Stories by: nikitaintern3med
16 stories
Health & Wellness Blog

It was a different day when our body has to move a lot from here and there, due to which we never felt pain in our neck. Earlier days, the pain which people felt was in joins or backache or headache due to a hard day, but today, neck pain is the most complained problem.

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Health & wellness blog

Are you also tired of tossing and turning complete night?! Not able to sleep properly and because of which your day is not fruitful as you want.

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health and wellness blog

We are in the scenario of ranking one in diseases as well. Covid-19 has broken all the records and still increasing in large number. In this phase of the corona, we have understood one thing that it is very important to keep our immune system absolutely fit. According to experts, after COVID-19 there are many infectious diseases which can take place.

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Health & Wellness Blog

Covid-19 causes the minor common cold to severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). (To read more about Covid-19, check

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Health & Wellness Blog

The efforts didn't end there, if the medicine isn't available at the particular pharmacy then wander to different pharmacies with prescription till you get your medication. We all know how irritating, time consuming, and senseless task it is. Thus will the change of phase, the medicines even started selling and purchasing online.

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Health & wellness blog

Stay home as much as possible: If it's not necessary then be at home. But if going out, maintain social distancing just like you maintain your ethics.

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Health & Wellness Blog

COVID, but the patients are recommended to continue their asthma procedure.India contributes to 11.1% of the global asthma burden and accounts for over 42% of related deaths making it the asthma capital of the world.

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Health & Wellness Blog

Our blood accounts for about 8 percent of our body weight, and plays the most crucial role in the functioning of our body, as our blood flows throughout the vascular system providing oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and antibodies to all parts. Blood is made up of an equal number of plasma and blood cells.

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Health & Wellness Blog

To overcome these issues, we need to have proper planning before beginning our treatment, along with that some saving. But the most important is to have genuine medicines and to save ourselves from unwanted expenses. Plan your treatment, here, with

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health and wellness blog

Cancer: the name itself shivers us. Cancer is a disease that eats us inside. After getting diagnosed with cancer, our life changes completely. It is the situation as we are standing on the line dividing life and death, and anytime we can get fallen anywhere. Cancer is the disease that can be treated in the early stages but once the line is crossed, it becomes really difficult to cure the person and make him normal. Thus it is very important to take care while suffering from disastrous diseases like CANCER!

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Health & wellness blog

Cancer occurs in the human body when the developments of calls take place uncontrollably. Cancer takes place in our part of the body causing tumors. For every different type of cancer, different treatment is used. Cancer treatments are used to control the growth of excessive cells so that the person can live a normal life. The treatments are developed more effectively and better targeted.

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Health & wellness Blog

Cancer is a disease that can take place in any part of the body. When in any part, the production of cells is done in excess than that result in cancer. Similarly, excess of the development of cells (out of control growth) in lobules or ducts in the breast result in breast cancer.

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health & wellcome blog

For 80 years, scientists have found this virus, it can affect only animals like mice, rats, dogs, cats, turkeys, horses, pigs, and cattle. Once in a while, it can affect humans transmitted by animals. And similar happened in the lab of Wuhan, the city in China. In December 2019, coronavirus first infected the human, and till March mid it has taken most of the countries, territories, and islands under its watchful eye.

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Health & Wellness Blog

The kidney is a bean-shaped organ of size 4-5 inches roughly the size of our fist, located behind the belly and under the ribs. We have two Kidneys and it is located on either side of the spine.

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Health and wellness blog

Corona Virus has frozen the world at one place just like we are trees in the garden. We cannot travel, go to work, and need to follow social distancing and wearing a mask has become the need of the hour. Most important, we are still in the phase of COVID 19. In history, it's happening for the first time, the world suffering from deadly diseases and vaccine yet to discover.

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health and wellness blog

We are so health conscious, our routine proves that. Going to the gym, doing the workout for two hours is always a part of our day. Without working out our body gets disturbed and start feeling like something is missing.

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