Stories by: trentPhillipss
21 stories

Uop STR 581 Complete Class - NO Capstone ExaminationCheck this A+ tutorial guideline at more classes visithttp://www.assignmentcloud.comSTR 581 Week 1 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 1 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 1 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 1 Individual Ethics Reflection PaperSTR 581 Week 1 Knowledge CheckSTR 581 Week 2 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 2 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 2 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 2 Individual Research ProposalSTR 581 Week 2 Learning Team Activity McDonalds Innovation StrategySTR 581 Week 2 Knowledge CheckSTR 581 Week 3 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 3 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 3 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 3 Individual External and Internal Environmental AnalysisSTR 581 Week 3 Learning Team Peer EvaluationSTR 581 Week 3 Knowledge CheckSTR 581 Week 4 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 4 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 4 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 4 DQ 4 NEWSTR 581 Week 4 Individual Strategic Choice and EvaluationSTR 581 Week 4 Learning Team Peer EvaluationSTR 581 Week 4 Knowledge CheckSTR 581 Week 5 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 5 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 5 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 5 DQ 4 NEWSTR 581 Week 5 Individual Implementation Strategic Controls and Contingency PlansSTR 581 Week 5 Learning Team Peer EvaluationSTR 581 Week 5 Knowledge CheckSTR 581 Week 6 DQ 1 NEWSTR 581 Week 6 DQ 2 NEWSTR 581 Week 6 DQ 3 NEWSTR 581 Week 6 Individual Strategic Plan and PresentationSTR 581 Week 6 Learning Team Project Selection

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MKTG 310 Entire Course new

MKTG 310 Entire Course new

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DEVRY BUSN 379 Week 1 Homework NEW more classes visithttp://www.assignmentcloud.com8. Calculating OCF. Hammett, Inc., has sales of $34,630, costs of $10,340, depreciation expense of $2,520, and interest expense of $1,750. If the tax rate is 35 percent, what is the operating cash flow, or OCF?

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DEVRY FIN 567 Class Project NEW more classes visithttp://www.assignmentcloud.comAssume that you have $500,000 to invest in equities and want to establish a new portfolio that includes ten (10) stocks to be selected from the Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 companies. It is also desired to start with nearly equal dollar values of each issue. Use current market prices to compute the number of shares required.

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QRB 501 Week 6 Signature Assignment Case 2 NEW

QRB 501 Week 6 Signature Assignment NEWCase 2About Your Signature AssignmentThis signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignment may be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements.

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QRB 501 Week 6 Signature Assignment Case 1 NEW

QRB 501 Week 6 Signature Assignment Case 1 NEW Case 1Scenario: Cloud Data Services (CDS), headquartered in Memphis, provides information technology services, specifically application hosting services in the cloud for several clients in the southern United States. CDS hosts software applications on their network servers. While CDS has achieved great success and customers rate CDS's services highly, lately, some customers have been complaining about downtime on one of the primary network servers. The given dataset, found in the Signature Assignment Excel® Template, contains the downtime data for the month of November.Use the data analytics skills learned in Week 3 and analyze the downtime data.Make a short presentation to CDS's management on a single worksheet in your Excel® file including the following:Using Microsoft® Excel® Pivot Tables, construct a frequency distribution showing the number of times during the month that the server was down for each downtime cause category.Develop a bar chart that displays the data from the frequency distribution in part 1.Develop a pie chart that breaks down the percentage of total downtime that is attributed to each downtime cause during the month.Evaluate the mean, median, standard deviation, and variance of the downtime minutes for the month of November.

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UOP HCS 440 Assignment Funding Health Care Services (2 Papers) NEW

UOP HCS 440 Assignment Funding Health Care Services (2 Papers) NEWCheck this A+ tutorial guideline at more classes visithttp://www.assignmentcloud.comThis Tutorial contains 2 PapersResearch health care services (e.g., preventive screenings and preventive services, wellness programs, diet/food and nutritional services, and long-term care services) offered by non-profit and for-profit health care facilities.Write a 1,050- to 1,250-word paper that addresses the following:• Analyze the historic trend of the sources of revenue of the health care services.o Address the types of new services hospitals and providers have added or put an increased focus on in the last two decades to increase their overall revenue.• Analyze the billing and reimbursement processes of health care services.o Explain how the triangular relationship between patient, insurance company payer, and the health care provider is different than a business transaction in other industries. How does this affect how much and how long it takes for a health care provider to be reimbursed?• Explain the economic impact of non-profit vs. for-profit health care services.o Explain the advantages and disadvantages of being a non-profit health care facility compared to one that is operated for profit.Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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UOP HCS 440 Assignment Economic Issues Simulation Paper

UOP HCS 440 Assignment Economic Issues Simulation Paper (Castro Collins) (2 Papers) NEWCheck this A+ tutorial guideline at more classes visithttp://www.assignmentcloud.comThis Tutorial contains 2 PapersHCS 440 Economic Issues Simulation Paper (Castro Collins)Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:Present a profile of the chosen company. Include the following: Demographics of the employees Health care risk factors or potential areas of high utilization Premiums the company is willing to pay Based on your analysis of potential utilization, provide the following: At least two reasons why each plan could be selected State which plan to sell to your chosen company What are the reasons for this decision? Why did you decide against the other plans offered?Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. The worksheet should be used to prepare your paper. Please do not submit the worksheet as part of this assignment.References: The paper requires APA formatted references, at least, the UOP Simulation software. Also, please make sure the paper has an introduction, conclusion, and reference page.

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BIO 402 Entire Course NEW

BIO 402 Entire Course NEW

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BIO 335 Entire Course new

BIO 335 Entire Course new

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