Stories by: VortexMainpulator
7 stories
Authority: Mind over Might

You can hear his voice in your mind repeating like a broken vinyl "Anyone can be a hero". He's the best of the best so of course you'd believe him (How naïve you were). Just as easily as a mirror is shattered when met with a hammer you're world is as well when that man refuses your dream. "No" *Time skip* You stand defiant before the the titan, the searing pain of his statement rush into your mind. But you ignore the pain as a new power courses through you. Authority

77 1 2
Iruma's Obscure Ally

Iruma, a seemingly normal child, is sold off by his parents to a powerful demon. Now he must attend demon school because of his new grandfather. And now his grandpa has now put him in the lime light (much to his dismay) but also gave him a helpful speech, yet the words make no sense, "What's Umbrae mean?"

164 2 6
Chaos within a new world

After the destruction of his own world, Izuku is given a second chance yet something is wrong with this new world

155 2 1
Iruma the Prototype

What if Iruma was a genetic experiment gone wrong, not even having a concept of friend or family not knowing what a smile was, a mindless killing machine, less than human

187 2 6
Spectacular Carnage

So hear me out, what if spectacular spiderman but carnage is there an crazy in love with spidey this story will be full of fluff, and the ship is carnage/spiderman I don't own any of these characters and don't claim to

383 2 1
My Shadowed Friend

Izuku Yagi is what you'd call the luckiest yet unluckiest person to exist. Due to his quirkless status he's been nothing but the punching bag for many, including his own mother and sister. Thankfully he does have a few on his side like his best friend Shoto Todoroki and his family, and his own father Toshinori Yagi the best dad in the world (if not very oblivious) For years Izuku thought he only had these few people to help against the daily abuse and bullying, yet what if he had another? One who helped in small ways like leaving a few dollars in Izuku's path after having his allowance stolen be his sister, or even just provided some comfort while he's alone. What if this friend had to show themself in order to save Izuku? how would Izuku react to this friend. Disclaimer: I don't know either MHA, or this cover art

187 1 3
Quit bugging me

After years of torment Izuku gets a chance to become the hero he always wanted to be

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