Stories by: cherrygeeen1
1 stories
Racism kills

Chloe:aye gal wazzup u were looking pale in school 2day.Lizzy: I'm fine tanxChloe:stop lying we've been friends since kindergarten I know when u lie just tell me whatz up? Lizzy:d thing is my neighbor has been treating me like a slave ever since we moved in.Chloe:what why!?Lizzy:he says I'm ugly nd I'm too blackChloe:what!Lizzy:he bullies me with his friends and his mum hates me.Chloe:why?Lizzy:she says I'm "unhygienic".Chloe: how? ur not "unhygienic" so why do u believe dat.Lizzy: well u do remember I get bullied cuz I'm from Africa right.Chloe: OMG gal stop doing dis I've told u not to listen to those guys.Lizzy: it's too late.Chloe:Liz what r u thinking of right now?Lizzy: nothing.Chloe:where r u?Lizzy: on top of a skyscraper 😅Chloe:WHAT!!!Lizzy:surprise.Chloe: get down from there right now.Lizzy:ok if u insist goodbye Chloe here goes d black who is ugly nd "unhygienic".Chloe:no pls don't do dis to urself. ur pretty just d way u r.Lizzy:tell that to my dead body.Chloe: Lizzy stop!Lizzy:see u in heaven.i hope.Chloe: Lizzy don't jump.Chloe: Lizzy can u hear me Chloe: Lizzyyy never judge a book by it's cover stop being racists because u never know what comes next. pls share dis story nd like tanx.

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