Stories by: abbsterdamn
2 stories
Why We Fell

Having been through so much, the children of the Big Three want nothing more than peace and sanctuary. But the gods thought otherwise. The powers of the four demigods have been increasing drastically ever since the Second Titan War was over, and the Olympians would not let this matter get past them.So naturally, the council of the gods make a vote for the deaths of the so-called heroes of Olympus.In the end, while the five heroes are on the run with the help of four gods, they bump into the ones they were taught to think of as enemies: the Kanes. But in order to defeat the new threat that's rising in the Greek and Egyptian worlds, the exiled demigods must aid the magicians. Will they be able to work together, or will they fail their mission as history decides to repeat itself?All Rights ©Rick Riordan.

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Orthros  |   p.j.o.  |  soon

Too late,He's gone,He won't come back~With his heart torn into pieces, PercyJackson runs way from his only home-- Camp Half-Blood. Now that the gods considered him as a bigger threat, they intend to hunt him down.But years have passed, and not a single soul has seen Perseus Jackson, because he was long gone, and in his place stood a new and completely different person.His name was Orthros, otherwise known as "The Hunter". Alongside him are his most loyal commanders, and now, the whole of the human race lies on the choices he makes.All Rights ©Rick Riordan

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