Chapter 9: Under cover

warning: just a lot of switching POV's- which i guess isn't a real warning-

Your nails brushed against the palm of your hand as your eyes lingered to the floor for a few seconds.

"Torture us? You guys are member of the troupe how could they torture they're mates?" you say unknowing that, that's exactly what it's suppose to happen if you betray the team.

"Y/N, this group isn't a joke. If you betray Chrollo, you're dead." Illumi stated putting both of his hands on your shoulders.

"Maybe being sexually tortured wouldn't be so bad~" Hisoka licked softly his upper lip as his yellow eyes narrowed.



Both you and Illumi said at the same time snapping your heads at him.

He just scoffed and rolled his eyes as he started glancing at his nails or, and playing with his deck of cards.
You shook your head at his mindless behavior about the situation.
How can't he be thoughtful? You're having a literal heart attack from any moment and there he was minding his own business like if he had 9 life's.

"Y/N we have to go and stay in a safe place, if possible... even with Kurapika. We'll have a chance to protect him as well as you too."
Illumi let his arms fall limp by his sides as his tone was full of concern.

"K-Kurapika?... You.. you want to protect Kurapika from people who you've chosen to betray your family for..?"

"I don't care anymore. The past days have been torture for me. I-... Every time you glanced at me with that disgusted look you had on, it made my heart shatter in a billion of pieces." He takes your hands and squeeze them.
"I was an idiot. I left my family for a bunch of shit faces. I left Killua... I left mom.. dad... and you."
Hisoka's eyes lingered between you and Illumi as he was spilling everything out of his heart.

Before Illumi could continue Hisoka cut him off.
"Bunch of shit faces uh?"
Silence lingered between the three of you as Hisoka just raised his shoulders with a scoff.
"You're right." he only muttered out.

"You can't change what has already happened Illumi, you can only improve the future that is waiting you" you intersect your fingers with his while you offered him a reassuring smile.

"I.. I've been harsh and i know it. I didn't- and probably will never accept the fact and the thought you betrayed us like if we were a mountain of shit but... you're still my brother, and i'm still your little sister." you continued as you saw his eyes becoming watery.

"How can a person like you deserve a brother like me?"

"God made Killua compensate for your wickedness with his goodness, so don't stress yourself out" you laughed softly.

It was true. When Illumi left Killua and you grew together so to build an unbreakable bond. Everyday you missed more and more Illumi's presence and comfort but back then you knew that you just had to get used to being without him since he would never came back.
But here you were, proving yourself wrong. Illumi did came back, understanding his errors and the error he did by joining the Phantom Troupe.

He sniffled as he brought his free hand to his eyes drying off a tear that was about to escape his eye.
In that moment, you remembered that he always thought that crying was a weakness. At least, he thought that crying in front of you and Killua would prove that he isn't a worth warrior, and that wasn't the thing he wanted to show off.
He clearly wanted to be yours and Killua's idol, which he succeeded at... but for a brief period of time.

You were about to comfort him, but as much as you wanted to a bang interrupted your discussion.

Quickly Hisoka grabbed your arm pulling you closer to his body. Thoughts of this morning lingered in your mind. His body.. his touch.. his arms... the warmness of his chest again your back- Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT!

Your hands wrapped around Hisoka's arm as with his other hand he was holding his cards, ready to slice open throats.
Illumi was standing beside you, gripping his needles in between his fingers as his teeth's were clenched together.

Peeking through the door, Illumi saw that the bang was caused by the heavy wooden entrance door shutting close behind the three members of the Phantom Troupe that came after them.

A relief sigh escaped his lips as he gesture for you and Hisoka that the way towards the lounge was now free.

Dragging yourself through the pathway you were greeted by Mitsuki's angry face and Shio's trembling body standing in front of the counter.
Worry settles in you as you quickly ran by their side.

"Yumi! Shio! What happened with them?"

"They were searching for you." Shio's trembling voice said.

"Could've imagined that actually." you say rubbing your eyebrow.

"What about us?" Illumi's body now was popping up behind you.

"They think you guys went out for a while, so for now they aren't suspecting anything..." Shio explained as Mitsuki made him sit on one of the restaurants chairs.

"When they'll notice that the both of you left definitely, you'll have to find a safe place to stay and probably change your aesthetics.." Mitsuki suggested as she glanced at you three.

"Change my aesthetics you say?~" Hisoka made his hand move through his hair tangling them with a few strands of them falling onto his forehead.

Your eyes peek at Hisoka's now messy hair. It was actually a pretty good view seeing him with that 'hairstyle'.
Unconsciously you move your hand towards his head moving some hair out of his view.
Seeing you doing this Mitsuki's and Illumi's jaw clenched tightly, both of them didn't like you getting near Hisoka or neither being so kind to him. They both knew that he could be, or better he is a double sided coin, so they just wish you wouldn't fall under his claws.

Hisoka's smirk instantly dropped when your hand reached his hair moving them out of his view. Instead of an arrogant smirk there was a genuine smile and in his eyes there was a small sparkle that lit up his golden eyes.
The two of you spent a few seconds just staring at each other, your gazes melting in one.

"Yes. I said exactly that." Mitsuki replied to his previous statement with a stern voice.

"But how can we improvise a new look from a moment to the other..?" you say snapping out of the trance you were in with Hisoka.

"Follow me." Mitsuki stood up after kissing softly Shio on the head.
Turning on her heels she walked behind the counter pulling a book out of the library. The book got out just half way as a click was heard from the library. With a slow moment the library slides to the left side revealing a brand new secret room.

"Wow..." your eyes were locked on the door while your mouth hung a bit open.


"Silly me who thought this things were only in fairy tales.."

"Yeah, silly you Illumi. Come here cmon!" she stated as a breath laugh came out from her mouth.

Walking around the counter the four of you entered the room. Even tho there were numerous light on the ceiling and on the walls, the room was dim and had a peaceful atmosphere.
Your eyes lingered from a wall to the other, inspecting everything you had in sight.
On your right there was an actual library with many colored books. But apparently they weren't normal books... they looked like diamond printed books. Wow... you never thought Mitsuki and Shio could hide things like that.

At the end of the room stood a counter and on top of it many framed pictures. Looking closely at them you noticed they had the same face looks as Shio so you guessed it were probably his ancestors.
Mitsuki turned on her heels and placed her hand on a peace of wood standing near the counter.
Her hand gave off some pink sparkles while her eyes were shifting to her green color to a shade of pink. The- what was supposed to be a wall- burst open revealing a long wardrobe full of dress for man and women.

"OH MY!" you yell but before you could step into the room Mitsuki's arm slammed against your torso.


"Be careful and be mindful when you try things"

"We will." you say moving her arm away and running inside.
A soft smile played on her lips noticing your excitement in those many different dresses.
You've always been someone that adored and i mean adored talking about aesthetics and dresses.

Walking in front of a series of clothes, positioned one after the other, you made your hand slide across the dresses feeling each peace of fabric.

A piece of dark fabric was hidden between two old style dresses, probably from the 60's. You move them apart and gently take the dress from the hanger and expose it to the light of the room.
Taking it, your lips curled into a smile seeing the dress.

(this is your dress. imagine it hanging from the hanger and the socks stuck under it πŸ˜™)

Your mouth fell open as a smirk built on your face imagine how hot you would be with this dress on. Turning around you suddenly bumped into someone, guess who? Hisoka.

"What a beautiful dress you have there, darling~"

"I know, i only choose beautiful things to wear, clown face" your words had a hint of venom but he couldn't help to smirk at the continuous nickname you were calling him.
With that you stroll past him and run towards Mitsuki.

"Yumi! Look at this one!" you raise your hands letting her see the dress you took out.

"I remember that one! You've made a beautiful choice my dear" she says.

"Where can i try it on?"

With her hand she pointed to a curtain that stood, still in the 'wardrobe room' , at the entrance of it.

Sliding the curtain open you close it completely as you began undressing.
You slide on the dress and adjust it by your weight. Sliding off the socks and the gloves too you made a quick spin in front of the mirror smirking.

"I'm a hot mother fucker." you snicker under your breath as you fix your (C/H) on your shoulders.
After a few seconds of still gazing at yourself in mirror, you decided you were ready and step out of the dressing room.

Hisoka's POV:

I slid my hands into my pockets as i glanced between a row of suits to the other one. I couldn't believe that the old man had so many suits.
Strolling around a bit more, not having decided yet what to put on, i notice Y/N concentrated in examine every single dress she saw.

'She's really into dresses'

Seeing she stuck her hand between other two dresses, she pulls out a red and black dress with two long socks hanging by it.
It was quite pretty, she clearly did a good choice so i took advance to tell it to her, probably knowing what will be her reaction.

"What a beautiful dress you have there, darling~"
i say leaning forwards while my usual smirk returned on my face.

"I know, i only choose beautiful things to wear, clown face" her words had a hint of venom in them but it didn't bother me that much, she clearly was a stubborn girl, and this made me want to play with her even more.
Walking pass me she made her shoulder brush against my arm, just for then run towards Mitsuki.

I sigh heavily as i brush my hand against some suits that had caught my eye. One one totally green, one totally black with blue stripes on it, and the other one was black with a shirt a similar red that had Y/N on her dress.
Clearly i choose the red and black suit. Not only was matching her dress but red was a color that have always fitted on me.
Folding the suit on my arm i walk towards the dresser which Y/N currently in. Waiting i leaned against the wall glancing down at the floor.

"You'll have to change your face Hisoka. Get rid of those fake tattoos and dye your hair." Mitsuki said to me as my eyes shifted from the floor to her.

"Ugh, and what color would you suggest?" i ask. My tone was normal, no hint of flirt or something that could struck a nerve in her. I actually wanted to get along with her... she was close to Y/N so i had to anyway.

"Hm..." she cupped her chin with her index and her thumb thinking. "Black."


"Yep, you heard well."

"And then having my gorgeous hair look like the ones of that emo boy over there? tsk? Ain't no way, i have a style to carry on." i point at Illumi after scoffing at her idea.

"And still a long life to live"

Y/N's POV:

"You'll have to change your face Hisoka. Get rid of those fake tattoos and dye your hair." you hear Mitsuki saying to Hisoka and genuinely wondering what was his expression right now.

"Ugh, and what color would you suggest?" he asks. Strangely he didn't have his usual flirtatious tone... he had a calm and soft voice.

"Hm.." Mitsuki hummed a little. "Black."
A chuckle escaped my lips as i was still fixing my hair, almost ready to step out.
You really wonder if Black would fit on him, so you guess Mitsuki's thought wasn't actually so wrong.

"Black?" he repeated probably stunned by the casual color she said.

"Yep, you heard well."

"And then having my gorgeous hair look like the ones of that emo boy over there? tsk? Ain't no way, i have a style to carry on."

"And still a long life to live." a small laugh escaped your mouth hearing Mitsuki's remark. She really knew how to handle a man like him.

You open with force the curtain and make a step out of the dressing room posing a hand on your now pushed out hip.

"I agree with Yumi, i'm curious to see how black hair would fit on that clown face of yours" you say.

His eyes lit up in the moment he saw you. His bottom lip detached from his upper one leaving a small gap in between his lips.

"You say?" his lips lingering and stretching out in a smile.

You hum in agreement as you shake your head up and down softly.

"Then maybe i could give it a go~" he says raising his hand and cupping your chin.
A blush creeped on your face as you realized it was too late to hide it from him, so you just gave him a smile.

"By the way, you're gorgeous in that dress, darling." his tone was soft and came out as if only you were meant to hear his comment.
His eyes were sparkling and glowing at the only sight of your body embraced by that bloody red and pitch black. You didn't know what was happening in his mind, nor in his stomach.
In fact it was a war inside of his mind.
Silence lingered between the two of you for a few seconds as Mitsuki was now leaned on the edge of the door, inspecting the entire scene.
After a few seconds you realized you only stood there without answering him, you mentally scowled yourself for it and replied.

"Thank you, Hisoka."

He gives you a sincere smile- which you actually never saw in him- and then stepped into the dressing room, pulling close the curtain behind him.
Before you could process everything Mitsuki grabbed your arm and yanked you close to her.



"You know what."

"No i don't..?" you truly didn't know what was she talking about.

Her eyes moved towards the dressing room and back to you.

"I told you what i think about it."

"And so?- You really think there's something g between.." you point once again at the dressing room and at yourself. "uh?"

"I... I don't but i'm just concerned" she cups your cheeks with true worry in her eyes.

"Yumi, don't be... i can take of myself like i did previously during this years. I came all the way here... i survived that incident, i assisted at my parents leaving me, assisted too at Illumi leaving me, discover i had a nen, having a best friend with 'magical eyes' " you put quotation marks on 'magical eyes'. "being kidnapped by a strange group of idiot and been able to escape it. You really think i'm that weak?" you finish taking her hands in yours.

"It never crossed my mind that you were a weak woman. I've always knew, and Shio too, that you were capable of great things, sweetheart." she gave you a soft squeeze at your hands as your conversation was interrupted by Illumi tapping on your shoulder.

Turning around you see him holding up an orange suit- orange? really?

"What about it?" you ask raising a brow at his action.

"What you mean what about it? What you think about it?" he says rolling his eyes.

"Ugh- it's beautiful, the great choice for you Illumi."

"Really?" his tone laced with a hint of hope of finally finding the perfect suit.

"No. I mean who am i kidding?" you laugh at yourself. After a few seconds seeing Illumi's annoyed face you cleared your throat and rub your neck.

"I suggest you more a.. black plain suit." you suggest with a smile.

His eyes widen, he didn't think you would suggest something that would really fit him, but anyway he appreciated the hint.
He was about to turn around when his head snapped back at you.

"Red fits you"

"Ahw, i know" you say lifting backwards your left leg and pushing your hair down your shoulder.

Illumi laughs at himself shaking his head seeing your reaction, then he turned around and walked down the long wardrobe.

"Seems like you two finally decided to get along once again" Mitsuki spotted out.

You turn around and wiggle a finger at her.
"I... maybe.. yeah maybe we are.." you say stroking your arm glancing down at the floor.

She pat your head before the dressing room curtain swung open revealing a fully suited up Hisoka.
Man how was he hot...
He was wearing a buttoned up red shirt- which you noticed was the same shade of red you had on your dress- with a tie tuck inside the black jacket he was wearing.Β 
Your eyes lingered from his feet all the way up to his eyes, noticing he was already staring at you.
He walked closer to you and lifted your hand kissing the side of it softly.

"Like what you're seeing darling?~"

"Quite.." you mutter out not daring to break eye contact.

"Red fits you." you continue as butterflies started welling up in your stomach. Even tho you just wanted to shot at each one of them, your heart was saying to let them be and live your feelings in peace.

"So does on you, darling~"

"You're such a flirt, aren't you?"

"Oh and this is only the start~" he says biting down on your hand as your breath hitched in your throat feeling the sudden pain.
Even tho the sudden action, his bite wasn't painful to leave you a permanent mark nor causing you too much pain, which you appreciated from him.

"Love birds we have still a lot go go through.." Illumi said walking towards the both of you. He had a classic black suit on. Black buttoned up shirt, tie and a black jacket. He steps near you and grabs your arm, pulling our body close to his and then whispering to Hisoka: "stay away from her"

Hisoka just smirked and chuckled rolling his eyes. He had her already under his grasp, it was impossible for him not to mess with her confused mind.
Shrugging his shoulders he stepped out of the room, following Mitsuki as she closed the 'wardrobe'.

"Guys, i'm sorry but i'll have to do something with your hair" Mitsuki pointed out pulling a chair from behind her.

"Illumi, wanna be the first one?"

"Dare to cut my hair and i'll cut your thr-" before he could finish you push him and make his body wiggle a bit.

"ILLUMI" you said with clenched teeth. He just rolled his eyes sitting on the chair.

"Don't worry... I'm just going to make you.. less recognizable.." she says taking out some gloves and slipping them on.
Taking a few elastics and a brush out of the drawers she started doing Illumi's hair.
It was like a mommy dressing her daughter for school, which this thought made you smile widely.
After a few minutes Mitsuki was done. She did a simple work. She stuffed his hair in a messy bun leaving some of them down behind his head and a loose lock of hair pending down his forehead.
(Sort of like suguru's hairstyle in JJK. If you don't know him feel free to search him up, maybe you understand better the hairstyle πŸ™‚)

Standing up he glanced at his reflection in a near mirror. A soft hum escaped his lips as i nod and rubbed his neck.

"Thank you, Mitsuki" he moves his head at the side refusing to look at her, embarrassed by his non trust in her hairstyles abilities.

"Don't worry big man... now, how about the clown next?"

Hisoka smirked and sat gracefully on the chair.
Behind him, Mitsuki was roaming through the drawers searching for the black hair color.

"I never thought you had a complete set for hairstyling" you say looking at the counter full of those things.

"Neither i did, Shio did a surprise and build this secret room for me... he has one 'exposed' to the public and i have mine back here" she says doing quotation marks on the word 'exposed' since only the door was visible, not like everyone could go in it.

"What a gentleman." you bend your leg onto the chair and put your chin on top of your knee.

"Indeed, you should find someone like him too" she finally finds the color and started shaking it since it was a spry bomb. One of those colored hair spry which you spray onto the hair and only if you wash them the color will go away, smart right?

"Easier said than to be done.." you make your eyes lock on Mitsuki's form now spraying the color onto Hisoka's hair carefully, brushing after every spray she gave him.

"I'm sure one day you'll find the perfect one" she says smiling back at your sat down figure.

You hum squeezing your cheek against you knee and inhaling deeply.
You knew that Mitsuki's words were true, but still you couldn't imagine yourself married one day and having some kids.

Closing your eyes for a second you let your mind wander.

'I'm coming home Killua...'

'I got help...'

'Hisoka and Illumi will help be protecting Kurapika... they've said it...'

'Tsk... they are criminals.. how can i trust them?'

'Because Illumi is your brother Y/N.' a voice said in your mind.

You squeeze your eyes even more shut as you ignore that thought.

'It could be dangerous...'

'What about Hisoka...?'

'He gives me... strange feelings...'

'Am i falling for him?'

'Oh good... maybe i am...'

'No i can't let myself do it.'

'He's a pedophile Y/N understand that.'

'He. Is. Not. The. One.'

You try and convince yourself that the butterflies and your heart accelerating when going near him was just coincidence. Maybe the lack of love in your life... who knows, but the last thought you wanted to believe was that you were having a soft spot for Hisoka.

You snapped out of your thoughts hearing Mitsuki's voice.

"Done. Now turn around, i'm going to rub off that ugly tattoos on your face." she puts down the hair spry and takes out a damp towel.

"They're not ugly, they are just differently beautiful" Hisoka states spatting his tongue out at Mitsuki.
You chuckled at his childish gesture. What you didn't know was that from your chuckle, Hisoka felt something warming in the since of his heart. He like seeing you chuckle and smile if a kid, but unfortunately he realized it only last night when you nuzzled close to him. If he realized it before, or even thought about it before he would have letted you escape from that trash bag who Chrollo trapped you in.

Mitsuki rubbed the towel over Hisoka's cheekbones, trying not to sneed his flesh. After
finishing the last spot of the star on his right cheek, she let the towel in a bowl on her personalized counter.
Hisoka was about to stand up when she pushed him back on the chair once again.

"We're finished when i say so." Mitsuki took a blush pad and a brush from a big transparent box with many layers inside it, full of make up gadgets too. She brushed the blush on Hisoka's cheeks so to give him a hint of 'life' to his now completely pale face.

"Now, we are done." she says putting away the blush and patting her hands one against the other, brushing off any dirt remaining on her gloves before taking them off.

Hisoka stood up and you couldn't help but observe him. His black hair hanging on his forehead now, instead of being slicked back on his head like he once had when you've met him. He stepped closer to the mirror and moved his head from left to right, observing his 'new' figure.

"Hm, pretty nice your work, miss Mitsuki~"
he says turning around brining his hands up to his suit adjust it.

"Ugh, your welcoming mr clown" she says scoffing but even tho her unbothered tone, a hint of appreciation was clear in her voice.
You knew she didn't like Hisoka, and probably never will- but the thing that made your heart warm was that she putted her opinions about him away just to help you.
She's one of the most important persons in your life, as well as Shio too. They've reached you respect and kindness when your parents couldn't.

Hisoka moves his gaze on you as he saw you already staring at him.

"You girls weren't wrong, black quite fits me~"
he turns his head away stretching himself out since the previous 10 minutes sat on a chair.

"Wow.. Hisoka with black hair? That's a sight i won't see again." Illumi crossed his arms over his laughing.

"Tsk, i'm much better that you are with black hair~" he responded to him licking his bottom lip.

"You wished to, clown." he says slapping playfully his arm.

"I don't actually, i know i am so i don't pose myself the problem~" he chuckled while slipping his arm over Illumi's shoulders bringing him closer.

As the boys were walking out of this secret room, you turned and looked at Mitsuki with a grateful look on your face.

"How will i ever repay you aunty for everything you did today?"

"Let me thing.." she walked closer to you, who were standing by the entrance of the room.

"A few things."

"Spill everything or i'll be your debtor forever." you say laughing softly.

"Y/N. Give a chance at everything's happening to you in this days. Probably you don't know what i'm talking about.. yet.. but you'll find it out soon i'm sure about it. Let your feelings out. It doesn't matter if they're negative or positive, just.. let your heart speak more often than your mind, kay?" she explained even tho you could only furrow your brows in response.

"O-okay.." you nod your head, still perplexed on what was she talking about but you decided to trust her.

"And, the other thing is to come more often to see us! We miss this little girl- this fully grown up women i should say instead!" both of you chuckled as she closed the door/library for the room behind her.
Walking around the counter you turn to see now Mitsuki embraced from one of Shio's arms. You smiled at the sight wondering if you'll ever find someone just as perfect as Shio is for her.

"Thank you Yumi and thank you Shio too, for everything" you say smiling at them.

"Don't thank us sweetheart, we'll welcome you- and your friends... when you'll need to or just desire to." Shio stated looking at Mitsuki then at you.

With a wave of a hand and other few 'bye!' 'see you soon!' 'come back!' 'love you Y/N!' , the three you you exit the restaurant while immediately feel the cool breeze hit your face and exposed arms.

"Oh fuck i didn't take in count of the freezing wea-" you weren't able to finish that a jacket was placed on your shoulders. Glancing behind you, you see Hisoka with a proud smile on his face.

"You don't have to Hisoka.. what about you?"

"I'll be okay darling" he says sliding a hand on your shoulders. You couldn't help but smile at his kind gesture. Even if there still was that little voice in your mind you've decided to listen to Mitsuki's suggestion,

𝓉ℴ π’»β„΄π“π“β„΄π“Œ π“Žβ„΄π“Šπ“‡ 𝒽ℯ𝒢𝓇𝓉 ~

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heyyy this is a fanart (not mine- all rights to the artist) of how Hisoka would look with his incredible- mother fucking- gorgeous- sexy suit.

Hisoka with black hair?...

(still not mine- all rights to the artist!)

So, try and actually picture him with black hair + the suit. I'm sure you're able to do such a thing πŸ™ƒ

New chapters coming out *really* soon πŸ’•

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