Chapter 14: News

Hello there! i came back! it was a fantastic and much needed vacationπŸ˜…
Anyway while i was there i thought about new points for the plot of the story and i think is going to come out quite a nice thing haha- by the way here's the new- long- chapter, enjoy!

That night, you rested in bed without closing eye. It was a nightmare for you. The thoughts of the share you and Hisoka shared last night was tormenting you.
Why did you let it happen? Was it meant to happen? Are you falling in love? Was he falling in love?
Continuous questions rushed in your mind, how was it possible that a criminal like him could hold a soft spot for a girl like you?
And- even if everything you thought it was true this thing between the two of you has developed quite quickly.
Maybe he was just suppressing his likeness towards you? Maybe it was love at first sight? You didn't know.
You didn't know what he felt but you surely knew that your heart started beating like crazy when he stepped closer to you.
And oh- how his lips felt soft and warm a gasket yours. How his embrace around your body felt so secure like if no one could touch the delicate rose that lies underneath.
It was your safe place other than Gon.. Kurapika.. Leorio.. Killua.. your friends.. and yeah, you had to get along with Illumi still but you felt a little safe anyway.

Opening your eyes slowly and blinking a few times to adjust them to the soft light passing through the curtains.

With a groan you sat up rubbing your eyes. Your eye lids felt heavy and your mind was dizzy like if you had drunk 2 bottles of wine the night before.
You stretch your arms above your head groaning right afterwards. Making your arms fall to the side of your body you stand up and walk to the bathroom.

You throw some water on your face and rub it gently. You glance down at what you were wearing and saw it was the dress that Mitsuki gave you. It was teared and ruined.. the cuts and scratches on it weren't much but it was enough to make you feel guilty.
She was so kind with you, that dress was so precious to her and here you are wearing that dress but teared apart.
A deep sigh you didn't know you were holding escaped your lips as you pass a hand through your hair.

After fixing your hair you step out of the bathroom and feel immediately a ray of sunlight lifting up the room.
Covering your eyes with your arm you notice a silhouette of a tall man standing next to curtains and pulling them open.
The man turned around and immediately you took in sight of Hisoka's gorgeous face.

"Already awake?" he asked you in a soft tone like if you were the only one who had to hear.

"Mhm.. yeah.." you give a soft smile leaning on the edge of the wall as the images of yesterday's kiss flowed though your mind.

Hisoka saw that something was off- or better you were really thoughtful now. He stepped carefully over the sleeping body's of your friends and got closer to you.
Your eyes were now locked in the floor, slightly squeezed like if you were thinking so hard about something.
He sat on your bed, which was in front of you.
His eyes lingered on your face for a few seconds while his lips curved in a soft smile.

"Hey, sweetheart" he pats softly the spot next to him on the bed in sign for you to sit down.
You nodded and stroll next to him plopping down on the soft white sheets.

You turn your head towards him and was met with the sight of his soft eyes gazing into yours. They weren't the eyes that you used to see when you met him. Full of hunger and horny for everyone he saw in his path. It was different this time. Surely different. It looked like if you made a strange effect on him. And you clearly did...but you didn't know.Β 

"Something's up in that little mind of yours?"

"Uhm.. not really.." you let out a breathy chuckle.

"It doesn't look like it to me.." he replied still gazing in your (E/C) eyes.

"It's just.. stress.. overthinking everything.. fear.. the many thoughts.. my powers.. the phantom troupe.." you started listing most of your problems as if he was your other half.

"This whole situation is driving me crazy" you state sincerely at him.

"Well.. if you want we can go though that 'crazy situation' together.. or better, i'd be glad to go though it with you" he takes your hand in his and started stroking the top of it softly.
Your cheeks dusted in a crimson color as you realize what he just said.
A soft smile graced your lips and you make your head plop on his shoulder softly.

"I don't decline the offer" you say smiling.

"You better not" he chuckles as he strokes your back gently.

Before the two of you could speak more a few groans were heard in the room as the others started waking up.
It was a pity leaving Hisoka like this but you hadn't seen your friends for too much, so now you were going to collect back up the time you lost previously with them.

You stand up and rush towards Kurapika's bed and jumping on it. You landed near him as he groaned again.

"Ughhh... Y/N...." he groaned your name as he glanced at you with his tired grey eyes.

"Yep, that's my name sir" you say jokingly as you scoot closer to him and enveloping him in a hug.
Returning the hug he yawned and stroked your hair.

"Will you ever quit the habit of waking me up like this?" he asks pulling his head backwards so to see you.
You did the same and had to rise it a little so to have him clearly in your vision.

"Mm.. let me think.. no."

"What a funny girl" he rolls playfully his eyes and push you off the bed making you fall on the ground.

"NonowhatthefuckKurapik-!" you managed to mutter out before having your butt pressed onto the floor.

You stand up dusting off your dress and spatting out your tongue at him.
He replied with the same gesture as you feel two pair of arms wrap around your waist.
Glancing down you see Gon's happy face looking up at you. You pat his head and returned the embrace.

"Hello Y/N! Good morning!"

"Hey there Freecs, slept well?" you ask breaking the hug and stepping in the middle of the room.

"Oh yes i did!" he exclaims happily.

You didn't know how he managed to be always this happy and joyful even in tough situation, it was a powerful skill to take in act, but also a dangerous one if your keeping everything's inside.

"Goodnroninf..." you hear a muffled voice coming from behind you and you saw Leorio's sat up figure with a hand onto his head.

"Good morning Leorio" you say smiling as the other said good morning too to him.

Before he can make a few steps towards the bathroom he falls on top of Killua's still sleeping body. He groans and rolls over giving a dead glare at now half awake Killua.


"Mngjh..? What do you want?" Killua says rubbing his eyes.

"You made me trip!"

"It's not my fault if you don't watch where you're going, Leorio" he stands up and stretches himself positioning his hands on the back of his head.

You laugh softly at their childish behavior and then notice the absence of Illumi.
You turn and look around the room seeing that he really ain't anywhere.

"Where is Illumi?" you ask.

"He's talking with a kid outside the door." Hisoka says which in response you made a playful scoff at the only thought of your brother talking to a kid.
Hisoka was now looking at his reflection in the mirror and fixing his still black hair.
Before waking outside the door you glance at him. He really was a piece of a man with black hair.

You turn around and stroll over to the door. Opening the door and leaving it a little open behind you, you peek your head over the door seeing Illumi talking with a kid- or better a small blonde girl.
He was leaning against the wall as the little girl was talking non stop.
Her two ponytails on the side of her head were bouncing as she moved her head and body from the speed with which she was talking.
Illumi raised his hand pinching the bridge of his nose making a deep sight leave his lips.
Once he saw you peeking though the door he sighed in relief that the torture was finished and immediately a smile pierced his face.


"Hey Illumi.." you say trialing off with the sentence as you step out of the door and walking towards him- and the little girl.

"Hey even to you, sweetheart" you kindly say smiling at her.

"Hey miss" she replies given you a kind smile.

"Are you Illumi's relative? His sister?" she asks since she heard Illumi calling you his sister, she then raised her curious eyes up to you.

"Yeah.. i am." you reply glancing at Illumi and then back down to the blonde girl.

She tilted her head on the side smiling. She had big pink eyes with a hint of darker pink in them. Her hair were wrapped up in two ponytails with two pink tapes at the start of them so to keep them in place like two elastic would do.
She weared a pink floopy dress and a short darker pink blouse covering her shoulders.
At the end of her arm you noticed two pair of white gloves covering her hands too.

"What's you name, miss?" she asks raising her eyebrow and letting her bottom lip hang open a little.

"My name is Y/N, a pleasure in meeting you, and what's your name instead sweetheart?"

"I'm Biscuit! Biscuit Krueger!" (the first time i heard her name i was like- a biscuit? and krueger? like freddy krueger?🀨)

"Biscuit? Oh well it's quite a particular name but it's beautiful" you say patting the center of her head so to not scompose her hair.

"Thank you, miss Y/N-" you cut her off rising your hand politely.

"Just Y/N is fine."

She gives you a kind smile and return her gaze towards Illumi.

"You didn't tell me you had siblings"

"We know each other from 2 minutes, and i just wanted to ask you which way was for the stairs."
Illumi groaned and rolled his eyes.
You shook your head and chuckled at his behavior. He did never really enjoyed kids presence, or even stubborn and too much- but very much gluey people.

"Oh well it's that way" she points at his left with a smile.

Illumi was about to step away when she grabbed his hand and started jumping.

"Oh did i tell you about the Hunter exam?!" she exclaimed happily.

"You already did." Illumi looked down at her and didn't snatch his hand away from her, instead he kept it there.

"Oh..." she bit her lip and turned her head. "What about you Y/N? Do you know about the hunter exam?"

"I- um... no?" you scratch your neck tinting your head on the side.

'The hunter exam? What is that?'

"Well it's-" in the middle of Biscuits explanation Illumi said in a bare whisper: "here we go again.."

"An exam- where only hunters can partecipate and pass it. There will be different taps or rounds to win and if you'll get to the end you'll be officially a hunter!" she started jumping again like a 4 years old baby seeing the Ice cream van.

"You're saying i'm not officially an hunter?" you say raising your eyebrow.

"Uhm- i'm not sure about that but.. maybe?" her voice was laced with insecurity as your intimidating body towered over hers.

"Ugh, what a bullshit" you cross your arms over your chest scoffing.

"It's not! Really!"

"How can it not be?"

"Because it's the dream of many hunters. This exam can prove your powers or even make you discover new abilities that you didn't know you had before! (remember thisπŸ€ͺ) It's a great opportunity to show the world- and the most powerful association of hunters- how strong you are!" she leaves Illumi's hand and clutch the end of your dress pulling you towards her.

Your eyes shot open as you raise your arms to your side and look down at her pleading figure.

"Okay okay.. but i'm sorry to tell you honey that i wouldn't know how this.. exam.. could be useful to me.." you say rising your eyes to Illumi's figure and then back down at her.

She went silent and furrowed her brows.

"I don't know either-" she was cut off by Illumi.

"It would be strange if you would know it."he steps closer to us and bent down at her height.

"Well instead, you can prove how strong you are!" she retorts at you.

"I'm sorry sweetheart i.. it doesn't get to me-"

"BISCUIT!" two voices yelled behind you.

Snapping your head backwards you see Killua and Gon running towards a now arm spread Biscuit.
They embraced her in a soft hug and then gave her a warm smile.

"Hello guys! Long time to see" she smiled.

"I would say so! What-" you step closer to them and looked down at them, interrupting Killua's statement.

"You know her?"

"Yeah, you know her?" Illumi repeats walking closer to your body and looking down at the boys.

"Yep we do!" Gon says giving Illumi a full teeth smile.

"Ugh.." he scoffs rolling his eyes and walking back to the room.

"What brings you here, Biscuit?" Killua asked her.

"I came in city for a day of shopping but then got tired and bucked a room here" she says laughing as Gon joined her laugh too.

'What is so funny to laugh about?'

You furrow your brows a bit then give them a polite smile and dismissing yourself from the non involving conversation.

You walk back to the room, seeing Hisoka playing with his cards on the bed talking to Illumi and Leorio adjusting his suit in front of the mirror. Illumi was laying on the bed with his legs onto one another and his arms crossed behind his head.

"Really?" Hisoka raised an eyebrow laughing.

"Yeah! It's a bullshit, Y/N said it too- right?" Illumi states looking at you shooting his upper body upwards on the bed.

"What are you guys talking about?" you ask sitting at the end of Illumi's bed.

"A sort of hunter exam.. is that right Illumi?" Hisoka perked up his head making the corner of his lip curve into a smile.

"Yeah she said that."

"Oh.. yeah she told it to me too... and yes a bullshit." you fold your leg on the bed and bend your elbow so to plop your head on it.

"Honestly it could be a good opportunity, and maybe even to escape the phantom's clutches" Leorio says turning around, now finishing to fix his tie.

"Escape the phantom you say?" you look at Leorio raising an eyebrow.

"I heard no one managed to escaped to the phantom troupe... right?" Leorio looked at Illumi and Hisoka who nodded.

"And you managed to, don't you think you should take part to that exam?" Leorio sits on the bed beside Hisoka's one with his arms onto his knees.

"Maybe but why is that so important to you?"

"Because i know that under that kind face of yours a beast hides underneath" Leorio says but before you can reply the door of the room slams open against the wall and Biscuits enters with a bright smile, Gon and Killua straight behind her.

"Ugh not again.." Illumi slumps his body down on the bed groaning as a chuckle escaped your lips. You slap playfully his lap and turn your head to the little girl.

"Hi Biscuit"

"Hi Y/N" she says running towards you and embracing you in a hug.

"Woah, not even ten minutes and she got quite a liking for you" Hisoka says smiling.

Biscuit broke the embrace and turned her head towards Hisoka. In that moment her eyes lit up and her cheeks flushed a deep shadow of crimson. What was it up with her?
In her eyes it was visible the word LOVE as her mouth fell wide open.
She brought her gloved hands to her cheeks and giggled.
The only thing you could do was rising your eyebrow looking back at Illumi and then back at Biscuit.
Hisoka furrowed his brows and laughed as he tucks his cards inside of his pocket.

"What is up with you, kid?" Hisoka asks her.

Her cheeks flushed more redder as she knelt down to your legs and giggled even more as the kicked her legs in joy.
Hisoka looked at you with a confused face as you glance down at Biscuit knelt body.

"Um, Biscuit is everything okay?" you ask her caressing her head.

"Yes yes yes!" she stands back up and dusted off her clothes.

"Okay.." you trail off shaming your head shrugging off the thought about what just happened.

"I'm Biscuit" she extends her hand towards Hisoka as he stands up towering her small body.
He takes her hand and gives a soft squeeze to it as he returns the smile she was giving him.

"What a pleasure to meet you, I'm Hisoka, Hisoka Morow~" he licked his lips letting go of her hand.

What the fuck was he flirting with that little girl? Well that didn't surprise you since he flirted with Gon and Killua too.
Even tho the absurd situation evolving in front of you, you couldn't help but feel a pit of jealousy. It was quite understandable that she had a huge crush on him and it was clearly that the thing that bothered you.
But- why?
Well there's only one reason.

Because you've fallen in love with him. And it was too late to do something about it.

(finishedddd~ hope you enjoyed it! new chapter coming tomorrow!πŸ’•)
