Evelyn Banks

"I can't find my phone anywhere-- I must've left it at the house or dropped it somewhere when I was drunk" I huff as I collapse onto the couch on the porch, finally giving up after searching high and low for it. After Rafe had dropped me off home the other night I woke up and my phone was gone.

I was out like a light so I barely remember getting inside my house, I just woke up in my bed. I definitely didn't use my phone in the car so that was out of question, plus I didn't want to have to see Rafe again and ask him about it. I was hoping someone would've found it at the party and gave it in or something but I highly doubt it.

I go about my day without my phone, cursing at myself for being so irresponsible and losing it in the first place. We get to school just cutting it close to being late, all of us separating as we walk to our classes. I had English first which meant I would see Tristan, and I needed to talk to him. I needed answers for him ditching the party and how he got a bleeding nose.

During class I look over at him behind his desk, his head low as he jots down notes from the board. I try to catch his attention, hoping he'd see me but he doesn't so I decide to just catch him after class. As soon as the bell rings I quickly pack my things before I leave the class and wait outside for Tristan.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I question him as I touch his arm to gain his attention. He just nods silently before allowing me to pull him away into a quieter hallway.

"What happened the other night?" I ask him when we're finally alone. He shrugs before he answers.

"I uh-- got into shit with someone and had to leave I'm sorry for ditching you" He apologizes.

"No it's fine I'm just glad you're okay. How's your nose?" I ask, nodding my head towards his face and he gives me a small smile.

"It's healing" He answers bluntly. Confusion washes over me as I try to figure out why he's being so cold, he usually always has a joke to say or a sly comment.

"Look Tristan if this is about how I reacted after we kissed--"

"No, it's not trust me. I'm sorry for basically forcing you to kiss me. I just don't think we should do any of that anymore" Tristan says and nod in agreement.

"Yeah we should try take it slow and wait until--" I start but he cuts me off before I can finish. A look of guilt clear on his face as he opens his mouth to speak.

"No I mean all of this. I'm sorry Eve, I just can't do it" Tristan says lowly before he leaves the hallway hastily, keeping his head down as he walks off.

I left the hallway after a few moments of just staring at the lockers in front of me, trying to figure out why Tristan's attitude suddenly changed if it wasn't because of the kiss. I decide to ignore it and walk to my next class, excited to get this day over and done with already.

John B drops me home after we leave school, deciding that we should take a break from hanging out so we can work on the assignments we had been dodging. My dad's not home, I discover this as I read the note he left on the kitchen counter.

Out at Tom's will be back later - Dad β™‘

I sigh as I decide to just call in a pizza since I'll be home alone for dinner. Surprisingly I actually start on my assignments, sitting at the kitchen table as I focus on my work. With the exception of getting up to pay for the pizza and occasional bathroom breaks, I'm glued to the table doing my work.

When I hear a knock on the door, my eyebrows pull together in confusion as I pull one earphone out-- checking to see if I actually heard a knock or if my mind was playing tricks on me. When it grows louder, I huff before pulling away from the table to go answer the door. I wasn't expecting anyone but I assume it's one of my friends or Barry.

"Hi-- Rafe?" I say as I pull open the door, surprised to see Rafe standing on my front door step, his eyes focused on the flower plants that surround the entrance of the door.

"Uh--hey Evelyn" He says and before I can ask him why he's at my house he reaches behind and pulls my phone from his back pocket.

"It dropped under my seat the other night, I just found it today" He explains as he hands it over. It makes sense, I remember holding it in my hand in the car but it must've slipped when I fell asleep.

"Thanks for dropping it off" I thank him, hoping to wrap the conversation so he can leave.

"You passed out in the car the other night and you wouldn't wake up so I carried you inside-- your dad actually opened the door for me" Rafe explains, and I feel my fight or flight mode activate as I await some form of insult to be thrown my way.

"Oh um-- thanks for taking care of me Rafe. Was my dad a hassle or?"

"No he was cool-- I had a conversation with him after I put you to bed. He was uh-- cool" Rafe says and I chuckle at his use of the word.

"Cool, thanks for bringing my phone back" I say, causing him to nod and give me a polite smile. Weird, no snarky comments or strange looks-- he must be on something. As he turns to walk away my eyes catch onto his right hand and I see his that his knuckles are scabbed. His wounds indicating he got into a fist fight. I decide not to question him about it and wait for him to drive off before shutting the door.

Β Β  ____

"Sarah it is a Thursday night which means we both have school tomorrow-- why are we having a sleepover again?" I question her as I crawl into her bed, yawning as I pull the covers over my body. She shrugs as she lays down and faces me.

"I just felt like having one with you. Besides we can ditch tomorrow and go on an adventure" She hums, a grin on her face.

"Adventure? What kind" I narrow my eyes at her in suspicion, a smile playing on my lips.

"One that involves a little camping-- and possibly being stuck with Topper and Rafe for two nights" She says hesistantly, wincing at my reaction.

"What? Wait-- what do you mean stuck with them for two nights?" I question in confusion at what she's just dragged me into.

"Well Topper really wanted to go on this camping trip but Rafe insisted on tagging along and I don't want him to be a third wheel--"

"So you thought you'd ask me to be a fourth? Rafe and I won't exactly be braiding each other's hair Sarah" I say, referring to the constant run ins we've had in the past.

"I know and I'm sorry but I promise you if my brother acts out of pocket I'll kill him. Please come" She begs me, pouting as she awaits for my answer. I sigh heavily before nodding, giving into her.

"Fine but I won't hesitate to throw him off a cliff if he pisses me off" I huff, already dreading the next two days ahead of us.

I toss and turn in bed, my eyes prying open everytime I try to drift off to sleep. I sigh heavily, turning to face a sleeping Sarah who's deep in her slumber. I envied her being able to sleep so easily, her breathing slow and steady as she rests. After another failed attempt at trying to force myself to sleep, I decide to roll out of bed, careful as I creep out of Sarah's room quietly.

I needed fresh air, I didn't care that it was dark outside, I wanted to feel the grass and enjoy the cold air for a few minutes. As I'm creeping down the stairs, I hear Ward's voice echo down the hallway from his office. I can't help but overhear him, his tone angered as his words bounce off the walls.

"Rafe you need to grow the fuck up" Ward seethes, causing me to wince as I contemplate going back to Sarah's room to avoid getting caught.

"Dad I'm sorry-"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it, not anymore. My only son is a dissapointment, you've let me down again and again--"

I decide to continue down the stairs, avoiding eavesdropping anymore than I already have in respect for Ward and Rafe. It was clearly a private conversation, I was intruding by listening to it.

I quietly unlock the door, pushing it open carefully before I tip toe outside, gently shutting it behind me as I finally exhale, relieved I'm outside. I take my inhaling the crisp air, ignoring the fact that my fingers felt numb and my cheeks were starting to feel like ice. I almost jump when I hear the door slam behind me, Rafe storming out as he curses under his breath. He paces back and forth, his hands pushing through his hair as he breathes heavily.

I watch him as he sits down on the patio, pulling his knees up as he rests his arms on them. He looked upset, which was reasonable after what I heard Ward say to him in the house. I contemplate whether I should just walk past him and just go back inside or comfort him somehow. He doesn't deserve it, after all the shit he's said to me and done to my friends I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but feel myself levitate towards him.

"You okay?" I question him lowly. He looks up at me, tears clear in his eyes. He looks away, hastily wiping his tears away with his sleeve.

"Go away" He mutters and I hum, deciding that he probably just wants his own space but still I stay put.

"I heard your dad" I say as I slowly take a seat beside him, facing him as he faces forward still.

"Yeah great now you know that I'm fucked up and that my dad hates me. Go ahead and tell other people about it, I know you want to" Rafe scoffs.

"I'm not going to do that even though you deserve it" I sigh out.

"Look I know I'm an outsider but your dad doesn't hate you. He's just mad at you for the choices you make" I try to reassure him but Rafe shrugs.

"I don't know" Rafe whispers, his voice breaking as I notice tears start to fall from his eyes. He starts to hyperventilate, his breathing heavy as he tries to catch his breath. I didn't know how to react, he was starting to break down in front of me and I didn't know what to do. He lets out broken sobs as he mutters out my dad hates me, I'm a disappointment, he hates me.

"Hey shh-- Rafe. Calm down, breathe" I say as I grasp ahold of his hands and clasp them tightly in mine. He gazes at me, eyes wide and full of tears as he examines my face.

"You're okay, just breathe with me" I repeat, instructing him to inhale and exhale deeply to calm his uneven breathing. He mimics, eventually calming down as he finally stops crying, his hands still holding onto mine moments after.

Rafe examines my face, gazing into my eyes before they avert down to my lips and before I know it his hand moves up to cup my cheek as he leans forward to press his lips against mine.

"Sorry" Rafe mutters out once he pulls away and realizes what he'd just done. He stands up and moves back inside, leaving me on the patio dazed and confused.

