

"My little sister doesn't have a problem but sometimes I— AHH!" Andre shouts, dodging air. "SO CRAZY! MHEHHA!" He yells, taking off his backpack before swinging it onto the floor. He slowly stands back up, looking at the camera. "Don't judge me."

"I was at a movie with a guy I really liked," Tori explains, "And he asked me if I wa— AHH!! AHH!" She screams, touching her hair. "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP ITTTT!" She screams loudly, looking around. She looks back at the camera, recovering from her episode. "Wanted popcorn.." She concludes.

"You could be petting a puppy." Beck says, "Just like, hey there! You're a cute little puppy, aren't you?" He smiles, "Yes you ar— AH! AHH! OHH!" Beck shouts, looking behind him as if a clowned popped up behind him... but yet nothing was there. He breaths heavily, looking back at the camera. "Puppies don't like that." He deadpans.

"But together we can make a difference, just call 1800 3-6— AH! NOO! PLEASE! STOP!" Y/n cries, guarding her head as she screams, "NO, PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP!" She stops screaming, slowly looking up to the camera as she regulates her breathing. "5-9," She continues, smiling.

"And if you're ever out in public, and you notice someone who seems to be— OH NO! DEAR GOD!" Jade screeches, holding her chest. "SOMEONE PLEASE, SOMEBODY PLEASE!" She yells, looking around for help before looking at the camera, okay. "Try not to laugh." She shakes her head.

"There's nothing funny about becoming suddenly terri— AHHH!" Robbie looks to the side of him, "NO ERNIE! NOOO ERNIE!!!" He cries, crouching down before standing up, "PLEASE! DON'T HURT HIM! NO, NO! AH—" He looks back at the camera, unbothered. "Fied."

"Frankly, I wish my little sister had the problem instead of me because I— NOT MY MAMA!" He yells, backing up as he raises his arms. "OH! NOT MY MAMA!" He wails, swinging at the air. 

"So, give generously," Cat shrugs, grinning. "And maybe one day— AHHH!!" She screams, before running towards the camera. "OH MY GOD! WHYY!? AHHHH!!!"

"There's also a website," Trina nods, "Go to www.peoplewhobecomebriefly— AHHHH!!" She shrieks, looking up at the ceiling before looking left and right. She looks back at the camera, starstruck. ".com"

"And as always," Y/n smiles, walking closer to the camera. "Thank— AHHHH!" She screams before busting into tears. She covers her mouth, calming herself down before continuing, "You." She smiles, wiping a tear from her eye. 

