Stories by: winglesslove
2 stories
When Midnight Comes // Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson is sick of it all, the paparazzi’s the crazy fans who hate. Those were the people who drove the love of his life away from. They were the reason she broke up with him. They both new that she would get some hate messages from the fans and at first it was fine. It wasn’t that much of a deal until a message crossed the line and Eleanor Calder his one true love had enough and broke it off with him. Now where did that leave him? Empty. That left him feeling empty. Eleanor was everything to him but she was hurt by what the fans were saying to her and it hurt him to see her hurt so he had to let her go. Now they were about to have another tour again and he didn’t know if he could still face the fans and handle the paparazzi’s. After all they were the reason he felt empty and hurt all the time now.--Mikaela Knight is a third year university student working hard to be able to graduate with high honors and get a good paying job in the media industry as soon as she gets her diploma. At the same time she is making sure she gets enough money with being a part time model. Now life for her is about to become bit more interesting with an assignment given to her class by one of her professors. The assignment says that they have to make an article of what the life of a popular artist is like on camera and off camera. Which would have been easier if she new someone at all that interested her, sadly though that isn’t the case.Wanting to be a radio dj or a magazine writer was never that easy of a job. But as luck would have it she may just have a chance. And that chance starts with an accidental meeting and a game of hide and go seek between a very popular boy and his crazed fans.========Ask me stuff on :)Follow me on twitter as well :)

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Collision of Heartbeats // Niall Horan

Allexia Raymonds is not really one of those girly girls, she's mostly someone you would see as a "one of the boys" kind of girl. Well that was basically during her childhood. Growing up and leaving her home, moving to another city to finally fulfill her dream, well that's where is all starts. She never expected to find love. Never really looked for it or even thought about it at all. All Alex ever wanted was a normal life but still be able to do her thing and share it with the world. Niall Horan is 1/5 of the worlds most famous boy band One Direction. meeting Alex for the first time he is immediately attracted to her and asked her out on a date the very same day they met. But sadly being rejected by her, he still doesn't lose hope and will continue to try even if it means they start from being friends at first. ***Just a notice though, I myself don't know were the story would lead or what it would be really I'm still in the process for now -11-11-13-=======Ask me stuff on :)Follow me on twitter as well :)

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