Stories by: sweet_pops83
3 stories

"Can love prevail?" When Ellie Jones, a shy quiet girl who has barely seen the outside world turns 19 meets this mystery man who refuses to form attachments, she finds that feelings develop. He gives her his name but doesn't want to know hers. She falls deeper and deeper, until she meets another. Both of them sweep her off her feet in unimaginable ways and She is eventually forced to choose between two boys who are on two extreme ends of the love spectrum. One who is your conventional, romantic guy, while the other is the opposite, always testing the limits of love. Though she thinks she knows what she wants, there is a battle between her head and heart. She is engulfed in love, lies, and life until she finally uncovers the truth. It's heartbreaking, touching, and cruel, but she has to face it regardless. Between her past and his, between their present, and between her future, lies unsolved and unfinished stories. Follow her story as she tries to navigate the foreign, intimidating, and exciting arena of love, hoping to make it out alive.

409 54 18 Full
The Silhouette of Her

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When New York and London Collide

"You're angry? Hit me.You're sad? My shoulder is yours to use, to cry on. You're annoyed? Tell me, and I'll do anything I can to remedy it. You're scared? My arms are the safest place you can be in, and they'll always be open for you. You're confused? I'll be provide you with certainty. But don't ever avoid me. You feel something, we fucking feel it together. When you're mine, you don't go through anything alone." Celine Haufftner, a rich girl from London, has finally landed in New York to visit her boyfriend. She's spoilt, and brought up given anything and everything she wants. But all she truly wants is love and to be loved. Unconditionally. She thought heartbreak toughened her, but did it really? Or is she weaker and softer than she appears.On the other hand, Chase Kennedy. Tall, ridiculously good looking, brunette with blue eyes. They say the most beautiful things can be the most deadly. If so, Chase Kennedy would be a criminal who should be up for trial for a million murders. He has never been interested in the idea of love, it's always just been a waste of time for him. To him, no love equal no problems. That is, until he met Celine Haufftner. She's insufferable, spoiled, and honestly just downright annoying. He does everything to irritate her and it all goes according to plan. Until it doesn't. One thing leads to the next, lies unfold, lives nearly destroyed, feelings blossom, and before they know it.They collide.

273 52 1 Full