Chapter 1 The OmniDuo's First Day

Alex Yagi

Age: 16




Aliens Active:
Four Arms

Parents: Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Rei Todoroki (Yep You're Todoroki's Half Brother)

Likes: Visiting his mom, His Family, Jen, Heroes, The Omnitrix, Grandpa Max, Gwen, Video Games, Music, Anime, and Kendra Levin.

Dislikes: The Omnitrix Giving him the wrong alien, The Omnitrix Timing Out at inopportune times, Vilgax, Z'skyar (I think that's how to spell it), Jen being oblivious, Gwen being a dweeb, Kendra being a criminal, Villains, and Azmuth being cryptic.

Love Interest: Jenifer Tennyson (She has the Alien Force Omnitrix as Of Right Now)

Love Interests Rival/Y/N's Ex Girlfriend: Kendra Levin

We pan over to see our heroes Jenifer Tennyson, and Alex Yagi, in UA uniforms.

Jen: Alex! I'm so excited! I can't believe that they let us in as a Duo! That means we'll be a two man hero team like we dreamed of!

Alex chuckles at his best friend and hugs her. Leaving a red hue on both their faces.

Alex: I'm excited to Jen, but calm down, dad didn't recommend us for our extremely well built friendship, he recommended us because we've proved ourselves as heroes.

Jen: I know but I can't help it Lex.

Alex: Heh. Do you think we're allowed to use the omnitrix to get to school faster?

Jen: No.

Alex: ....... Wanna do it anyway?

Jen smirked at her snow haired friend and nodded. The two slammed down on the Omnitrix.



Jetray: Wanna race Jen?

XLR8: You bet Alex.

The Two began the race and they got there at the same time.

Jetray: Dammit.

XLR8: We keep getting tied with each other.

They turn back and walk to class. On the way to class Alex sees a familiar face.

Alex: Midoriya?

The greenete looks behind him to see Alex.

Midoriya: Yagi? Hey, I passed as you can see.

Alex: Yeah I can see that congrats man, you earned it.

Jen looked at the two and realized.

Jen: Oh is this the guy that got your dad's quirk?

Midoriya went wide eyed.

Midoriya: You told her about One For All?!

He whisper yelled.

Alex: Nah her grandpa was my caretaker so she learned herself. Anyway, Jen this is Izuku Midoriya, the successor to One For All. Midoriya, this is Jenifer Tennyson, my best friend and partner.

Midoriya: Nice to meet you Tennyson.

Jen: Nice to meet you too Midoriya.

The trio walked to Class 1-A. When they walked in there was a disturbance.

???: Was that stick up your ass always there? Or did someone stick it up there?

???2: I'm sorry let's restart I'm Tenya Iida from Someii Academy, it's nice to meet you.

???: Someii huh? So you think you're better than me, I can't wait to tear you a new one!

Iida: You'd threaten me your own classmate?! Are you sure you're in the right place?!

Alex: This should be a fun year Eh?

Jen: Yeah, do you think Gwen got in?

Alex: Most likely, she might be in Class B though.

Midoriya: Who's Gwen?

Jen: She's my cousin, anyway me and Lex are gonna go find our seats.

Alex: Yeah, later Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah see you guys later.

Alex and Jen walk to go find a seat.

Alex: How about right here?

Jen: Yeah this spot's good.

The Two sat down next to each other. I got the window seat.

Jen: Why do you always get the window seat?

Alex: Because I am the protagonist of the story.

Jen: What?

Alex: Don't worry about it.

As Alex says that the teacher walked in and waited for us to calm down.

???: It took you all 8 seconds to calm down, that's not good we'll work on that. Anyway, I'm your home room teacher Shota Aizawa, I know this is sudden but, put these on and meet me outside.

The class each grabbed a uniform and went to the locker room.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I was in the boys locker room with the guys when a blonde haired kid and a midget that looked like a grape came over and behind to talk to me.

Grape: Hey your Alex Yagi right?

Alex: Yeah, why what do you want?

Kaminari: I'm Denki Kaminari, and this is Minoru Mineta.

Grape: We're big fans, and we wanted to know if the rumors were true?

Alex: What rumors?

Kaminari: Are you and Jen dating?

Alex: Oh that rumor. Yeah we're not dating..... yet.

Grape: Yet? What do you mean?

Alex: Exactly what it sounds like, Grape Boy. We aren't dating yet, I've been meaning to ask her out for awhile. But whenever the chance comes the universe cockblocks me.

???: That's rough bro.

A kid with red hair said.

Alex: Tell me about it.

???: I'm Eijiro Kirishima, I'm also a big fan of yours. I gotta say man you and Jen, are my favorite non-pro heroes.

Alex: So you mean we're your favorite vigilantes?

Kirishima: Well you guys aren't really vigilantes according to the news. You guys were called unofficial heroes, by All Might himself.

So my old man really meant it. Thanks Dad.

Alex: Heh really?

Kirishima: Yeah bro! Look.

He said as he pulled out his phone and he showed me a video of my Dad.

All Might: What do I think of Alien Shift and Jen 10? Why They may not have their hero license yet, but they are truly heroes! Ones that I think will become the next #1 Hero.

Interviewer: What do you mean are they like the hero duo Water Hose?

All Might: Exactly, But they will be known as The OmniDuo!

Interviewer: How do you know this?

All Might: Why Because I've met them! Also because I'm Recommending the two to UA as a Duo! Alien Shift and Jen 10 Make Me proud. PLUS ULTRA!

Then the video ended.

Alex: D-Damn.

Kirishima: I know Bro. Come on I think Aizawa-Sensei will kill us if we don't hurry up!

Jen's P.O.V.

Mina: Hey Jen I'm Mina Ashido!

A pink girl screamed at me.

Jen: Nice to meet you Mina.

Mina: So is it true?!

I looked at the pink haired girl with confusion.

Jen: Is what true?

Another girl who I was already introduced to Momo Yaoyorozu, then asked.

Momo: Are you and Alex dating? That's her question. Which I'm also curious about.

I started blushing.

Jen: No, we're not.


???: So he's up for grabs then?

A girl with purple hair asked.

Momo: I wouldn't ask it like that. But yeah is he?

Jen: I mean yeah. As far as I know he's not dating anyone.

Mina: YES!

I chuckled at Mina's outburst. But I'm also kinda sad.

Would Alex choose these girls over me?

Momo: Anyway, we've all changed into our training uniforms, we should probably head out now.

We all nodded and walked outside. I found Y/N and stood next to him.

Jen: Did you know that people think we're a couple?

Alex: Yeah I found that out just a couple of minutes ago.

I just nodded.

Alex: Did you Know All Might publicly recommend us on live TV?

I was surprised, and clearly it showed because Alex pulled out his phone and showed me.

Alex: I couldn't believe it either check it out.

He showed me the video and when it was over I hugged him out of pure excitement. He hugged me back and it felt just right.

Aizawa: Ok Alien Duo you can hug later. Now we're gonna be doing a quirk apprehension test.

???: But we're gonna miss orientation.

A brunette girl stated.

Alex: You do realize this is the hero course right? Not General Studies or the Support Course. We don't need orientation as much as we need training.

Jen: Alex's right, considering other than Aizawa-Sensei, me and Alex are the only ones here that have done hero work, you guys need this more than orientation.

Aizawa nodded and smiled at us.

Aizawa: Thank you Yagi, and Tennyson. They're right I need to gauge how skilled you are with your quirks so I and the other teachers can train you properly.

Midoriya: But, wasn't that the point of the entrance exam?

Then a kid with spiky hair jumped into the conversation.

???: No if it was some of us wouldn't even be in this class right now. The Entrance exam was just to see if we had what it takes, you damn nerd!

Aizawa: Ok enough of the talking. Bakugo, you placed first in the entrance exam, what was your farthest throw in middle school?

The spiky haired kid now known to me as Bakugo stepped forward.

Bakugo: 67 meters I think.

Aizawa tossed a ball to Bakugo.

Aizawa: Now throw the ball with your quirk, anything goes as long as you stay in the circle.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Bakugo walks into the circle and throws the ball.

Bakugo: DIE!!

The class: Die?

The ball rocketed into the air, and a couple seconds later Bakugo gets his score.

705.2 meters.

Mina: That looks fun, I WANT TO GO NEXT!

Kirishima: Using our quirks freely that's what I'm talking about!

Alex: You guys shouldn't have said that.

Aizawa: Oh so you think this is fun?! How about this, whoever ends up in last place gets expelled!

The class was shocked.

???: But that's not fair, we just got into this school! You can't expel us on the first day!

Aizawa snapped at the brunette girl.

Aizawa: Are natural disasters, or cataclysmic attacks by villains fair?! The world is full of unfairness it's our job as heroes to battle that unfairness!

The class and the brunette girl shut up as the assessment begins.

1st Test 50 Meter Dash

Alex was put up against Jen since they entered as a duo.

Alex: Well second race of the day it looks like.

Jen: Yeah.

The two turned into Jetray and XLR8 again.

Jetray: When do we start Aizawa-Sensei?

Alex asked as he shot the starting pistol, me and Jen took off.

Bot: .25 and .25

Alex and Jen changed back mad that they tied again.

Midoriya: They are really fast.

Mina: I wish I could turn into aliens to!

Alex: You win some you lose some pinky.


Alex nervously scratched the nape of his neck as Jen glared at Mina, not that anyone noticed.

2nd Test Grip Strength

Alex: Easy mode.

Jen: Yep.



Both Alex and Jen broke the grip strength scale.

Diamondhead: My bad.

Humungousaur: Sorry.

Grape: Stomp me mommy dinosaur.

Humongousaur: Disgusting.

Jen said turning back into her human form along with Alex.

Alex: Listen here you grape say anything like that to her again I'll stomp you, and not in the good way.

Grape just rapidly nods his head.

3rd Test Side Steps.

Alex: Ok I'm gonna need some creativity here.

Jen: Heh I got this.


Fasttrack: Easy Mode!

She said as she did all the side steps.

Aizawa: Damn that's a lot. Yagi you're up.

(Alex) (Couldn't find a better gif)

Ditto: Does it count if we multiply ourselves?

Aizawa: I guess.

Alex duplicated himself about 60 times within a second.

Aizawa Not Bad.

4th And Final Test Ball Throw

Alex: I'm going all out for this final test.

Jen: What do you mean?

Alex: Let's just say I'm about to get a big head. You go first.

Jen: Ok.

Jen transforms into humongousaur and threw the ball.

Aizawa: 957 meters. Yagi you're up.

Alex: I got this.

Jen: Holy crap he wasn't kidding.

Kaminari: He has to be at least 30 meters tall!

Grape: He's huge!

Midoriya: I've never seen this transformation before!


Waybig: Curve Ball!

Alex exclaimed as he threw the ball. He transformed back and waited for his score.

Aizawa: Infinity. Didn't think I'd see 2 of those today.


After awhile they all got our placements. Alex and Jen are apparently classed as one student and they were 1st followed by Momo Yaoyorozu, Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugo.

Shoto: Hey Alex, Jen, congratulations on getting first place.

Alex: Thanks Sho, you got third it's still a pretty good spot so congratulations to you too.

Jen: Yeah Todoroki.

Shoto: Jen, you're like family call me Shoto.

Jen: Alright. Shoto.

Alex: So how's your family bro?

Shoto: We're alright. How's mom?

Alex: She misses you guys but other than that she's great, Dad's trying to get her out of the clinic.

Shoto: That's good.

Alex: Yeah, maybe you should visit her sometime you know. She'd love to see you.

Shoto: I will once I prove to my Father that I can be a hero without his quirk.

Jen: You know it's not his quirk it's yours right Shoto, not his?

Shoto: Jen you know why I'm doing this. I can't give up on my mission.

Alex: We know Sho but-

Shoto: Nothing, but nothing. I'll see you two tomorrow.

He said as he walked off.

Aizawa: Ok everyone we're done for today, pick up a syllabus on your way out.

When he said that all of us left.
