5 stories
[] Dead By Daylight 2 [] by Morgan Moulton

You all have been waiting for it so here it is, I hadn't given up on this series and I don't intend to, so; here's the story behind all this.-------------------------Zhena Bloodworst's life couldn't have gotten any worse after the incident, after much luck she actually won the lottery and bought a mansion of her own, while our "sweet, innocent" M.J grew up to be the murderer she feared him to be; the killing soon came to an Asylum near her, where another unholy beast was at bay. Having already dealt with it, Zhena and a group of others go to find and finally destroy these two monsters... But will she have the courage to kill M.J?

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Outlast: Whistleblower

HOLY SHEEET! been almost a year since I last wrote on here, but I have returned wit better ideas and much less cringy ideas! Of recency I've been playing and roleplaying tons of outlast and discovered Eddie darling! When I learned about his entire story I wanted to write how I felt everything happened when he was a kid! I hope this makes up for my absence and I will continue to write my Dead By Daylight story, I've done tons of brainstorming on it so it should come out much longer ad better than the last :)

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Dead By Daylight []Book 1[]

Zhena Bloodworst has been missing her cousin for three days straight, not a phone call or a single text. A couple of more kids had gone missing as well, such as Dwight Fairfield, Meg Thomas, Jake Park, Claudette Morel and M.J Davidson. When she finally is forced into looking for her cousin, she meets the same fate as the missing kids; playing in a little game of "Hide, Run or DIE" with a insane psychopathic monster. Sadly all five, besides M.J died.. leave Zhena and M.J to survive against the blood thirsty killer of the abandoned Macmillan Estate.

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My Little Art Book

I needed to take a break from my Dead by Daylight series.. it was getting to my brainA u A so have some of my sketches and digital art, my Deviantart account is XMJNIGHTCOREX that really is it XD

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My Little Short Stories

Just some small adventures some peeps and me have.. I really need to take a break from my Dead By Daylight series; I had nightmares last night :(BUT!! that doesn't mean I won't write any more to it.. of course I will it's the best book I've had so far :Danyways I hope you all enjoy my tiny little stories :) (tiny is kind of an understatement)

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