Stories by: sophislame
3 stories

Dan has always had problems to make friends or find a girlfriend because he is socially awkward but now it has gotten harder because of his online fame. Some people just want to talk to him because he is famous and knows other famous people, not because they genuinely like him. At least that's what he thinks ever since his ex girlfriend turned out to be a total liar and not at all the person he fell in love with. And then he meets someone in a way a lot of potential couples must have met. He accidentally pours his coffee over her when running into her. As an apology he pays for her the coffee she was about to get and they chat for a little while. Dan never believed in such thing as love at first sight and still doesn't really believe it but he instantly feels attracted to this girl. But he doesn't want his youtube channel to influence a relationship once again so he lies to her about who he is.

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The Rock Show (A danisnotonfire Fanfiction)

Inspired by the blink-182 song The Rock Show ;).Unlike Dan, who is socially awkward, Mia is an extremly confident, outgoing and popular person. She has loads of friends and has no problem with talking to people and making new friends. At a concert she meets Dan and being her outgoing self she flirts with him. They get closer but when it gets serious Mia is scared because she only ever had short rather meaningless relationships. She never loved anyone like she starts to love Dan.When Dan tells his friends about Mia and they meet her they don't like her and they're worried Mia is going to use Dan and his fame or she's just going to dump him.Will they overcome this problem and can Mia handle everything she feels so unexpectetly?

31 3 1
Josh Dun ~ Nice Guy

I really suck at writing okay.In a lot of stories Josh is a bad boy but this is the opposite.Josh likes music a lot and loves bands like Green Day. So does Rachel but there's one big diffrence. Rachel is allowed to like this music and go to concerts and have piercings. Josh has to hide his favourite records under his pillow because his parents would freak out if they knew he likes this music. She likes drinking and is the kind of girlfriend Josh parents would kick him out for. When they meet Rachel doesn't want to be his friend but he likes her and tries his best to get to know her and it's not like she doesn't want to know more about that boy that doesn't look like he belongs in a record store.

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