chapter 16

"move." i slightly pushed ashtrays arm , walking closer to the school building.

"i'm shocked." he repeated for the third time.

earlier this morning fezco asked me a question , "did you fall or something last night?" , and i almost slipped up saying that it was ashtray coming into my room.

"ashtray?" i slowly stopped walking , turning my body to face him as we both walked into school , people whipping their heads around to look at us.

he raised his eyebrows , always slowly down , before stopping and standing right in front of me.

"go to hell." i sarcastically smiled , starting to walk off again , he letting out a chuckle before walking behind me.

i peeked over my shoulder , seeing him still walking closely behind me. "what are you doing?" i asked , slowly down so i was walking next to him and not in front of him.

"we have to go the same way?" he raised an eyebrow , pointing down the hall.

i looked to where he pointed , before turning back to him and nodding , before his name was called making both of us look off behind him.

my eyes fell on a group of boys , four to be exact. and one girl , who stood closely to the one and only , miles.

his eyes slowly left ashtray , meeting mine. he squinted them , almost as if he was confused. confused about what? who knows.

"you hangout with him?.. still?" i looked away from miles , to ashtray.

he turned back around to me , "miles?"

i bit the inside of my cheeck , nodding.

he just shrugged , "he always there. i guess?"

slowly my eyes trailed back over to the group of boys waiting for ashtray , and i let out a breathe. "their waiting."

he glanced at them , before looking my face over for a couple seconds. "ight.. bye."

and with that he walked off , leaving me to watch for a second before my shoulders were roughly grabbed snapping me out of whatever trance i had been in.

"jesus-." i was cut off , my body being spun around and i was met with annalise.

"i'm been looking for you!" she huffed , letting go of my shoulders and looking over my shoulder , at ashtray.

"the fuck is he doing with miles?" she practically growled , looking back to me.

"they hangout i guess , i don't know." i shrugged , walking a little bit over with her to her locker , standing on the one next to it as she opened it and started looking for something.

"they doesn't.. i dont know , bother you at all?" he asked , picking up a lip gloss tube and putting it on.

i watched her , before glancing back over at the group , then now being joined by another girl.. only this time she was talking to ashtray.

i guess anna noticed how i didn't reply , because she turned to where i was looking. but before could let out any thought she had about it , i shrugged it off.
"not really , they can hangout if they want."

she furrowed her eyebrows , going to speak but was cut off my our two other friends , making me sigh in relief.

"i told you to text me when you find her!" hazel said , standing next to anna as she closed her locker.

"oh- yeah! i felt like i was forgetting something." anna smiled pointing at her , making her roll her eyes before her eyes lingered over to the group of now , seven.

she whipped her head back around to me , "miles?!"

"what?" sage said before i got a chance to reply , moving over a little to look at them.

"y'all are so obvious." i rolled my eyes , shaking my head and pushing myself off of the lockers.

"who's that girl?!" hazel added on , the three of them now following behind me.

"i don't know?" i raised an eyebrow.

they three opened their mouth , and just in time the bell went off. "oh would you look at that!" i smiled , making them roll their eyes and we parted ways , all having different classes.

i walked in the room , going to the desk i usually sat at and started fiddling with the rings on my fingers.

who is that girl?

should i ask him about it?

i don't want him thinking i care though. but i do..

my thoughts were quickly cut off , "hey."

i looked over , being met with the same girl that was talking to ashtray not even five minutes ago. how ironic.

"hey?" i answered , as she turned her body around a little.

she gave me a small smile , "what's your name?"

i pursed my lips , "uh.. malani. what's yours?"

again , she smiled. "amelia."

i slowly nodded , gonna turn around and look at my hands again before she talked again. "you and that boy.. ashtray? are you guys.." she trailed off , waving her hands.

"dating?" i raised an eyebrow , now assuming she was asking because she likes him.

she nodded , patiently waiting for a reply.

"no." i answered , immediately looking from her to my hands.

it was quiet for a second , making me wonder.
"why?" i asked , looking up to meet her smiling.

"just wondering." she nodded , giving me another smile and then sitting straight.

i furrowed my eyebrows , taking a look of the girl.
she has straight brown hair , hazel eyes. she's pretty.

i turned my head , leaning farther into my seat.
she likes him doesn't she..

the teacher walked into the classroom , making some people go quiet while others kept their conversations going.


"amelia?" sage raised her eyebrows , looking at me.

"yeah.. i don't know. she seemed nice?" i quickly added onto what i just told them.

"yeah , because you're.. well , you were talking to ashtray." hazel rolled her eyes , leaned her head into her hands.

i looked up at anna once she didn't reply , shocked she wasn't the first one to reply.

i followed where she was looking , eventually letting amelia sat a little farther from ashtray and the same four boys i saw earlier.

"oh my god. stop." i shook my head , smacking her hand.

she looked over at me , "i don't know. she doesn't seem interested in him." she shrugged.

i glanced back over at her , seeing she was talking to a girl. she completely ignored ashtray , even after the guy that was sat in between got up.

her eyes moved from the girls in front of her , over to me. i quickly whipped my head around , pretending like i hadn't been looking over there for the last twenty seconds.

maybe she doesn't like him..


waiting for stranger things volume 2 πŸ™„πŸ™„
been waiting since midnight

anyways i have some ideas so i'll be updating later.

