xiii. ๐๐จ๐ญ ๐ข๐Ÿ ๐ˆ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ž ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐Ÿ๐ข๐ซ๐ฌ๐ญ

"Ladies and gentlemen. The male and female division qualifiers are about to begin. And with them, we enter a new era!" Ron, a guy from the council, spoke over the mic. "That's why we need a very special guest to kick things off. Let's give a big All Valley welcome to multi-Grammy-award winning, international superstar, Carrie Underwood!"

"How the fuck did they get Carrie Underwood here?" Alexa asked in disbelief, and her language had Robby in a fit of laugher.

"Hello, All Valley!" Carrie greeted as she took the mic, talking over the intense yells from the crowd. "I am so honored to be here. I didn't see a lot of karate growing up in Oklahoma, but you guys know I love to compete, just like these wonderful young men and young woman. One thing I have learned is that everyone gets their shot, their chance in the spotlight. Everyone gets their moment. This one's yours!"

The competition began soon after, each of the dojos doing very well, each student going the same. Alexa watched her Cobra Kai's do phenomenal, Miyagi Do and Eagle Fang impressing her as well, holding herself back from giving a minor smile when she watched one of them beat another. She did well herself, vicious on the mat and winning each time she was competed against.

Cobra Kai was still leading, but the quarterfinals came around quick.

"All right, folks. We've witnessed some great fighting today. But you ain't seen nothing yet." Daryl teased over the mic as the crowd cheered for the remaining stood. "Because we have arrived at the quarterfinals! Which means things are about to get intense. Of the eight boys and eight girls on this stage, one of each will be named All Valley champion. And then we'll tally all the points to determine which dojo has earned the title of Grand Champion. And since the points get higher in each round...it's still any dojos game! So you keep your eyes on this here blue mat, because we are just getting started!"

It wasn't long, Miguel competing first, for Devon to go. Alexa was up against her, knocking fist with Tory as she got onto the mat. The two bowed at each other, Alexa struck first in trying to hit Devon. She had to admit, her blocks were impressive, but they didn't stand a chance when Alexa twisted around on her heel and kicked her across the face.


They took their positions again, Devon doing a move that Alexa knew well, a move Johnny had actually taught her by sneaking underneath the leg, diving forward and tackling Alexa some on the mat. She was more pissed that her move, the private move Johnny taught her, was shared with someone else.


When Alexa stood, she gave a look of disbelief in Johnnys direction. It was clear she was offended, and he wasn't too happy with it either, breaking his eyes away. Alexa took a breath as she stood infront of Devon again, staring her in the eye. "You can't beat me with my own moves, sweetheart."

Alexa yelled in anger as she punched toward Devon arms, the Lee girl getting confident as she kicked at Alexa. Johnny winced, because he'd seen her do it once but wasn't aware she'd ever try it again. Alexa wrapped Devon's leg around her waist, picking her body up, and jumping off the floor herself to not only get Devon on the mat, but also land harshly on top of her, a tough punch to the chest.

"Yes, Alexa!" Robby's yelled for her as Cobra Kai cheered, Alexa announced winner as she smiled widened. She flashed a glare over her shoulder toward Johnny, joining her team again. "That was so cool what you did at the end."

"Hurt like a bitch too." Alexa showed the mat burn on her elbow, flashing a grin. "So worth it."

"And with that, Eagle Fangs hopes of winning Girls All Valley Champ have gone up in smoke." Daryl announced over the crowd, Devon going back to Miguel and Johnny. Alexa watched in jealousy, seeing the blonde speak to her in encouragement, and it immediately reminded her how he'd done her last All Valley when she lost her round toward the end.

"Find your head." Kreese warned her, and Alexa nodded quickly, shaking her head to rid any weaknesses.

A break was at session, each of the dojos falling apart to warm up for their own challenge or sipping at their water bottles. Alexa dug through her bag, looking for her own, finding it missing. She huffed in disbelief, and the last thing she'd ever do was go to the water foundation here.

"Here." a voice rung behind her, Alexa spun around. Demetri held his bottle out to her. "I brought a whole gallon to refill it with."

Alexa yanked it from his hands, taking a long chug, water dripping down the sides of her mouth, helping ease the pain in her chest. Demetri blinked when she finished it off, shoving the bottle back to him. He nodded. "Well, okay."

"So, you're heading to the simis." Alexa huffed, remembering Demetris fight not too long ago.

"So I am." he nodded in confirmation. "And you too, it seems."

"Wanna criticize me about it?" Alexa shot back, because the tone he used was clear.

"Nope." he shook his head, holding his hands up in surrender. "Was just gonna say you seemed pretty upset out there."

"Well, i'm not." she argued, a hard look on her face. "I won, didn't I?"

"Seems like you did." he nodded, and there the tone was again.

"Didn't see Yasmine out there." she tried to jab at him, but nothing she could say would actually dig at him deep enough. Especially when she would never go to the extent of actually saying something hurtful enough to her a reaction.

"She's in Sydney, dad got married." Demetri nodded with an exhale. "You and Robby Keene seem pretty close."

Alexa shrugged. "He gets me."

"Does he?" and this time, he really dug deep at her. "Or is it just this version of yourself he gets?"

She wanted to argue, but couldn't, because he left her lost in every thought and emotion that was racing though her head. Alexa sighed, heading past him. "See you on the flip side."

"Not if I see you first." he said back, the pair turned to look back at each other at the familiar saying. Alexa headed back to Cobra Kai quickly.

But, when she did, his words were echoing in her head.

"Face me, bow." her and Sam were encouraged, doing so, before doing the same to the other. Sam looked confused at Alexa's face, she looked different, weaker, and it was clear. Her eyes didn't stay focused on Sam either, kept looking toward Johnny, Miguel, Hawk, and Demetri behind her.

"Fight!" it brought her back. Alexa sent her foot toward Sams face, having it blocked, she turned on her heels, making it seem like she was gonna sweep Sams leg, only ending up hitting her in the chest.


Alexa really was out of it now, because even though she had no right too, it really struck a painful nerve in her when they all seemed so disappointed. Obviously, she reacted the same when someone from Cobra Kai won a point, but apart of her was still stuck with the four, apart of her still wanted to feel validated and make them proud. It was a stupid thought, and Alexa knew it.

"Get your head on right!" Terry shouted at her, and Alexa looked back with feared eyes. Robby glanced in worry at her face, at her body.

Sam listened to Alexa's breathing stumble in the slightest, finding her eyes as they bowed. "You don't deserve to have someone talk to you like that."

"Don't you tell me what I deserve." Alexa answered, and her voice broke when she said it.


The Castillo girl kicked at Sam, her legs being blocked. Sam backed up when Alexa tried to round house kick her, giving a sweep to her leg. Alexa had caught herself before hitting the mat, but she still stumbling off the side in order to catch her balance. Johnny and Miguel caught her when she ran into them, Alexa looking at both of them like a deer in headlights.

"Out of bounce." it was announced.

"Remember who you are, kid." Johnny held her a second longer.

Just a few simple words, and Alexa was struggling to hold it together as she got back on the mat with Sam. The LaRusso girl looked in worry at Alexa's state, because she was in no head space to fight. Sam scanned her over. "Are you okay?"

Alexa ignored her, waiting for the announcement for them to fight, Alexa twisted on her legs, coming off the ground as she tried to kick Sam. She should have known better then to do it, she should have remembered the balance Miyagi-Do was all about. Sam had moved before Alexa had the chance to get her, her arms grasping her and taking her to the mat, a small punch to the chest.

"Winner!" Sams arm was pulled in the air.

Alexa stared up at her a second, Sam scanned her face, and gave her nod. Alexa stood up, giving a small bow before walking back toward Cobra Kai.

"What was that?" Kreese asked, and as she got closer, he could see the look in her eye.

"I'm sorry." Alexa mumbled, keeping her head down as she walked to the back of the group, standing behind Robby.

He turned back, scanning her over. "You hurt?"

"Fine." she met his eye with a clear of her throat, her usual angry and annoyed expression back. "Get out there and finish it for me."


kylie speaks

babe would have won
if her ex bf and ex sensei
hadn't softened her up
right before her match:(
