Stories by: alex_lxxser
28 stories
Tommyinnits first good christmas!!

Tommy had been staying with the Watsons since March , so since nine months. Everything had been crazy for him so far , he got things he never got before, like love , people who listens to him , people that understand him , and he even had friends and got presents! Since his nine years of life , he never had someone care so much about him to even get him into Therapy when they saw how bad he was doing.But even after these nine months of care and love he didnt think he would be getting an Advent Calander.. lets just say, it got emotional :)

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Suddenly i had back what was lost.

"did you finally text or call them?" Tubbo asked"did you finally text or call them?" Tubbo asked"no." he answered immediatly "I dont know if they want to hear from me or if i even want to hear from them" he said"im sure they want to hear how their older Brother is doing. Or in Phils view , his son. It has been around five years now or not?" Tubbo said , looking up at him with a light glare"well , maybe they want that. But i dont." ----- Tommy found himself sitting on the couch in his Hotel room six hours later with a Letter in his Hands . The interview ended about an hour ago and some fans had given them small gifts , Tommy had decided to look at some till he found that letter. "from Phil.." he whispered to himself , slowly opening itDear Tommy...

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The brother they never knew.

Techno and Wilbur just wanted to look for something in the attic , not find out their Father was cheating on their Mother and had another child! Or was he?

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don't hate before you know the truth

please let me know if the creator of the cover is not okay with me using it!!

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trusting the process

Please tell me if the creator of the fanart is against using it for my fanfic or anything!!Tommy had been in the fostersystem for a long time. He hadnt been in the best fosterfamilys ,and being a catshifter made it even worse for him. because of how he was treated he didnt trust anyone an if he was ever in his cat form near someone? trust me , he trusts you then and only then. The first people to find out about this were the Watsons.

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What happens when Tommy has to go because of something his foster brother did? and he noticed his mistakes to late for tommy to come back? Will Tommy be allowed to go back to them or will he have to cut contact completly? This is one of my shorter one shots , it may be short but i still tried my best :)

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,you made me a better person.. thank you..' were his last words.

Tommy loved it with his new family , he lived with them for a few days now and when he finally thought he could be fully happy but of course there had to come something. Long story short , Tommy gets poisened and cant be healed. or can he?when i was done with this i read it and i dont really like it but i still decided to upload it , so enjoy i guess xDmy story idea 28! I cried while writing this so be warned! Started : 12.12.2022Uploaded : 06.02.2023The picture is not mine! I found it on google

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left but came back to a wonderful family

The Watson Twins and their Father havent heard of the youngest in the last three years. Had he died? Did they do something wrong? What happened to Tommy? None of the questions were answered till now when Tommy called out of nowhere and finally explained himself.started : 05.01.2023?uploaded : 06.02.2023

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a cold and lonely start of the Day for Tommy but his family is there to warm him

Tommy has been living with the Crafts for seven months now , he didnt trust them at first because of the past foster houses he has been at. He's 11 years old , has been a foster kid since he was 4 years old so 7 years , his parents had died in a car crash and since he didnt have any other family members to take him in he landed in the foster system.When they found out he was a cat shifter they still loved him , as a cat and human. They would cuddle with him if he was feeling clingy , they would pat him when he was a cat and would do anything to make him comfortable. Tommy loved them and they loved him , normaly they would be there for him when he was sad or not feeling good but today it was different.

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how catshifter!Tommy found his family again :)

Tommy lost his brothers when he was outside with them and first shifted , he has been searching for them for four years before a nice family took him in.said family maybe knows his family that hes searching for

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being a safe stop for children and then even turning into a Father

Tommy was a foster kid himself before he got adopted by Philza , he knew how it was in the foster care that didnt care about anyone. He knew how abusive most homes were so he decided to foster himself to be a safe spot for the children till a good home is found for them. His family suported him of course and always joked about him adopting a kid some day but he never believed that would come true. He had to stop fostering after two years when he was 22 years old because of an car accident but now hes back and gets the first kid after a month.or Tommy was a foster kid , is a Foster Parent and adopts a child or maybe two.

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we came to love you , not hurt you

Tommy is a little Wolf hybrid and has a bad dream , his brothers and Father are there to comfort him and make sure to let him know they'd never hurt himthis was part of my one shot book but no one reads those so i deleted it and made the one shots ,books' themselfs xD

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Tommyinnit Wing Au (Dream & Tommy Brother Au)

Tommy had wings like phil but in red. Phil always payed more attantion to Techno and Wilbur then to Tommy , Tommy never knew why but when hes 13years old he finds out why Phil wasnt the best dad to him. Started : 20.04.2022Ended : 24.04.2022finished writing : 24.04.2022i finish writing before its ended๐Ÿ˜‚ its always like that because i write when im bored but i dont upload everything at the same time or should i?

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Meeting the family was a bit difficult , no one expected it to go this way.

This story is inspired by ,,Blood-soaked footprints by Impala_Cherry_Trickster" some things are a bit like they said it but i littwrly just wrote this because i hated the end and wanted another one :^ was a good story through!! and in this story is Tommys girlfriend too , i think he called her Em right? im not sure but if they say to not have her in storys or anything then i will take this down but till then i will have this up ig? Also i have no idea how they really are but i will just write something i guess xD have fun reading this shit! :^go read the original story! I loved it but just wanted to change it a bit with my own ideas :)i had this uploaded in a one shot book but no one reads those i think , so i will make my one shots ,books' for themselfs? xD

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Meeting the family was a bit difficult , no one expected it to go this way.

This story is inspired by ,,Blood-soaked footprints by Impala_Cherry_Trickster" some things are a bit like they said it but i littwrly just wrote this because i hated the end and wanted another one :^ was a good story through!! and in this story is Tommys girlfriend too , i think he called her Em right? im not sure but if they say to not have her in storys or anything then i will take this down but till then i will have this up ig? Also i have no idea how they really are but i will just write something i guess xD have fun reading this shit! :^go read the original story! I loved it but just wanted to change it a bit with my own ideas :)i had this uploaded in a one shot book but no one reads those i think , so i will make my one shots ,books' for themselfs? xD

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freezing to death is never an answer

Tommy is a 17 year old boy going 18 in just a few Months. he joined a ice skating club when he was 12 years old , thanks to one of his favourite teachers he was able to join them and go to the best school where he lives. Tommy was a really good figure skater and had good grades too , he was very happy with his life now you could say but no one in the team knows what his home life is like.. His brothers left for college when he was 10 years old and he didnt hear of them ever since but thats okay for him , hes happy with how things are now. Everything seemed nice but of course his family would be the reason for everything going bad again.I have no idea what ice skating moves are called or what is harder than other moves so please dont comment things like ,,this is wrong! this and that is much harder than what you wrote!" bc i have litterly NO IDEA what im doing but i really wanted to write this storys because i cant find any like these ;-;started : 10.11.2022uploaded : 01.12.2022ended : 27.12.2022finished writing : 27.12.2022

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shapeshifter Tommy

Tommy innit , a fourteen year old boy left by his Parents just because he has powers. He discovered that he has powers at the age of ten and thats when his Parents just left without saying a word to him , he remembers the Night like it was yesterday even throught it has been four years now.He goes out often to get food for his little brother and himself but what happens when he meets some nice people and they end up helping him?

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Tommyinnit Wing Au (Dream & Tommy Brother Au) Rewritten!!

Tommy had wings at a young age , they were like Phils but red with a few golden feathers. Tommy always wanted to know why he wasnt anything like Phil but Phil didnt often pay attention to him , he was always focused on Technoblade and Wilbur but never Tommy. Of course he was there for tommy when he was younger but when he got older Phil wasnt really paying any attention to him anymore. What will happen once Phil notices his mistake and Tommy finds out the truth?started : 22.10.2022Ended : 12.11.2022Finished writing : 28.10.2022This is a rewrite from another story i made when i joined wattpad :)

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,Mute' ?(sbi adoption au)

Tommy is a mute 9 year old boy , he has been in 16 different homes and everyone gave him back to the orphanage after a few weeks when they realized they couldnt take care of a boy that cant speak. Tommy was in the orphanage since he was 3 years old. His parents died in a car crash , tommy always spoke before their death but when he survived the car crash and they didnt he never spoke again , the doctors say hes mute and Everyone thinks its because he got an injury on his neck and cant speak cause of that but what if there was another reason why he didnt speak?Phil and his two sons Techno and Wilbur , they are twins and 17 years old , wanted a new kid in their family and tried to find the perfect fitting kid for their family. They didnt find a ,fiting' kid for their family for weeks and wanted to give up but when they saw tommy.. they were sure there was something about him that would make the family better. Lets see how this story goes :)Started: 13.07.2022uploaded : 01.01.2023Finished writing : 06.04.2023Ended :06.04.2023

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a Home that understands and accepts (Transinnit Adoption SBI AU)

Terressa has been in the orphanage for 8 years now , she's eleven years old so since she was 3 years old. She always knew she wasnt like other girls , and that is not meant as in like a pick me or something , Teressa just always felt like she didnt feel comfortable in her body , at the age of 9 she finally knew why and now it was time to get the suport and things that are needed. started : 12.06.2022uploaded : 13.05.2023 ended : 19.06.2023finished writing : 12.05.2023

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Forced Marriage becomes real love? (Purpledinnit?)

Purpleds brother Punz decided to speak with other kingdoms , if they have kids around Pupleds age to marry , the only kingdom that said yes was the (forgot the name)kingdom. Tommys father Philza and Purpleds brother Punz decided to meet and then tell Everyone that purpled and tommy will Marry.At first the two of them didnt like the idea of marrying but after some time something unexpected happens...Started : 15.09.22 (i think?)Finished : 28.09.22Finished writing : 23.09.22

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The Platonic Marriage (book 2)

The last Book ended how they just lived somewhere else and never showed any sign of life. So before you read this, please go read the other book first. Everyone wanted to know why they didnt show any sign of life , they said they would but didnt. Are they okay? Are they dead or Alive? No one knows... Everyone is worried why they didnt stay in contact or if they even are Alive. maybe they are dead but it also could be that they just didnt have time or didnt want to have contact. What happened to the two married boys with their kids? Will they go back to the others? Will the others find them and find out why they never stayed in contact? Lets find outStarted : 07.07.2022Finished : 27.09.2022Finished writing : 27.09.2022

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new Brother (SBI Adoption Au)

This is my second adoption au๐Ÿ˜‚In this Au Tommy gets adopted at the age of 5. Tommy was in the orphanage for 3years because his dad was an alcoholic and his mom didnt want him.This is a SBI family adoption au but with a little twist i guess? you want to know why and what happens? Have to read it i guess and wait for all the chapters :) sorry ,not sorry ;)Started : 25.04.2022uploaded : 25.08.2022Ended : 26.09.2022 , 13.11.2022 (extra chapter)Finished writing : 26.09.2022

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Runaway (dsmp au)

What if Tommy had enough and decided to runaway? In this storys Tommy has enough and runsaway when everyone yelled at him. Started : 23.04.2022ended : 13.08.2022finished writing : 13.08.2022i finish writing before its ended๐Ÿ˜‚ its always like that because i write when im bored but i dont upload everything at the same time or should i?Picture from : SoulDrawSS on DeviantArt.I hope its okay that i use it , if not please tell me and i will change it ^-^

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Minecraft Family(SBI + Tubbo adoption Au)(with Purpledinnit)

i started changing this story a bit to read it better but i got to lazy and jusy to do that at every chapter so i will just leave it like that for now. Tommy is 9years old and has a little brother named Tubbo (Tubbo is 7) they live in a orphanage , they had been there for atleast 6years. They got often taken from Familys but after a week or less they always said that it didnt work out because of Tommy. Tubbo and Tommy sadly got seperated when Tommy was 6 and Tubbo 3 , Tommy thought he would never find him again But one day.. that changed. In this story will also be Purpled x Tommy (PLATONIC/IM NOT SURE ANYMORE LOL)Started : 21.04.2022Ended : 20.11.2022finished writing : 20.11.2022

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the Platonic marriage

in this story Tommy and Purpled platonic marry. i saw two other story with this and I really liked them. i have many things in mind for this story and i hope that it will be a good story!Started : 18.04.2022Ended : 15.05.2022finished writing : 22.04.2022Rewritten : 10.07 i finish writing before its ended๐Ÿ˜‚ its always like that because i write when im bored but i dont upload everything at the same time or should i?

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