Stories by: swoodxxx
3 stories

Samantha-Leigh Nott comes from one of the very few pure-blooded families, her parent's have her whole life planned out for her. However, what if the way her life is planned out isn't the way Samantha wants it to go? The Marauders, wouldn't be the Marauders without her and for the first time in her life she feels like she wouldn't be happy without them. "Happiness can be found, even at the darkest of times Potter.""My times can't be dark with you around Nott."

17 1 1

Aurora Malfoy wasn't your typical pure blood witch, the Malfoy family was one of the biggest names in the wizarding world but not for the best reasons.Aurora has until the age of 18 to meet a pure blooded wizard before she's forced into a arranged marriage with none other than Sirius Black, but what happens when her pure blooded best friend James Potter becomes someone she see's as more than just her best friend.

63 4 2
The Mini Marauders

A story of Samantha Lupin, following her life with her two dads Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. Written in the perspective of Samantha as if Voldermort hadn't existed in Harry Potter and James and Lily Potter were alive.

606 9 12