Helen Back Again

January 2011,

"Hello! Your attention, please!" Sikowitz's voice amplified. I looked away from my food and up to the stage, giving him my attention.. unlike everyone else. "Up here. I'm waving. See my hand, moving to and fro?!" He waved his arm, shouting.

"Please!" He said as Jade stepped onto the bench of the table, glaring. "Everybody shut up!" She yelled, stopping almost all chatter. 

"Ah Jade, so sweet and feminine." Sikowitz said, sarcastically. "And now, I give you a man who needs no introduction. He was born beside a River in Kentucky, way back in nineteen...--"

"Sikowitz, gimme the mic." Principal Eikner cutted in, taking the microphone from his hand. 

"Principal Eikner!" He exclaimed, his head following the microphone as we erupted in claps and cheers.

"Students and faculty. It's with a heaving heart that I tell you... That as of today... I'm resigning as principal of Hollywood Arts." He said, making me glance at my friends as people started to murmur amongst their tables. "Okay, now shhhh... Please hold your murmurs." He waved his hand, "It's not that I don't love running this school. I do. But I've fallen in love with a Tahitian woman," He smiled down at her, as she joined his side, eating a banana. "And I want to spend time with her, and her people." He smiled, kissing the woman's forehead as Sikowitz settled beside her. Smiling at the couple, Sikowitz took her banana, before leaving the stage. 

"He took her banana." Beck said, covering his eyes from the sun as we watched Sikowitz descend down the stairs, eating it.

"What tha!?" Tori yelled, throwing her body on the ground with Robbie to avoid the oncoming car swerving towards them and Sinjin's bike he'd been trying to sell for 3 days now.

"Uh oh!" Sinjin exclaimed, running away as the red mini cooper hit his bike, sending it into a million little pieces. 

"Tori!" I shouted, running over to them as they stood up from the ground, looking at the bike.. or what was left of it. "Are you guys okay?!" I asked, checking them over.

Robbie gasped, inching closer to Sinjin, "Gimme back my money!" He exclaimed, making Sinjin run for the hills. "Sinjin! Aw!" 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Tori waved off, breathing mouth open as she shook her head. 

The CRAZY driver exited their car, locking it as we watched her walk up to us. "You, uh shouldn't park your bike there." She said, staring at Robbie.

"Wha-- I shou--" He stammered, looking between the bike SHE RAN OVER and her car. "Maybe you should watch where you're going!" 

"Maybe you better watch that mouth." She replied, sticking her finger in his face.

"Excuse me! But you were the one who came speeding in here like a maniac!" Tori said, making all 3 of them go back and forth. The lady kept saying something about a parking space, only teachers and faculty get reserved parking spots.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I exclaimed, getting their attention. I shook my head, looking at the woman. "Who are you?" I asked as nice as I could. 

"My name is Helen!" She said, expecting us to know who she was. "I'm the new principal of Hollywood Arts." She revealed, making my mouth drop. Tori and I looked at each other before looking at Robbie.

"You shouldn't park your bike there." Tori shook her head, as I started to walk back to our friends, Tori almost on my heels. Yeah, I'm so glad I didn't open my mouth. 

"All right! Tori and Jade, you two are going to play husband and wife!" Sikowitz instructed, tying the baby bonnet around my head.

"I'll be the wife." Tori sighed, looking at Jade.

"Yeah, no kidding." She glared, standing up from her chair.

"Now, here's your brand new (your color hair)-headed baby." Sikowitz grinned, turning the rolley chair I sat in, towards them.

"Goo-Goo-Ga-Ga." I said, taking the ring pop out of my mouth before popping it back in. 

"Now!" Sikowitz exclaimed, looking at Tori and Jade as he clapped. "Your dialogue should all be friendly and happy, but your subtext is anger, so you must say your happy lines angrily."  He explained. "Action!" Getting in Jade's face, he yelled.

"Hey! I am so honkin' happy that we got married, and then had this cute little baby!" Tori yelled, gesturing at me. 

"Ditto to that!" Jade said roughly, before flicking her nose. "I tell ya this: Nothing on this planet warms my cockles more than lookin' at that magical pile a'baby right there!" She said, looking at me.

"Goo!" I exclaimed, after snatching my ring pop from my mouth.

"Aw! Did ya hear that goo?!" Tori asked, throwing up her hands as I put my ring pop back in my mouth.

"Excuse me," A voice said, as she and another woman walked into the classroom. Principal Helen. "I hate to interrupt but I'm gonna do it anyway." She nodded, "Hello children. Sikowitz." She said, her voice dropping an octave as she looked at him.

He stared at her, "Helen." 

"Well, I'm just stopping by all the classrooms to say hello, y'know, introduce myself personally, y'know, get a feel for the vibe of the school." She explained, eyes staying on Robbie after looking around the room. "Hmm, you see him?" She mumbled to the woman beside her, "That's the spazzy boy whose bike I ran over."

At least she can admit it.. now.

"Heh heh! Spazzy..." Rex chuckled, making Robbie look at him.

"So, Helen, maybe you'd like to tell the kids a little bit about your..."  Sikowitz stretched his neck uncomfortably. "Background." He finished, gesturing to the class.

"Oh! Glad to!" She exclaimed, "As a child I starred in the television program, Happy Times!" She grinned, nodding. 

"Oh my God!" Tori gasped, pointing at her. "You were the little girl who always said, 'That is not my job!'" She snapped her fingers.

"Ha ha ha!" Principal Helen laughed, "Yes, yes, I was. And most recently, I was the senior manager at the premiere movie theater in San Diego. Uh, is that child suckin' on a binky?" She asked, gesturing to me.

I took the ring pop out of mouth, holding it up. "It's a ring pop.." I laughed dryly, shrugging.

"Uh I was just teaching the kids about sub-text, in terms of acting." Sikowitz explained.

"Oh! Well, carry on then. I'll see you all at the re-auditions." She said, before turning around.


"What?!" We murmured, eyes nearly popping out our heads. 

"What do you mean re-auditions?" Robbie asked, turning in his seat as I stood up.

"To stay in this school. Next week, you gotta perform a scene, sing a song, do a dance, bang a drum, tickle a banjo... I don't care. Just show me some talent." She shook her head, listing off the options with her fingers. 

"Y'know... All of us already auditioned." Beck said, as I nodded.

"That's how we got here." Cat added. 

We auditioned in middle school; we didn't have to audition for high school. It wasn't like any of us weren't practicing our craft(s) every single day. Why would we need re-auditions?

"You auditioned for the old principal. Not for me." She retorted, looking at us tryingly. 

I sighed, seeing no one say anything, just stare at her in disbelief. "Okay, so like... I would perform a scene from a musical for you, and if you like my.. talent, I get to stay at the Hollywood Arts?" I asked. I already miss Principal Eikner. He's the reason my sister is at this school!

"Mmm-hmm," She nodded, "and if I don't, bye-bye." She huskily uttered. 

 "Uh, no offense, Helen, but what do you know about singing a song?" Jade asked, and Helen cleared her throat, giving her clipboard to the woman beside her.  

"Heyyy-ayyy." She singed, already blowing Jade out the water. Okay than. Jade crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. "You need to shut your mouth, open up your eyes and seeeee... that ya don't know nothin'... nothin' about meeeeeee." She closed out, squinting her eyes at Jade, before making a 'I'm watching you' gesture with her hand.

Poking her lip out, Jade rolled her eyes, facing the board as Helen and her assistant left. 

Beck slowly clapped his hands, as I bit my lip, looking at the ground. Yeah, I miss principal Eikner.

"Who else is frightened by her?" Sikowitz asked, a sea of hands going up.

"I don't want to move on." I cried, sitting on top of my bed with Beck as he sat at the end. "I can'tI-"

"Hah-Yah!" Trina exclaimed from downstairs, making me open my eyes at the sudden disruption. Beck nodded his head encouragingly, telling me to continue.

 "I don't how to and with Enzo, It's not fai—"

"Ryah! W'chah!" Her blank voice wailed again, followed by thuds. 

I groaned loudly, "Ughh!" putting the script on my bed as I stood up and opened my door. 

"Trina! We are trying to pick a song to audition with!" Tori's voice exclaimed, downstairs. 

"And I'm trying to rehearse hurting people!" She retorted, making whatever sound she was making earlier. "Hoo-ah!"

I rolled my eyes, looking at Beck before going down the stairs, Beck following me.

"Uh, shouldn't you be rehearsing for your audition?" Andre asked, as I finally saw what she was doing. Punching a century Bob. Whhhhhyyyy.

She laughed, hard. "Yeah, I'm soooo worried that I won't pass the audition. Like that could happen." She scoffed, kicking her leg high. "W'cha!"

"Trina!" I whined, "Beck and I are trying to rehearse, and I can't do that when I keep hearing Hoo-ah! and W'chah!" I exclaimed, gesturing upstairs.

"Um, our new principal is really tough." Tori said, nodding as Trina punched the dummy. 

"And I'm really talented." Her voice vibrated, as she punched the dummy repeatedly, before doing a 360-roundhouse kick close to where the dummies, y'know. "Neh! Woo!"

"Woah," Beck said, wincing.

"He better put some ice on that." Andre remarked, as we all stood a little stunned at Trina. 

Smugly, she tapped the dummies nose, smirking as she looked at Beck. "You wanna stay pretty boy?" She asked, girlish.

I grabbed Beck's hand, pulling him back up the stairs, feeling him kiss the back of my hand.

"All right, miss Vega. You ready?" Helen asked, sitting beside her assistant in the Blackbox theater, Sikowitz and Lane sat behind them.

Trina grunted, pulling a big fan to the front. "I think the real question is, are you ready?" Her eyes going wide.

"Start the audition." She instructed, sending her a glare.

"So, I wish upon a star," I softly singed, my voice fading into the background as I held onto the mic stand my eyes remaining closed.  "Where memories reside,"

"And in that moment," Beck shook his head, creeping slowly forward to the white statue beam as our voices harmonized, Beck's standing out far louder than mine as he spoke.

"And where love never dies," My head tilted, I belted out, before sucking in a breath and almost singing in a whisper, "letting youuu go."

"He wasn't just my big brother anymore." He wavered; eyes locked with Helen's. She had already shed some tears the minute we started, looking over Beck's character's brother's grave. She put her hand out, grabbing a tissue from the box her assistant had on standby.

"Guiding your spirit through the endless night." 

"He was a part of me," Beck stressed, looking at the few people who sat in for our audition with so much emotion.

"In the constellations, you'll forever beeee." My voice rose, dying down as I drew out the lyric, "A part of us, eternally." I sighed, "Oh, Na, na, na, na." 

 "A part that intertwined with my very essence," Beck said as I sung, his fisted hand placed in front of his heart as he nodded.

"So, I wish upon a star," I singed, my voice coming to a whisper as I took the microphone off the stand, settling beside it. "Where memories reside, where love and friendship intertwine, forever side by side!"

"A bond that surpassed the boundaries of mere blood.." He aguishly exclaimed, voices blending as I sung, and he recited the monologue. I picked up the black rose we'd stuck to one of the beams, joining Beck by his side as his voice continued to elevate and mine halted. "That I had to let go of..." He paused, "Forever."

"So, I wish upon a star... that forever," I singed quietly, slowing raising my head up to look at the catwalk. "..You'll be." I turned off my mic, gently placing it on the ground behind me as I placed the black rose on the prop grave site in front of us and made myself cry. 

The lights slowly dimmed to darkness as I began to cry harder and turn to Beck, the spotlight sitting directly on us as we held each other and everything around us faded to darkness. 

Helen was tough, so to at least guarantee that I tried my best, I did an acting and singing audition. I needed her to see my range, because I don't think 1 of my talents would cut it.

The story was about a girl who was best friends with brothers, but instead of there being a love triangle, she found love in the younger brother and solace and family in the older brother, very young. She grew up alongside them, it always being the 3 of them, until one of them passed, and I think we know who. It shows the couple having to move on and let go of him. 

Helen bursted into sobs, bringing the kleenex close to her face before sniffling and waving her hand around. "Ohhh. That is powerful! Powerful!" She exclaimed, as the lights came back on and I wiped my tears away, smiling flustered. "Excellent!" She clapped her hands, turning around in her chair to Lane and Sikowitz. "And will you just look at that boy's hair?! Look at his hair!" She exclaimed, making Beck bashfully smile as I laughed. 

"And- just the emotion in the girl's eyes, just beautiful! Beautiful eyes too!" She waved her hand, before bringing the tissue back to her face, shaking her head. "You too are going to have some beautiful babies! Mhm!" 

"Umm.. and then I'm going to do some juggling and then I'm going to sing a song from my favorite musical." Cat explained.

"Baby you got ninety seconds." Helen said, staring her down.

"It's a five-minute audition.." Cat murmured.

"ACTION!" She yelled, making Cat begin.

(Could not find a video with better quality - sorry!)

"Okay, so can someone explain baby back ribs to me?" Robbie asked, "I mean, seriously. When I'm eating ribs, do I really wanna be thinking about a baby's back!?" He laughed, the whole Blackbox theater silent.. and unamused. 

"You're bombin, boy." Rex said, making the room laugh for the first-time during Robbie's act.

"HA!" She shouted, her loud laugh waking Sikowitz up.

"Would you stop interrupting me, your kinda killing my jokes." Robbie said, looking at Rex.

"How can I kill what's already dead?" He retorted and Helen, Lane and Sikowitz erupted into chuckles. 

"I love it!" Helen exclaimed, "A boy doing a terrible standup comedy and being heckled by his own puppet. Now that's creative." 

"No, uh this isn't part of my routine. He's really interrupting me." Robbie told them as Helen wrote on the papers on her clipboard, her laughter dying. 

"Knock, knock." Rex said into the mic.

Robbie closed his eyes, "Who's there?" He asked tentatively, with a wince.

"You! The terrible comedian." 

"HAA!" Helen laughed, amongst the others. "Genius! That is good stuff!" She said, looking down at the pear pad her assistant held as Robbie frowned and took a sip of his water.

"Why are you doing that?" questioned Jade's little brother, observing her as he rocked on the horse and she laid in a bathtub, rotating the Jack-in-the-box's crank gradually. 

Jade had prepared a short, short film for Helen, and the second it started to display on the projector, it had everyone in the Blackbox scared, except for Jade. And of course, me.

"Because you're bad." She dully responded.

 "So, uh you wrote this movie y-yourself?" Helen asked, eyes trained on the video. Jade and I sat behind her, and in front of Sikowitz and Lane.

"And directed it and starred in it." Jade said.

"Mmm-hmm." Helen mumbled, glancing at her.

"All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey thought 'twas all in fun..." Jade lightly singed, still slowly turning the Jack in the Box' crank.

"So, y-you just gonna sing, huh?" Helen asked, as Jade singed the song to herself, nodding her head side to side. "I... I don't understand what...--"


"B... but, you're in the bathtub...--"

"Shhhhhh!"Jade hushed her.

"Stop it!" Her little brother screamed, as her singing got louder and louder and the music reached its climax. "Ahhhhhh!" The Jack in the Box popped out, red eyes glowing into the little boy's soul as he screamed. 

"Pop goes the weasel!" Her deep voice bellowed, her head whipping to the boy as he screamed again, not only scaring him but everyone in the Blackbox.

"I hate you!" He yelled as she sat up in the bathtub.

"I love you!" She shouted.

"I hate you!" The little boy yelled again, as Sikowitz screamed, knocking down and climbing over chairs to get out of the room.

"I love you!"

"So, do you feel like you did well?" Mom asked me, as we rocked pink vibrating dumbbells, standing in front of the tv. 

"Yeah," I nodded, "Beck and I wrote a monologue about losing someone and Sikowitz said we sounded great." I explained, looking at the tv for my points. "Um Tori, and Andre did a remix of 'Make It Shine', they sounded really good. Although Helen did yell 'Next!' right after," I added, glancing at her. "but I did hear her singing it when Trina and I were leaving school yesterday, so?" I led off, looking from the tv to her. 

"And Trina?" She asked. 

I tilted my head, "Uhh, not so good, the usual.." I shrugged.


"Yeah.." I sighed, looking at the dumbbell. "Mom, I don't get the point of this exercise." I whined, looking at her before the landline phone rung, taking our attention.

"Oh, I got it. Take a break." Mom said, waving her hand. As she walked to the grab the phone, I put my dumbbell down, "It's your school!" 

I gasped, running over to her. "Answer it!" I exclaimed, nervously.

I knew Beck and I did good, but me knowing we did good, didn't mean Helen thought we were fit for whatever image she had in her mind. Me knowing we did good, wasn't going to cut it like it always had. Helen had to think so, and I so hoped she did.

"Hello?" Mom said, putting the phone up to her ear. "Yeah, this is she." I tapped on her arm repeatedly, making her swat her hand at me. "Oh! Oh, thank you. They'll be so happy. That's great news!" She exclaimed as I lit up, my hands going everywhere. "Shush shush!" She made sounds, trying to shut me up. She put her hand on her hip, nodding. "Uh-huh. What?!" She exclaimed, turning away from me. "But..--"

"What? Mom!" I whispered, following her. 

"Shhhh! Shh! Shh!" She shushed me, looking back at the wall. "Thank you for calling." She said before ending the phone call. She looked at me warily, making me visibly crumble. 

"What? Mom..-- " I sucked in a breath, watching as she put the phone down. She grabbed my hands, as I stared at her. 

"Trina passed her audition." She said softly.

"She did?" I asked, excitedly. "What about..."

"Tori," She paused, glancing at the floor. "passed her audition.. too baby.." 

I looked at her, shaking my head slightly. "Then.." I murmured.

"You didn't.." She confirmed, holding onto my forearms as my mouth opened and I felt tears coming to my eyes.

"I..." I sighed, "They're kicking me out of Hollywood Arts?" I asked, looking at mom. 

She cupped my face, bending to be eye level with me. "I am so sorry, baby." She cooed as I looked at the floor, trying not to cry. "Are you gonna cry?" She asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. 

"I dunno." I muttered, sniffling. 

She shrugged, asking, "Do you wanna cry?" 

"No," I cried, shaking my head. If I cry.. then that means its real and I don't want it to be real.

"You're gonna cry." Mom said, nodding. 

"I know." I whimpered as I broke down crying, feeling her pull me to her. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly, burying my head into her shoulder. 

I put my last journal into my bag, glancing at my friends as I did so. They all had clinging to me, the whole day and now, it was time.. my time at Hollywood Arts was up.. 

I closed my locker and sighed, looking back at my friends. "Well.." I sighed, moving my hand over my locker. 

"I mean, I don't get it. They can't just kick Y/n outta school." Robbie said, looking at Cat and Andre.

"Yeah, they can." Andre said.

"It's not right." Tori shook her head, sighing.

"Okay, well. I'm gonna go home now..." I said, looking at the floor to keep my tears at bay. 

"No," Beck murmured, pulling me back against his chest. "You're not leaving this school." He said, leaning to the side to see my face.

"Wait, what do you mean she's not leavin'?" Andre asked, as I glanced at him.

"Yeah.. Sh--"

"I mean, we're all gonna talk to Helen about this right now." Beck asserted, cutting me off.

"Yeah!" Tori shouted, nodding.

"Yeah, let's!" Robbie exclaimed, looking around our group.

"Yeah, let's do that!" Andre nodded, bringing his hand to the other, fisted.

"But what are you guys gonna say?" I asked, looking at them. We can't really do much, Helen.. made her decision..

"That if you have to leave Hollywood arts, I'm leaving too." Cat stepped forward, making me look at her.

"You'd do that for me Cat?" I asked, messing with my hands. I wouldn't let her; I didn't let Beck when he proposed the idea when I told him the news. They all belonged at this school; I wasn't going to let them give up on their dreams because of me.

"Noooo, I really love this school.." She shook her head, backing up.

"Well, since none of you other cowards won't," Jade glared, wrapping her arm around my shoulders, "I will, I refuse to let this just be it." She shook her head. "Your talented and this Helen chick is gonnna see that one way or another." She rolled her eyes as I smiled at her, wrapping my arms around her neck in a hug. She groaned, rolling her eyes again as she hugged me back.

"Awww." Cat cooed, smiling.

"NO!" Jade yelled, as we 

"Come on, let's go find Helen." Beck said, nodding. 

"Yeah, let's go!" "Come on." "Helen... we're gonna go find her! "We're gonna get that girl!" "Hey Helen!" My friends murmured, determined as we walked down the hall, passing the janitor's closet.

"You know what? Helen is this way!" Tori said, angrily as we turned around, stomping towards the staircase. 

"No, it's this way!" "Yeah, I know!" "Where is sh--"" Rex asked before we stopped in our tracks, seeing Helen and her assistant standing right in front of us, a little startled and confused. 

Beck tugged on my hand, as we slowly backed up from, not expecting her. "Uhh.." I murmured, glancing at my friends.

"Did you all want something?" She asked, looking at us like we were up to something.

Andre and Jade pushed Beck up to the front, making me stand (hide slightly) behind him. He gave an anxious laugh, before talking. "We don't think Y/n should be kicked out of the school."

"Uhh, Y/n?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows. 

"Vega." I said, raising my hand up nervously.

Glancing at her assistant, she looked at the pearpad she held, "Oh, yeah!" She exclaimed, grabbing the pearpad. "Y/n Vega. My notes here say she was kicked out because she's untalented and irritating."

"Huh?" I asked, sticking my head out. 

"Sounds like Trina to me.." Jade mumbled, shrugging.

Okay, look I may not have passed my audition, but I am not untalented! I am NOT Trina! "Excuse me, but I am far from untalented..." I stressed; my eyebrows knit together as I shook my head profusely. 

"You?" She said, "Oh, you are! And pretty as a Pickle." She smiled, making me smile. "Now why are you children asking me about Y/n Vega?" She asked, as we stood confused in our spots.

"I'm Y/n Vega." I said, gesturing to myself.

"No, no, no, no." She shook her head, before gesturing to the pearpad. "This is Y/n Vega." She said, almost scornful as the woman beside her slowly turned the tablet around to us, showing a picture of Trina from her audition as Helen side-eyed it.

"Duh duh dunnnn!" Rex exclaimed, causing me to send a glance at him as I looked between Helen and the tablet. 

"No. No, no, no. That's our older sister, Trina Vega." Tori said, as I nodded.

"Ohhhh." Helen said, looking at her assistant. "You mixed up the names!" She yelled, tapping her hand.

"I have personal problems." She whimpered, holding her pearpad close to her chest as Jade glared at her.

"I knew it was a mistake." Cat exclaimed, making me smile. Yay!!

"You get to stay!" Andre grinned.

"How awesome is that?" Beck asked, as I hugged him. 

"So awesome." I replied as my friends began to talk over each other. "But wait, wait, wait. You can't kick Trina out of Hollywood Arts." Tori said, looking at Helen. 

"Right, guys?" I asked, looking at my friends pleadingly.

"Oooooh..." Beck muttered, looking at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, what was the question?" Andre asked, like he didn't hear me. 

"Y'know.. I really think.." Jade looked at the ceiling, nodding her head. "We should let it happen." She smiled, shaking her head. 

"Look, I'm sorry. I'll call Trina myself and give her the new...--" Helen said, as I shook my head.

"No, no, no. Please don't..." I sighed, "I'll tell her.."

"All right..." She nodded, "Bye!" She exclaimed, grinning as she walked past us. "Come on!" She waved over her assistant, as she had just stood there. 

She scurried to Helen as I looked from the floor and to my friends. "You guys, I would really like it for you to be all there when we tell Trina that she got kicked out of...--" 

"Seriously!" I exclaimed, stomping my foot after everyone except Tori had scattered away like ants. Tori and I groaned as we walked to our lockers, knowing what was in store for us this afternoon...

I was not looking forward to that, but at least I was still at Hollywood Arts... where I belonged. 

"And, um, you know, um, sometimes when life hands you lemons..." I shrugged, "You, uhhh, you..." I shook my head, looking for the right words. Why couldn't mom or dad do this??

"Y/n." Trina stopped me, touching my hand.

"What?" I asked, quietly.  

"I know what you're trying to say." She said, after sitting up. She glanced at Tori as me and her looked at each other.

"You do?" Tori asked.

She nodded, "She's embarrassed that she got kicked out of Hollywood Arts." She said, looking between Tori and I. 

"Ohhhhh..." I whimpered, falling onto the couch.

"It's okay!" She rubbed my knee, "It doesn't mean that you have zero talent, what did I say? 46%!" She exclaimed as I rolled my eyes. 


"You think this is easy for me?" She asked, cutting me off. "'Cause it's not." She shook her head.

"What's not?" I asked, glancing at Tori.

"Being the talented one in our family." She said, as if it was nothing, gesturing between the 3 of us. "That's a lotta pressure. And you're my baby sister. It hurts me when you fail." She pouted, touching my knee again.

I stared at her before throwing my head back, in a whine. "Whyyy."

"And listen... If I could just somehow suck some talent out of me and sprinkle it all over you, I swear... I would consider doing that." She nodded, as I stared at her. This was hopeless. "Now... you want me to make you some cream of wheat?" She smiled.

"You know I don't like cream of wheat."  

"Yeah, but I love it." She said, getting off the couch as I rolled my eyes. "Tori?" She asked, passing by her.

"No." She shook her head, watching her leave with a confused, pitiful look. 

"How can you not love cream of wheat?!" Rex exclaimed.

"Rex!" I said, glaring at him. "Okay, Helen gets to school at 6:30 every morning. Tori and I will come up with some reason to get Trina to school right before Helen shows up." I explained.

"I love cream of wheat." Rex said, making me glare at Robbie to shut his puppet up. He didn't want me to do it.

"Robbie." I almost growled, before shaking my head. "You're gonna be dressed as a robber, y'know in all black and a ski mask."

"I like skiing." He said, unsure. 

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to see how that related to that-- "Anyways, so when Helen walks into school, you're going to attack her." 

"Why?" He asked.

"'Cause! Trina's like a karate whiz, so when she sees Helen being attacked, she'll jump in and beat you up, and then Helen will be grateful and let Trina stay at Hollywood Arts!" I shrugged, like it was nothing. It really wasn't, this was Trina we were talking about. 

"But I hate being beaten... I always have." He shook his head, shrugging.

"Robbie, please.. I need you to do this." This was her senior year, and she only had 5 and half months left of Hollywood Arts.. She had to stay. 

"No." He said.



"Please?" I pouted. 

"All right.." He caved, looking at the floor.

"Y/n! It's six in the morning, I'm at school, and they are not having a free breakfast buffet!" Trina exclaimed, standing at the top of stairs in the empty Hollywood Arts hallway. "Call me!" She said, before hanging up, sending her 4th voice message.

I peeked my head around the corner, watching Robbie put on his black hoodie at his locker as my phone vibrated again. 

"Hello? Anybody here? Anyone seen a breakfast buffet?! Hello?!" She yells, going up the stairs as I tapped Robbie's contact. 

"Andre just texted me from the parking lot. Helen is on her way in!" I said quietly into my phone, looking at him from across the hallway. Tori was at home, making sure Trina had actually went to school earlier like we advised her to do for the 'free breakfast buffet'. That girl can clear a buffet, you should see her on vacations!

"I'm afraid." He almost whimpered as I sighed.

"I know Robbie, but just think.. your highering your chances of being with Trina?" I lied, forcing a smile. "Okay, put your thing on!" 

He hung up the phone, putting his phone in his locker, exchanging it for the ski mask. He put it on, getting ready. I gave him a thumbs up, smiling.

"So, I wish upon a star... Where memories reside," Helen singed as she opened the doors to the school. I whipped my arm in a circle, telling him to GO!

"Hey, gimme the bag!" He yelled, snatching Helen's bag from her arm.

"Oh! Oh!" She screamed, snatching it back. 

"Give me your bag!" He grunted, tussling her for it.

"May day! May day! Help me!" Helen screamed, alarming Trina. She skipped down the stairs, as Robbie tugged on her bag.

"Get away from her!" Trina yelled, as Robbie let go, trying to run. Once she had got down the stairs, she kicked Robbie in his chest, sending him to the ground.

"Oh, Jesus!" Robbie grunted, trying to stand as Helen ran to a locker. Trina high kicked Robbie as Helen ripped off a locker door, keeping him still.

"Hold him still so I can whack hi--" Helen yelled as she quickly made her way over to them.

"Hey! Hey, what's going on?! Hey!" I exclaimed, running over there, just in time for Robbie not to get whacked. It's the least I could do. "What happened?!" I asked, gesturing to Robbie flopping himself onto the ground, grunting and Helen hovering a student's locker door over him.

"Oh, t-this... This hooligan came and tried to bushwhack me!" Helen explained, holding the locker down in front of her as Trina went and grabbed her backpack that she had flanged off before kicking Robbie. "Ohhhh" She moaned, looking at the ceiling.

"Oh my God!" I feigned disbelief, as I saw Andre in the corner of my eye, pulling Robbie away. "That is crazy! I mean what are the odds of a masked robber--" I said as we all started to talk over each other.

"Going, going, going!" Trina said as she acted out what she just done, throwing punches at the air.

"You know," I said, speaking louder for them to hear me. "It was such a was a good thing that Trina was here to protect you!" I exclaimed, nodding my head as Trina smiled at me, glancing at Helen.

"Oh! Heck yeah!" She said, touching Trina's arm. "Thank you, baby. I owe ya one!" She looked at her.

"Yeah.." I nodded in agreement. "Oh! Like... Maybe," I shrugged, "considering a decision you made about someone being kicked out of Hollywood Arts?" I asked, biting my lip a little as I stared directly into her eyes, lifting my eyebrows.

"Oh... Oh!" She said, catching on. "Mmm-hmm, you right." She nodded, speaking to me through her eyes. "Trina, you can.." She pointed at her, before I cutted in.

"So, I can keep going to school here?!" I asked excitedly, grabbing Trina's arm.

"You? Yeah, I thought you were gonna tell Trina she..--"

"Yay! We both get to stay at Hollywood Arts!" I said, jumping up before grabbing her other arm. She hopped up, grinning too as I smiled at Helen, slowly backing up. "C'mon Trina, let's go get some cream of wheat!"

"I thought you hated cream of wheat" she said as I started to run, pulling her with me.

"But I love it now!" I exclaimed as we ran through the halls to the Blackbox theater.


I was writing Cat's video profile the other day, and it was like whiplash from how different her character changed throughout the seasons. I really wished they never changed her character. 

I kinda went a little overboard on Beck's... but it's deserved. Y/n's video profile will be coming soon. 

Anyways, I hope you guys like all the new chapters of their Slap profiles and videos. They have been in the works since July. This chapter was not proofread so if there are any mistakes, excuse that. Make sure to vote and follow my IG for polls, updates and more. It's on my profile <3 See you next Friday!
