Stories by: gingerdoe
1 stories
How Am I Supposed To Die: The Marauders' Era

The current year is 1978. Lily Evans, James Potter and the rest of the marauders; the McKinnon twins, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald and Benji Fenwick, are all in their last few months of their final year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.The war pressed on their brains like a coming storm; dark, heavy and threatening. The thick of it was looming; an invisible death trap ready to swallow them up in the pretense of a victory; leaving carcasses and innumerable scars from wounds that will never fully heal. The air vibrates with the fatally high dosage of emotions crackling in the atmosphere, as fear and love, pain and confusion all fight for the prominent role. In a world where you could be dead tomorrow; there is no such thing as feeling too much.And Marlene McKinnon has always been concerned with the fact she couldn’t feel enough, while Lily Evans thinks she might break with the pain of it all.Peter Pettigrew is plagued by the ever-present demons in his head, and Remus Lupin is haunted by how vulnerable his illness renders him both in peace and war.James Potter is in a constant restless state, knowing that nothing is ever really enough; while Sirius Black is in a reckless state, always trying to prove that he is nothing like his family – nothing at all.Alice and Frank live in continuous fear of a world which doesn’t include the other, and Matt McKinnon fears the day he would be separated from his sister.Dorcas Meadowes is torn by persistent feelings of distrust, seeded in her since she could ever remember, while Mary Macdonald has always had trouble with stopping at the crossing line.And Benjy Fenwick constantly wonders if he could really make any difference, while Caradoc Dearborn tries to uncover his self from the maze of facades he created.The year is 1978 and youth takes on the battle of gods. The Wizarding world is at war. This is the Marauders' Era.{cover via

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