Stories by: sleepdeprived1997
89 stories
Fake Secrets

James is determined to break free from the expectations weighing him down. When he meets Riley, a woman in need of a pretend boyfriend, they hatch a plan that seems perfect - a fake relationship to appease others. However, as they navigate this charade together, unexpected emotions begin to surface. As tensions rise and lines blur, will James and Riley be able to keep their true feelings hidden, or will the façade unravel, revealing deeper truths they never expected?

46 2 3
Hidden In Plain Sight

In "Hidden In Plain Sight," James and Riley inhabit two different worlds within their school's social hierarchy. James is the enigmatic popular kid, commanding attention with a single look, while Riley blends into the background with her studious nature.When their paths unexpectedly converge, a clandestine bond forms as they share a secret meeting spot on the playing field. Despite their chemistry, they choose to keep their connection concealed from prying eyes, existing as hidden figures within their own high school.As James grapples with personal pressures and Riley navigates her own challenges, their relationship blossoms in the secluded sanctuary they've carved out for themselves. In a world where appearances are everything, "Hidden In Plain Sight" explores the complexities of authenticity, connection, and the beauty found in the unseen.

34 2 2
Family Traditions

In "Family Traditions," a tale of unexpected alliances and resistant hearts unfolds as James grapples with the weight of his grandmother's matrimonial expectations. Spirited and independent, he rebels against the notion of an arranged marriage, yearning to forge his own path in life. Enter Riley, a fish out of water in James' world of familial traditions and rigid expectations. Unconventional and unprepared for the role chosen for her, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth amidst the chaos of forced courtship. Bound by the ties of family and fate, James and Riley navigate the complexities of love, duty, and individuality as they confront the inevitable union that awaits them. Will they succumb to societal pressures, or will their budding connection defy all odds and redefine the meaning of family traditions?

65 3 3
Wrong Time

Riley's return after a year of absence sparks a whirlwind of emotions. Coming back to a past marred with betrayal and heartbreak, she must confront the fallout of her sudden departure. As she faces the truth about her cheating boyfriend James, the question lingers: can they mend what's broken or is it finally time to let go? Tense with unresolved feelings and a longing for closure,

121 3 5

The Next Step dance studio is undergoing a major transformation as two former students take the helm. Among the returning faces are James and Riley, once deeply in love but now carrying the weight of a long-buried secret that tore them apart.As they navigate the complexities of reuniting with old friends and working together again, James and Riley must confront their unresolved feelings and the lingering question that haunts them: why did they really break up? With emotions running high and professional boundaries at stake, will they find a way to collaborate without risking everything they've built?"Redesign" is a captivating tale of second chances, tangled relationships, and the power of love to endure even the most challenging of circumstances. Join James and Riley on a journey of rediscovery and redemption as they strive to redesign not just the studio, but also their shared past.

94 3 5
Final Shot

Riley's life took an unexpected turn when she became a mother at a young age. Faced with challenges, she put everything on hold, including finishing high school with her classmates. Online courses and summer sessions became her only means of education. But now, the opportunity for normalcy has finally arrived. With her determination unwavering, Riley embarks on a new journey as she sets foot on a college campus. Accompanied by her two-year-old daughter, the prospect of living in a dorm feels daunting. Yet, fate has other plans in store.As Riley settles into her new surroundings, she discovers that the five other residents in her dorm not only accept her daughter but also adore her. The bond that forms between them creates a unique and supportive atmosphere, assuaging Riley's fears of navigating college life as a young mother.Amidst the friendships that flourish, Riley finds herself drawn to her neighbor across the hall, James. As their connection deepens, Riley realizes that love might just be the missing piece in her puzzle of striving for normality.

29 1 3
Mutual Ground

Riley has always been the obedient one, living by her family's strict rules and constantly under their watchful eyes. But now that her overbearing sister isn't attending college with her, Riley sees a chance to break free, albeit cautiously. When her best friend, practically a brother to her, convinces her to go to a party, her well-ordered world is turned upside down.James, on the other hand, has always had a laid-back attitude and a passion for dance, which brought him to this college in the first place. When he attends the party with his three closest friends, all he expects is a meet-and-greet with his friend's boyfriend. Little does he know that fate has something else in store for him - a chance encounter with Riley.But their budding connection faces an unexpected test when a tragic fire engulfs James' school, leaving him and his friends with no choice but to relocate to Riley's college. As their worlds collide and boundaries are tested, Riley and James must navigate their shared living situation and the lingering consequences of the fire. Will they find common ground amidst the chaos, or will their differences tear them apart?

145 3 8
Falling into their Shadows

Emersyn's life seemed perfect; the same college that her parents met at, the same classes, the same friends. Everything was in place, just as she wanted it. But when Ethan comes into her life, he turns everything upside down and reveals a new path she could take. What will Emersyn choose - the perfect life she had planned out, or the uncertain new one that Ethan presents?

98 3 6
I Miss You, I'm Sorry

Riley and James find themselves grappling with a painful breakup that nobody saw coming considering they never knew they dated... Having grown up together, their bond was once unbreakable. However, last year, their relationship ended abruptly, leaving both with broken hearts. Now, fate has brought them together at a lake house retreat, surrounded by their oblivious circle of friends. Each must silently navigate their shared heartbreak while desperately longing to express their true feelings. Will this reunion offer a chance for closure and healing, or will it only deepen the wounds of their unspoken love?

126 2 6
Shot In The Dark

After Riley secures a hard-earned scholarship to a prestigious school, hoping it will provide the fresh start she desperately needs. Behind her brave facade, however, Riley is far from okay. As the sole protector of her younger siblings from their toxic parents, she feels overwhelmed by the magnitude of her responsibilities. On the other hand, James, the popular guy on campus known for his emotional distance, finds himself inexplicably drawn to Riley's fiery spirit. As he delves deeper into her life and learns about her hardships, his infatuation transforms into an unyielding connection. Will their burgeoning bond be the light that guides Riley through the darkness?

92 3 6

She didn't want this, she didn't want to have to leave them all behind.. but leaving him was even harderAfter a threat that Riley couldn't get passed, she had to runaway from everything and everyone she loves After a year has passed, everyone is ready to give up on Riley.. But I don't think James ever will

70 2 3
Bound By Rivalry

James and Riley find themselves entangled in a family feud they never fully understood. Forbidden from any interaction, they embark on separate journeys to nearby colleges, determined to honour their families' wishes. However, a fateful night of drinking and fake names leads to a life-altering mistake. Riley becomes pregnant with James' child, and the two remain oblivious to each other's true identity. Now faced with the daunting task of explaining their secret to their feuding families, a web of deceit and unexpected alliances unfolds. Will they conquer the boundaries of rivalry, or will the weight of their shared secret tear them apart?

80 3 3
Broken Foundations

When childhood friends Riley and James are abruptly separated due to Riley's sudden relocation, their budding romance is cut short. Now, years later at the age of 20, Riley finds herself fleeing her abusive ex-partner, desperate to keep her daughter safe. Returning to her hometown, she seeks refuge with her old friends, including James, her first love and the one person she left behind. As Riley and her daughter hide from their tormentor, James steps up to protect them, determined to keep them safe from the unrelenting danger that follows. Will their broken foundations be rebuilt, or will the threats consume them all?

109 3 9
Growing Apart

6 years ago, James and Riley made one choice that neither of them had expected they would need to make Riley was heading to business school, James was heading on tour. The pair of them chose to use this time to grow apartThere was always the potential of them rekindling after Riley's 2 year long course. By that time James would be home. But the pair never made that moveThat is until Emily calls all of the original A-Troupe back home to help her

1.1K 14 84

She moved away 5 years ago and never needed to return home. Any time she would, it would be a short visit to see some family member, or more so A family memberThe only family member Riley sees after her mother's passing is her brother. So the minute she needs a save haven, somewhere she can feel safe, he is the first place that comes to mind But she didn't realise that it wasn't her brother that would be her RemedyCan James be the one to help her out of the dark hole she was forced into?

97 2 5
Getting Out

She hadn't ever thought that she would be stuck in the type of relationship that has more bay days then good. She never thought she would have to pick up and run away from the guy she was supposed to love, the one who was supposed to love herRiley had put up with the abuse from her husband for as long as she could remember, the moment she found out she was pregnant with her daughter she knew that she had to get out Once Mollie was born, Riley's flight plan took a step forward but so did Scott's anger. He started directing it at the new born until one night Riley was scared of what tomorrow would hold for the pair of them That was the night she left...

1.1K 15 69
Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time is a string on Jiley One Shots

90 1 5

They hadn't always been this unhealthy, in fact at the beginning they couldn't be anything more then perfectBut after James started struggling and turned to Alcohol and Drugs things between the two deterioratedRiley ended things long before it got out of hand but yet every time he calls claiming to be different claiming to need her she'll go running But now a days that isn't as easy as it used to be.. Not while Riley is raising two of James' children.. So what happens this time when James calls for Riley?

294 6 15
The Last Chance

James has been in on his family's traditions almost his entire life now, enough to know the ins and outs of every situation that comes to light. He's bent the rules a few times and taken things to the extreme with every girl that came around when they didn't suit him. When it's time for him to face the consequences of his actions, he has no choice but to let his mother take over and make the right choices for him. If he isn't married by the time he turns 25, he'll lose everything known to him...--- Riley has grown up alongside her rich family since she was born. She's always done what was asked of her and never stepped a single foot out of line. She was a lot more diligent than to mess around with the things that were thrown at her. The last thing she's ever wanted to do is disappoint her family, everything she does is to please them. Which is why when she's told she is due to marry James, there's no arguing over it. She wants nothing more than to follow the book to a tee, but that's a lot harder to stick to with James as a fiancé with very different plans to her.

614 16 33
One Chance

Having your life planned out in front of your eyes and not being able to have a say is enough to push anyone to breaking pointRiley isn't someone who wants to just fall into her fathers choice of life for her But of course her brother is there to safe the dayLiam gives Riley the shot of the life she is born to life, one full of dance and love. Riley is given her One Chance

109 3 5
Make It Right

James and Riley grew up together, they lived next door to one another. Due to the closeness of their parents, it was inevitable that they would end up just as close Through growing up together, the pairs relationship started to develop to something more then just your childhood best friend They had been dating for 5 years when one drunk night from James changed it all One wrong move, made him lose everything including RileyBut to top it off, Riley had a secret she couldn't share with James...2 years later, James has a lot of wrongs to undo. He'll need to do all he can to Make It Right

149 4 12
Unanswered Questions

They were just two teenagers with the odds stacked against them both but yet they could only hold on to their time together that little bit harder. The two became inseparable faster the you could blink but one more twisted event shatters that completely

182 5 10
Coming Home

The last 10 years of my life weren't my own. I had no say in them, no control over what happened.Some things worked out for the better, but others shook my reality enough for me to know there is no promise of tomorrow Coming home should never have been this scary, I shouldn't be worrying about what people will say, what people will think. But here I am wondering if I made the right choice in coming back here

406 10 27
The Choice

He was needing an escape, somewhere to hide for a little while until things settles She was just in the wrong place at the right timeJames has spent his entire life bouncing between his family and his friends. His Dad has always had strict views on what he should be doing with his life and none of the corresponds with what James wants to do His Dad wants him to take over his business and the first step for that is CollegeHis Dad wants him to go to business school, to provide him with everything he needs to take over one day But James has other opinions. He doesn't want to become just another suit who works but isn't happy He wants to Dance, he wants to make Music, he wants the opportunity to choose his own life So just before he is due to make his ultimate choice of what school to attends, he runs...--Riley has always gone to the beach house ever since she was a little girl. It was always the spot she would go to when it came to spending time with her Nana but after she had passed away last year she couldn't stomach returning But that changes this year She wants to keep the memory of her Nana alive and she knew that being in this beach house would be the exact thing she needs in order to make her decision Riley can follow her big sisters footsteps and follow her through college, or she can make a name for herself and start somewhere newGoing to the beach house was supposed to be what she needed to clear her head, but Riley was not anticipated having company..

199 5 16
30 Days

She's put a time limit on herself, on her life. She's given herself 30 days, but those 30 days aren't there to try and change her mind, those 30 days are there to slowly say all of her goodbyes, to put things in place so that her exit isn't harmful for her friends and family But when he finds the book full of some of her goodbye letters, he'll use all of her 30 days to change her mind

154 4 7
More Than This...

James and Riley have been together for over a year. They've always known of each other through school and growing up together but with James' circle of friends they had never had the opportunity to meetThat is until last summer when both of their families ended up on the same holidayThey've done a year of school together but did not utter a single word to each other during school hours. It stopped the hassle, the drama that comes from the entire school knowing about a new relationship Their second summer together has come to an end and it is time to go back to school but what happens when one of them starts to want more then just a stolen glance in the corridor

131 3 6