Stories by: ficspixs
33 stories
The Morality of Space and Time

2023-After a tragic event a small group of scientists debates the morality of time travel and changing the future.

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Lost (in Time) Dog

When Tess's service dog, Latte mysteriously disappears on a trip it leads her into a strange journey to get back, which ironically leads her to the place she just left with a very strange wrinkle.

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Morning Alarm

Repost of old story from 2017:A young woman describes a typical morning in 2027 and the citywide alarm system, which is a little more than you would expect and just as annoying.

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Morning Kisses

Short piece on a dream I had a few days ago.

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A Small Light

A genetic engineer's experiments have humorous and unexpected results.

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The Dog That Wasn't There

This is not a sob story and I'm trying not to complain, just being honest.

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Two sisters verbally take down a church pastor who seems less than credible.

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Fun on the News; among other things

A world in which liars pants really do catch on fire.

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The Domestic Vampire

The classic story: girl meets reclusive vampire in old house, they fall in love, and unexpectedly start a family. The thing the girl didn't expect was the backlash from the vampire's secret underground world, his ghostly jailed parents and a council of magical beings which keep the world in order and are wary of their relationship and union.

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Trumped: on the Way Out

Senator Vanessa Carlton doesn't relish playing jury in another impeachment trial; especially one that seems after-the-fact. On top of that she is still confirming a brand-new cabinet for the incoming administration, and passing the president's tall order to deal with the ongoing pandemic. Out of chambers she is a mom and realistically only wants to make the world better for her son. At least righting the mess all in which the country currently finds itself is a good start. At least she can put in her two cents.

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Vanessa Carlton (Trumped) POV of the siege at the Capitol building.

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From the Face of Fear

I'm on the psych ward-while fighting my demons which have seemingly taken on a life of their own.

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Close Shave

The slightly humorous tale of a bad haircut.

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Wait For You To Come Home

Amid my life events and a pandemic (and everything that comes with it) I wait for you to come home.

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Learning, growing, and spending time with my family-even from a distance.

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Always Us

Tensions flared between Vivian and her parents concerning her best friend Nathan. All Vivian wants is to be supportive. However, her loyalty is put into question when her parents question Nathan's sexuality and his faith, leaving Vivian caught in the middle.

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I Dream to Be

My dream is unique to me because I dream of being a person like everyone else despite setbacks and disability. I just want to be me.

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World of If

Danny Harper, 26, is on the run simply because he got his girlfriend, Beth Collins, pregnant.The year is 2040, the United States, to help combat abortion has a radical law that has any man who contributes to a rape or unwanted pregnancy is medically sterilized. With this future staring him in the him him face (even if he did want kids) Danny runs hoping to make it to Canada where he can start over.It's not as simple as it seems, however, as he is still plagued by guilt and leaving his girlfriend and family behind. As he makes his journey trying to avoid the law in the process is only hope is to forgive himself and be the man he's always hoped he'd be.

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The Revelation

A wealthy, well-to-do man who never really believed in anything other than what he could see, finds faith in a profound way.

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Out Of Necessity

Little decisions that lead to big changes for me and how they were important to my overall independence.

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A Death in the Family

When Lara Dooley, mother of two, is found dead, people have a lot of questions. More importantly than "how did she die" was why she was found in the river several days later. Curiously enough, the mystery only deepens when her 13-year-old son Connor finds us some mysterious drawings many predicting future events including his mother's death.

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Friends Without Benefits

Lana Jeffries finds herself in trouble when she finds herself pregnant after a dare and an argument with her best friend (because of said dare) it is only then her troubles are just beginning.Is this going to go over well with either of their conservative families? No, don't think so. (She doesn't think she can bear another disappointed look from either one of their parents).As the months go along she only wonders how things will turn out. Will Reese, her best friend ever talk to her again? Will she ever be able to salvage their relationship?Will her parents and by extension Reese's ever trust them again?And last of all, she wonders about the future of her unborn child, conceived by accident.

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A Forest Walk

Historical fiction: Capt. John Smith and Pocahontas continue learning about each other's cultures on a walk back to Jamestown.

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In a Perfect World

Kara Campbell is a normal 17-year-old, but her life changes forever when she and her family, and her best friend are abducted from a local restaurant.After that it's all about survival! In a prison camp within a barren wilderness no one knows if their next moment will be there last.Among her other concerns and the concern for her 88-year-old grandma, Betty, Kara deals with her feelings for her best friend Noel Eckhart; on top of that, she is offered the possibility of safety and escape by the charming but evasive prison guard Lukas.She wonders if the love triangle is worth the gamble if it means the safety of the people she loves, but then the things she is playing for is her own life.

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Victory and Simon explore their growing relationship in the context of immortality.Sequel to: "Chosen"

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The Chosen

Victory Sinclair has been accepted to a prestigious boarding school-the catch-it is run by a wealthy family of vampires. (This is common knowledge in the small southern Illinois town) they say about that school is that once you get in you never get out. Victory's family is alarmed by this prospect and advised her against accepting. However, as she knows, Victory has no choice.The new student initiation and the families rigorous roles for applicants are just the beginning. Humans are only left alive if they bring the appropriate gifts for the families yearly ball where they present the new vampires to the school. After that it's get the hell out of dodge! Victory only hopes the rest of her family is safe.Her only hope is vampire blood can help her walk again. It's her saving grace, if that was such a thing with vampires.

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