Stories by: theeighthshift
8 stories
Happy new year

At a new years eve party, several college students are celebrating and staying up till midnight. They don't know what the new year will be full of, and when they find out they wish they never did know.ScandalDramaMurderSecretsA new year...Welcome to Jade Shores.!TW! Graphic description of murdered corpse.Thank you @DetectiveWatson for creating the cover :)

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TW!! This story contains graphic descriptions of abuse and kidnappingHe named me Dolly. I don't remember my real name."I'm going to see your sister tonight, Dolly, be good." I've never met my sister. He spends every day with me, and every night with her. I always hear faint crying when he's with her. Rule one. My name is Dolly. I'm not allowed to speak.Rule two. I'm not allowed to move unless he makes me. And he does what he wants.Rule three. The doors are always locked. There is no going out of windows, and I'm not allowed to see my sister.I don't know my sisters name. He calls he a variety of names, a different one each time. He takes toys up to her room: rabbit ears, a cat costume... and a kettle. The kettle always has water in it.I never know the date, but he teaches me. He likes to read. He watches the same programme every day with me. Always the news. It's always the same news."Look, Dolly, that's you!" He says, every time, "You're famous!"I've started seeing a small girl. I don't know who she is. Is she my sister? No... I think my sister is older than me. He said she was. Who is this girl?

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Following traditions.

It's 1947 and a well-respected family is living in peace. The son is supposed to inherit the house, as traditions go, but he doesn't want to. He wants to pass it onto his younger and blood-related sister, but she's already looking at houses with her fiancé. Their younger sister is not related to them by blood, she's a foster child, and a woman, meaning they would have to break traditions to let her inherit the house. This family has always been the one to follow traditions: girls learn to cook and clean, boys go to university, women stay at home making dinner and cleaning the house, men go out to work and earn money for the house. How can they break traditions now?Thank you to @_bugzy_ for creating the book cover! I was using an old one before that didn't really work that well and this person has created a much better one!

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Josie is a twelve year old girl who has moved house with her family. They inherited their grandmother's old mansion, with a huge garden and secrets behind every door.Josie finds an abandoned house inside the garden, insisting she saw a shadow there. When she finds out it isn't abandoned, instead used for hiding from a kidnapper, she tries to help the people living inside of it. But they're on the run from the kidnapper for a reason: they're all guilty of something, and one of them is a murderer. A betrayal hits Anna, a lie from Summer, and then the entire group handles Clockface: an untrustworthy danger sign, who could also be a possible ally. Clockface gives tips, but works with both the enemy and the friends. Who do you think Clockface is?

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The whistling lake

This story will have thirteen chapters overall and each chapter will have 1000 or more words. When swapped to a world where nobody is quite how they seem, how can you trust anyone? How do you know that the shops aren't poisoning the food? How do you know that your family isn't secretly someone else? How do you know that your alliance are actually your allies?If you got a notification when danger is coming, what would you do?Would you use it for the greater good? Would you take the chance to hide before the danger arrived? Or would you use it to allow someone's death?But what if you die yourself? Careful how you play with danger.

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Two teenage writers: one loved, one. . .Both have good story ideas, but only one is noticed. When she meets a girl who could be her true life-long friend, she finally starts to become happier. But Lucia suffers from lung cancer and Nala is slowly falling in to depression. Can they survive?!TW! Abuse, suicide

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The butterfly flock

There's a new species in the world of Whitslade: Killer Butterfly. Butterflies that take the form of a human, bite you and infect your insides so you become one of them. This means you will be half dead, when you go to your original form, you are a bleeding person with a butterfly over your mouth. Darla Minute is the owner of a building called Ghuinoscap, where they treat the fallen of the disease. These deadly butterflies kill, hunt in packs and bite people in their sleep. If you're infected, you crave human skin, you crave human blood. Then, when you can't hunt for humans,you eat yourself.

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To escape your life.

12 is a young age to take over your family: looking after a farm of animals, her best friends mum's abusive boyfriend, her own depressed mother, an older brother and a younger brother AND twin brother and sister Josie and Liam. Is this normal for a twelve year old girl?

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