Stories by: blackdust
8 stories

All she could feel was impending doom as she sat on the plush carpet holding hands with someone she shouldn't be holding hands with.~*~Meet your friendly neighbourhood dumbass, Mira Banai, who wants nothing more than to earn enough money to save her dear sister's life. Then there's Amor Navarro, son of the most successful couple in the city but appears to have no ambitions of his own. For Mira, it's a race against time.And Amor? Let's just say his parents have taken his life into their own hands.Struggling with their own lives and coming to terms with ugly truths, Amor and Mira face challenges, their families, and themselves all whilst trying to deny that they still love each other."I'm not saying that I don't love you. I just can't choose you and right now, you deserve better. So please, find better."

60 6 6
Saudade: Alethia

"You don't need a relationship right now Silus, you need a purpose. I can't be the one giving you that."· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·It's been 10 years. 10 years since Alethia left it all. 10 years since Silus felt the closest he's ever been to heartbreak. It's been 10 years, and finally Alethia's back.And she's different somehow, more wild and free, as if she's shed the burdens she'd had when they were together. Success, fortune, fame, she's got it all. There isn't anything else he can offer, nor is he in the position to.After all, he's taken, and she's not interested. At least, she thinks she isn't. · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·"You never knew me, you knew the girl you wanted to know, someone who you needed at the time. But that isn't me Silus, it will never be, and you need to understand that."

269 3 2
Arianna The First

They made every maiden do a test this year, which is uncalled for because it's the first time in history. It involved all sorts of heinous things like dancing, book balancing, Kingdom Knowledge, etc. Why was the test was important? No one knew. I suppose it was another way for society to judge you but then again when have I ever cared about society? All I knew was you had to impress and bring honour to your family.I suppose the test isn't what bothers me the most. I, Arianna Sofia Irving, have qualified to be one of the highest scorers. The 'prize' is the engagement to Prince Christopher. He gets to choose his bride meaning I don't have a choice in this atrocity. And he LIKES me, that's the worst part. I can't let him choose me... there's no way that I will become Arianna The First.

50.2K 24 1.7K
Midlight (Third in the Apocalypse Saga)

Broken like a piece of shattered glass is what became of Max Cullen. His love morphed into anger, betrayal, hate... His children cannot remember his smile, or what his eyes look like without the constant darkness shrouding them. Mackenzie and Elijah, better known as Macy and Eli, have suffered nearly 17 years without the love of a mother. At hand is this forbidden love... will Macy be able to love the enemy?Will Eli be able to cope with Avery, his soul mate, with a cynical, cold-hearted father? They say love will always find a way... but would it? Will Max open up his heart to who he truly loves?

84.6K 36 2.1K Full
Meet The Coach

Bree moves back home after 13 years, knowing no one at all, she makes quick friends with Sandy, the school's player's twin sister, who is sure Bree is the one to change Carter's womanizing ways. Would she be able to do it? Or would she become one of Carter's broken hearted flings?

532.9K 27 13.1K Full
Born to Shine

Lizzie wakes up from a coma finding out that her parents and her little brother are dead. Her parents always told her that she was destined for fame so three years later Lizzie finds herself working to get to the top. She isn't the same after the death and becomes isolated to the world. It is until she meets one boy that makes her life suffer some more.But what happens when he learns the truth?

138.6K 41 3.5K Full
Starcrossed (Sequel to Apocalypse)

(Okay guys this is the Sequel to Apocalypse so if you haven't read that story you wouldn't get this story so I advise you to read that first! Sorry!) After Amelia parts from Max neither of them are the same. They change drastically. Years pass before they could meet again. Amelia gets off the hook and gets a chance to go to Max. What if love has wavered? She returns home as if she never left living life perfectly but what happens when unexpected people turn up? Would Max and Amelia ever have the chance to be together? And what happens if problems arise? Causing hard decisions to be made...

193.3K 38 3.8K Full
Apocalypse (a twilight fanfic)

Amelia has been alone virtually her whole life. One day she gets a letter from her mum saying to go to the Cullens. But what she doesn't know is why. She goes and her life takes a dramatic turn. From falling in love and going to school at the end finds herself separated from what she wants the most. Will she get what she wants or take what life has given her?

1.6M 71 17.6K Full