Stories by: akalover19
22 stories
Up that hill

Years ago two strangers made an agreement to meet up every week, at a certain spot and just talk to let things off their chests.-------To my surprise, this story is written exactly 1 year ago. It just sat there in my drafts until I felt nostalgic and scrolled through all my documents and stumbled upon this unfinished piece and thought, what the hell I might finish it. So I did. I miss writing sometimes and now that I'm home all day due to the covid situation I think it's a good opportunity to do so. If you liked it please leave me a comment!

24 1 1 Full
You're killing me...

Fabrizio has always been tight on money. With the job at his father's garage he can just about manage to pay the bills, but having two children to maintain on top of that makes it very difficult. That's why he decided to take on a job which will pay him big time. It's a job he had never done before, never even thought about it. It's dangerous, scary and above all, you could go to jail for life. But when the chance was there, he took it with two hands. Will he regret his decision?

124 4 2

It's two weeks after he left her behind in Spain. Millions of thoughts are running through his head, making him restless all the time. Will he ever get to see Raquel again?A one shot about how Sergio copes with all his feelings and thoughts in Palawan.

390 1 15 Full
It's Only Acting

Au where Fabrizio is a really famous actor in Italy. Ermal is just a beginning actor, in fact, this movie will be his first one.They will play lovers on the screen, but how will their relationship develop when the camera's aren't rolling?

1.3K 16 49

It's 20 years later, the year 2038. Fabrizio always said he didn't believe in marriage, but now he's 20 years together with Ermal. Time has passed and so his mind is changed, he want to marry Ermal. This only will bring both of them on some adventures they never could imagine...

414 15 30 Full
Loving you is a losing game

This story tells the journey of metamoro's relationship from Fabrizio's pov. (disclaimer, it's all fiction of course. I'm not claiming any of this happend, it's just a story.)

90 2 0 Full
The man on the train

It's the year 2005. Ermal is on his way on a train to Milan, hoping to get a job as a guitarist in the band Ameba4. The ride didn't go without trouble, but because of that he met a Roman man which quickly led to the two man bonding over their interests in music.

51 2 2
Un'altra volta da rischiare

Story about how Ermal wrote his new song, what his inspiration was and what Fabrizio thinks of it.

109 1 2 Full
Sei così bello

It's Ermal and Fabrizio's first date.

146 2 6
Sweet dreams are made of this

Ermal keeps getting dreams about another reality where Fabrizio and him are together. But what does this mean? And how will he deal with this?

785 9 21
I'm here for you, I promise

Fabrizio has a flashback

980 8 19
You are more important then peeing

Fabrizio is determined to get Ermal a goodnights rest. But finally when Ermal fell asleep cuddled up to Fabrizio, he had a big pressure to release...

95 1 4

Feelings based around the emergency event

159 3 5
Col sorriso di un bambino

The Mobrici-Meta family are a happy bunch. Two kids, Libero and Anita, and their dads Ermal and Fabrizio. But wouldn't it be wonderful to extent this family?

81 1 5
Welcome home

Ermal had been away for 3 weeks but finally comes back home to his family. Fabrizio gives him his warm welcome back ;)

202 1 7 Full
Sex education

The children have come to that age where parents should give them the talk about how sex works. And it's rather embarrassing for them...So this all started at discord a few days ago. I told everybody a personal story about that time when my biology teacher blew up a condom during class and it flew in his hair hahaha. So then I said imagine how metamoro would give their children a talk about the birds and the here we are now!

76 1 1
What I love about you

Ermal got a notebook a decided to write in it

122 2 3 Full
The missing piece (of my puzzle)

Ermal walks the streets of Rome at night when he gets mugged. A certain someone gets to the rescue...

290 4 10 Full

Ermal and Fabrizio had a big fight. How will their relation continue?

183 2 4 Full
You love it though

Short story with some fluff

95 1 3 Full
Took the wrong one

English is not my first language. A/D pairing. All fictional

355 1 17 Full
What if we didn't met (One shot)

Ant and Dec fic

335 1 11 Full