Stories by: XXscoobyXX
3 stories
THE Ultimate Rom-com list.

For the sleepover with your girlies , for the loner having takeout alone.For a good time when you're bored, for the post breakup movie marathon with a tub of ice cream & a bucket load of tears, for the happy feeling you crave, for the loneliness you feel.For the tearjerker movie lovers, for the depressed I've-given-up-on-love club members.For the I've-never-had-a-boyfriend-but-wish-to female population, for all the third wheels out there. For the ones who need a second chance at romance, for the ones who just want to feast on the eye candy ;p THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED!!!Note: persons not belonging to the female population can watch it too you know ;pInsert Yoda Talk here: WATCH IT YOU MUST.

18K 134 408
David & I

Love is NEVER patient , it's anxious , it's eager, it's jittery, it's hurry-up-already-I-Love-You.& Love is DEFINITELY NOT kind, it's rude, it's proud, it's angry , it's in-your-face-I-hate-you-but-love-you. Love is the teasing. Love is the hurting. Love , for David & I is fight till we make up, right till we break up , kiss until we shove each other off again.

46 2 4
Wattpad Checklist.

Are you searching the nooks & corners of Wattpad for a good story?A book sans grammatical errors, sans cliches, sans evoking a sense of incredulity? You're at the right place. For here's a compilation of works by Wattpaders that every avid reader must conform to. If you haven't read these books, you're missing out. XOXO , gossip girl ;p

6K 24 130