Stories by: nialliscool13
2 stories
Straight Off The Plane

Olivia Holmes is an innocent college student that just wants to travel the world. Right? When she meets Niall Horan, her priorities go from being the best student at the Uni to being the best she can be for him. Will he leave her for a supermodel or will he see that all he's ever wanted is right in front of him?

89 11 5
Adopted//Taylor Swift

Marie always loved music. Everything she did she had to have music playing in the background. School work, gymnastics, sitting in the car, everything. Her favorite artist was Taylor Swift. She just couldn't get enough of her. When Marie was 13, her parents died in a car wreck. Being an only child with no living relatives, she was put in fosters homes for 2 years when one day, she came face to face with someone she adored. Would Taylor adopt her? Was it finally her turn to be loved?

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