Jade's Video Profile


"Okay..." Jade sighs, pulling her boot up on her leg. "I'm supposed to do a new video profile for The Slap so here's my video profile."

"My name is Jade.. I'm not going to tell you my address cause if you know my address, you'd be able to find me and there's a 99.999% chance I don't want you to find me." She sighs, leaning forward.

"I go to Hollywood Arts Highschool here in Los Angelas." She shrugs, "My best friend's name is Y/n. If you're a guy, you probably have a crush on her. If you're a girl, stay away. She is mine." She emphasizes, rolling her eyes.

"My favorite teacher at Hollywood Arts..." Jade looks at the camera, "Probably.. Sikowitz. He's not completely right in the head but the man's a great acting teacher."

"See this piercing here," Jade points at her right eyebrow. "And this one here?" She points at her nose, turning her head slightly to the right. "I got both of them 45 minutes after my mother told me I wasn't allowed to get my face pierced... Sorry mom." She deadpans, looking up from the ground with a small smirk. 

Leaning back in her chair, she rests her arm on her leg, looking at the floor. "I love acting, I love singing, I love dancing..." She lists.

"I have recurring dreams that I reeeeally can't tell you about..." 

"I like Mochi ice-cream, I don't like bananas. If you can be seriously angry, I won't get into a fight with you but I will retaliate in a way that'll make you sad for a looong time." She shrugs, leaning forward. 

"After I graduate, I will be extremely famous, at that point my plan is to buy a sick house and to build a gigantic fence around it. The fence will be electrified.. umm..."

"I'm 16, I'm smart, I'm deep.. and I am talented.." Jade says, grabbing her red mug from her side table. She grabs her remote as well, holding it up as she brings the mug up to her lips.

