Stories by: warriorcatlover345
25 stories
Warriors Super Edition: Mistpelt's Story

Mistpelt, mother of the spirited and fierce Lilypetal, was a she-cat that was honored in ThunderClan greatly for her loyalty she showed defending them in the BloodClan battle, and for her determination to return to her home after being snatched away from it. However, Mistpelt herself always carried her fair share of burdens, choosing on more than one occasion to keep secrets from her daughter out of shame for her past - a past that indeed leaves her with a heavy heart, but also made her the strong, selfless, and resilient cat that any cat would look up to and remember for moons to come.***DISCLAIMER*** This book has been SIGNIFICANTLY edited and rewritten since I first released it, so I'm sorry if you look at the comments and you are utterly confused! And also, just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is by the talented Mothmori!

17.6K 37 294
My Art Book

I finally decided to post an art book so I can show you guys something I've loved for a long time! I mostly just draw pictures from things I'm a fan of(FNAF, Warriors, Gravity Falls, etc) Some things I draw will be original by me, and some will be things I copied from images online, but drew myself. I will take requests as well. ENJOY!!! :)

18.2K 79 873
Warriors #1: Kittypet Clanborn

Living near a place of wild animals, Lily has always wondered about the strange cats that lurk around the forest, and then the lake, where she is staying with her housefolk for the greenleaf season. Lily has a passion for adventure, which only furthers her curiosity of wild cats. She wonders if these cats are really dangerous, or just misunderstood.***DISCLAIMER*** This book has been SIGNIFICANTLY edited and rewritten since I first released it, so I'm sorry if you look at the comments and you are utterly confused! And also, just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is official Warrior Cats art

123.3K 32 4.9K Full
Kittypet Clanborn - Tales Unleashed

It all began with a certain brown tabby-and-white she-cat, Lilypetal, whose determination and spirit led her far from her Twoleg home, and to the forest where the wild cats of ThunderClan lied, and ended with that same she-cat's determination and spirit ridding of a certain gray-speckled spirit whose heart burned with rage for the loss of things he never deserved, and giving Lilypetal the position of ThunderClan's deputy.Many things happened in between, with new cats joining us along the way - Goldenshine, who would stop at nothing to be the hero she'd always dreamed of; her sister, Snowflight, whose destiny was to do nothing but protect and heal those she cared about, whether or not she was dead or alive; and then Swiftflight, who unfortunately had been brought to his worst self, even as a young apprentice, and didn't become his best until he was a grown warrior.But unfortunately, not every piece of their journey could be shared, and there are even stories of other cats seen along the way that need telling... some more tales amidst, before, and a bit after the story we all know, that will be unleashed.

6.1K 15 157 Full
Warriors #6: A Kittypet's Destiny

"I wasn't scared anymore. The end of this struggle wasn't over, but I was more than ready to start working towards it. It was all that I could do now. Ashfur had taken, and had tried to take, many things that I cared about, but I had to ruthlessly protect what was left."Lilypetal has been pushed to her limit, having to witness her worst enemy prey down her family, as well as her Clanmates. The adversity she has faced has torn her down, leaving so much anger and grief, but also a strong fire of determination and resilience. This former kittypet must rely on these things, next to her closest family and allies, in order to do what she has always planned - take down Ashfur once and for all.Swiftflight has recently broken free of Ashfur's trap, but immediately finds himself in a new one - he is now a fully loyal, dedicated ThunderClan warrior, but many of his Clanmates struggle to see that. And while Goldenshine has felt immense relief in seeing her son attempt to redeem himself, she carries her own share of burdens - her sister, Snowflight, has still not been released from Snowstorm, Swiftflight's best friend, and the reason for this is still a complete mystery.DISCLAIMER: Just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is official Polish Warrior Cats art

31.8K 48 1.3K Full
Warriors #5: Heart of Fire

Ashfur and the Dark Forest are rising, and unfortunately, it is taking its toll...Swiftpaw has now been training in the Place of No Stars for four moons, and has only recently learned of their true motives for him. Will he stand against them and for what is right, or let himself fall into their horrible trap?Lilypetal continues to watch as Ashfur's plans unfold, who is still fixed on his plan for vengeance. Although it has been seasons since she first exposed the speckled-gray tom and sent him into exile... Lilypetal sees that time is only making Ashfur's vindictive heart grow stronger. And even through being pulled deeper into her past and focusing on her loved ones, she will stop at nothing to find a way to rid of Ashfur's wrath for good.Meanwhile, Goldenshine is still immersed in discovering more about one of ThunderClan's newest apprentices, Snowpaw, who according to Jayfeather is Snowflight's reincarnation. This may be clear to Goldenshine, but the reason for her sister's return is still completely unbeknownst to her.DISCLAIMER: Just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is by the very talented Mothmori

27K 34 1K Full
Warriors #4: Darkness Awakens

ThunderClan has lived moons in peace. The water is plentiful and the cats are strong. But, with the Dark Forest drawing closer and tragedies emerging, things are starting to go downhill.It all begins with Swiftkit. He is born as an innocent newcomer to the clan. He is strong and independent, but his morals quickly change when he is visited by the most hated cat in all of the Clans.***DISCLAIMER*** The time gap between Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 is literally a YEAR, so, I must warn you that the cleanliness of Chapter 8 and onwards completely emulates the first seven chapters of this book. I certainly don't think that they are BAD, but I am definitely going to fix them up once I've got more time (just some little grammar tweaks, updating plot points, and fixing some dialogue). So, just keep that in mind when you read this. I hope you still enjoy!And also, just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is official Warrior Cats art

28.5K 36 1.1K Full
Warriors #3: Shifting Shadows

It has been six moons since Goldenshine has become a warrior, but as she grows, she struggles as her loyalty begins to waver, causing her to question herself, and her dedication as a warrior.Meanwhile, Lilypetal discovers that her kin seems to have secrets. She notices that Goldenshine, Thornclaw, and Mistpelt all have something that they are not telling her. She wonders if there is another secret about the Clans that she could have never discovered, or rather, a secret about herself that she wasn't aware of.***DISCLAIMER*** This book has been SIGNIFICANTLY edited and rewritten since I first released it, so I'm sorry if you look at the comments and you are utterly confused! And also, just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is official Warrior Cats art

38.7K 29 1.6K Full
Warriors #2: Warrior Rising

After a fire and the exile of a warrior, ThunderClan is troubled of what other problems will come to the Clans. But Lilypetal knows something the rest of the cats don't know - the dangerous Ashfur is still lurking through the Clan territories. Simultaneously, she has also been sucked into the middle of Squirrelfight's terrible secret - her kits are not actually hers. Lilypetal doesn't know what she plans on doing about any of it, but she knows it depends on her to do something about it, and to help her Clanmates. Meanwhile, Goldenkit, Lilypetal's daughter is desperate to become a warrior. It has been her dream since she first opened her eyes. She grows up as quite the determined, spunky young she-cat, which takes her through many situations and lessons as she learns to become the best warrior that she can be.***DISCLAIMER*** This book has been SIGNIFICANTLY edited and rewritten since I first released it, so I'm sorry if you look at the comments and you are utterly confused! And also, just to respect Wattpad's guidelines, I will say, that as a Warriors book, there is the mildest of mild violence!*Cover image is official Warrior Cats art

57.6K 29 2.4K Full
Warrior Cats Random Spoofs

Hey, guys! So lately I have been reading a lot of warrior cats spoofs, so I thought I would make one of my own. ENJOY!

19.1K 45 1.1K
My Favorite Warrior Cats Quotes

This is a book filled with all of my favorite quotes from the Warriors series! I realized that I wanted to do this after I read A Vision of Shadows and The Broken Code (which is filled with a bunch of fantastic quotes). There will be one quote per chapter and will also probably include commentary from me. ENJOY!

13.3K 74 453
Why You Should Listen to Classical Music

I'm seriously not even joking! I am obsessed with classical music and I might as well use this platform to put it out there!

2.6K 27 225
Warriors: StarClan's Coming

You've all probably wondered how warriors would celebrate Christmas, well, it's all in this book. Just to let you know, I made this stuff up.*DISCLAIMER* I... *snicker* I'm so sorry in advance. I wrote this when I was, like, eleven or twelve years old. It's funny to look at now, so I'm keeping it on here... but good gosh, I'm sorry...

3.7K 5 184 Full
Top Ten LEAST Favorite Warrior Cats

This is a book that shows that cats I hate the most in the Warrior Cats series (#1 being the worst).*DISCLAIMER* THIS BOOK. IT IS OLD. My opinions have GREATLY changed since I wrote this as a youngun quite some years ago, so I apologize for my weak reasoning (and probably quite controversial opinions). But I might as well keep it on here for the laughs!

16.6K 10 269 Full
My Top Ten Favorite Warrior Cats 2016

I know that I have another Top Ten Favorite Warrior Cats book, but this is an updated version! I didn't want to change everything in my other book, but I can't really convince myself to delete it for some reason :P Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new one! :)*DISCLAIMER* THIS BOOK. IT IS OLD. My opinions have GREATLY changed since I wrote this as a youngun quite some years ago, so I apologize for my weak reasoning (and probably quite controversial opinions). But I might as well keep it on here for the laughs!

3.1K 10 224 Full
My Top 10 Favorite Warrior Cats

Nothing really to describe :)*DISCLAIMER* THIS BOOK. IT IS OLD. My opinions have GREATLY changed since I wrote this as a youngun quite some years ago, so I apologize for my weak reasoning (and probably quite controversial opinions). But I might as well keep it on here for the laughs!

5.2K 11 311 Full
My Top Favorite Warriors Couples

The title basically says it...*DISCLAIMER* THIS BOOK. IT IS OLD. My opinions have GREATLY changed since I wrote this as a youngun quite some years ago, so I apologize for my weak reasoning (and probably quite controversial opinions). But I might as well keep it on here for the laughs!

4.1K 10 276 Full
Why Crowfeather Loves Leafpool the Most

Hey, guys! So I know this book is random, but after delving back into the Warriors series A LOT this year, one specific flame that has reignited for me is my love of the Crowfeather and Leafpool ship. I loved them during The New Prophecy, and the closure that they got at the end of The Last Hope. But, after reading books such as Crowfeather's Trial and Squirrelflight's Hope, I have so much more to say about them. Basically, I am creating this book to argue that Crowfeather loved Leafpool more than he ever did Feathertail and Nightcloud, because even after what was revealed in Crowfeather's Trial and Squirrelflight's Hope, so many warriors fans still think that Feathertail and Crowfeather are meant to be. I DISAGREE WITH THIS. I am writing this book to go against that COMPLETELY. Enjoy :)By the way, these are just my opinions. I'm not trying to force them onto anyone! I'm just putting out there what I've gotten from the series when it comes to these two! If you feel differently than I do, feel free to say so in the comments and share your opinions!*SPOILER WARNING* The New Prophecy - Squirrelflight's Hope

1.4K 1 30 Full
My Top Ten Favorite Warrior Cats 2019

This is an updated book of my top ten favorite warrior cats! Enjoy and feel free to share your opinions in the comments!

1.8K 10 133
Warriors: The Tribe of Thunderstorm

Darkness will rule the forest, Storm and Thunder will unite...The cats of StormClan has spent moons finding a new home after the fire in their old camp. The have no luck until they find ThunderClan. They plan on staying only a few days, but that is not what StarClan has agreed on.

5.8K 14 277 Full
My Old Stories

This is pretty different from the books I have on here. This is a book full of old stories and other things I have written. I probably wrote these when I was in second or third grade! I laugh so much when I read them! I wanted to show you guys how I first found my love of writing..or whatever this is I am going to have in this book... Enjoy!

1.4K 15 90
Tags Book

This is just a book I put things I am tagged in :)

177 5 6
Starkit's Prophecy Review

Ok, so recently I have read the book known as Starkit's Prophecy. The other day I happened to stumble across it on Wattpad. I was in shock after reading just the first chapter! I later found out it was known as one of the worst warriors fanfictions! I thought I should share my opinion on the very.......interesting warriors fanfiction. Sorry if I sound a little mean or harsh, these are just the thoughts that crossed my mind while reading the story. Enjoy!

13.1K 47 449 Full
My Top Ten Favorite FNAF Characters

Ever since I started making Top Ten Warrior Cats books, I realized that it's really fun to do top ten books and see what other people think of my favorite characters! So, I decided to do one for Five Night's at Freddy's! Hope you enjoy' :)

1.2K 10 46 Full
Warriors RP: StormClan

Please join StormClan rp! The details are in the book!

2.8K 4 76